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Best Poems Written by Noel Billiter

Below are the all-time best Noel Billiter poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Lost In a Walk

Walking outside again, a breeze kisses your face and sways the trees you see along side of you. You notice the detailed gondola across the way, without a doubt as old as the church it's next to. Grand canals await peacefully in the warm sun, soaking up the stream of rays that shred the daylight, piercing your skin with soft radiance. At night thousands of lights are the water's eyes that greet you as you pass. The water looks like a door to heaven, as you peer at it with an amazed look. It is a seamlessly endless place with wonder and excitement crawling around each corner. In the streets a beautiful melody seeps though the darkness and your ears writhe to listen. A harmony of voices joins in to temp and arouse your senses. You follow as if in a trance to see the mystery, you are enveloped by the music, it overpowers you as you float down the sidewalk, aimlessly unaware of everything around you.  

You approach a library. Inside there are brilliantly light portraits lined on each wall, newly polished and cleaned but obviously old and delicate to the touch. You see tall shelves with withering books you swear will fall apart just by the gleam in your eyes. History and intrigue  drip from the ceiling, lashing out at your curious mind and fascinated movements as you stand in awe in the immense world you have just fell into. Dark hallways that whisper and scream the ancient rituals of yesterday, capture your thoughts and dreams as you walk away inspired.

Copyright © Noel Billiter | Year Posted 2016

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Vindictive Vacation

I haven't found the way to heaven
And I don't know who my friends are
So I peeled away my victims 
Just to see them all unravel
I think it's time I start my engine
And kick up some dust and gravel
Just where did all those f@$kers go?
Maybe down to Mexico...
Maybe  a visit to these "friends" of mine
I'll pay them back for their so called time
I'll take a gun and some amunitition
Just in case they fail to listen
Of course poison is another way 
To kill them all and walk away
I'll buy them all a round of drinks
Even wish them happy things
I will smile and wave as they go down 
Then drive away to another town....

Copyright © Noel Billiter | Year Posted 2016

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Karma Comedian

I use to laugh at ironic things
No punishment for the bad deeds
The Bible says that good 10 fold 
The universe returns to us in gold 
That fairytales and nursery rhymes 
Exist to scare and keep us in line
But on this day fate stepped in 
And karma it seems is a comedian 
A lesson weaved throughout every line
Carefully crafted as a warning sign
It was a day like any other 
As usual jumped in the shower 
Quickly washed and rinsed my hair
Noticed too late that it was NAIR!
Every luscious lock and strand
Fell out completely in my hand
What seems like a sick joke being played
Or demented parts a malicious prank
A plot unfolded my part the lead
The lines straight from a horror scene 
Like laws of nature or earths gravity 
The rules we bend to suit our need
Like a boomerang’s invisible path 
It seems to follow when it comes back 
Even the ocean and it’s changing tides
Needs the moon’s persuasive side
We are the keepers of what we seek
And what we sow we indeed will reap
The nightmare that we fear the most
Comes back to haunt us like a ghost
Like Peter Pan and Captain Hook
Just a good story in a children’s book
what if the earth gets bored of us
And decides that we are entertainment 
those characters we read as kids
Like Pinocchio or the 3 little pigs 
Sleeping beauty or the ogre Shrek 
You thought was funny as a sketch 
Brought to life would pose a threat 
Although to you this seems far fetched
The truth Ive written has not been stretched 
I hope you read this and know as fact
What you put out there will soon come back

Copyright © Noel Billiter | Year Posted 2018

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No Mercy Here

They burned under mercy
when suspicion ruled and courts were cruel
willed to sleep when the black soaked in
and candles flamed
as each night tore another sin
silence soared the untamed green
no mercy here among the savage screams
those innocent souls
whose voice they told
no mercy here
I told you so
they spoke
they rose
from ashes of rage
and ultimate smoke

Copyright © Noel Billiter | Year Posted 2011

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The Awakening

Sad eyed virgins screaming their silence
to glaring Christs calming the violence
devils awaiting their new arrivals
innocent angels motionless on pedestals
untouched mortals awaiting their birth
to a new day a new world with unforgiven earth

Copyright © Noel Billiter | Year Posted 2011

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The Book

I wrote in his book
they've all gone wild
the cabin lies in salem
there is witchcraft floating there
go at once spirits drift
somewhat bewildered
the afflicted girls
Abby conjured spells by the fire
I never see the devil
he creeps around my window
I hear him while I sleep
strange dreams
a thousand voices 
cried spirits! spirits!
and the accused were hung
evil set free
its breathes it breathes

Copyright © Noel Billiter | Year Posted 2016

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Paper Moon

A crumbled dim paper moon that lit
Once held boldly and so brilliant 
Stars envied the greatness of its tone
The light it carried upon her throne 
Unrivaled descendants overthrown
It’s fans now scattered scarsly shown
And complicated applause outgrown 
Across the universe parts well known
Penetrated precious and shaded stone
Shadowed darkest blackest chrome
Excited Planetary galaxies composed
Orchestrated melodic yellow hues of gold
Causing chaotic verses spun postpone 
Plans weaved fabricated undertone
The layered ancient voices transposed 
Executes carved sacred deep baritone

Copyright © Noel Billiter | Year Posted 2018

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China Doll

I pull on the vines
Bring them close to my chest
I wrap them around my carcass
please don't fall apart now
I put myself back together
like a broken china doll
a million shards of porcelain 
surround me
I gather up increments of 
there is life in these tiny pieces
I breathe in the transient waves
of their vines, their thoughts
into my own china doll
I repaint her tiny eyes
so that they remain open, 
aware and wide
The cracks remain like tiny 
Their little voice soft and eerie 
Whisper in my porcelain ear 
Steel yourself from past flaws
Know that you are a beautiful 
china doll

Copyright © Noel Billiter | Year Posted 2011

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A Vengeful Sea

Tides of angry crashing waves swell tall
The shore abruptly braces itself
Ancient books and secrets have held
This thousand year old epic battle 
Famous fortunes fortold of this war
Hundreds of fight to settle the score
creatures emerge from the murky deep
abandoning all reason or sympathy 
The salty sweat of its razor tongue 
Lashes out and melts the once brilliant sun
Cursed the landscape into dust
Cliffs and mountains all forsaken 
No longer grace us with their wisdom
A thousand years crushed eviscerated
A scorched earth now blackened ashes

Copyright © Noel Billiter | Year Posted 2018

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The Wager

A friendly wager between the two
A shake of hands and it was through 
God and the Devil struck a deal
How many souls could they steal
subjects of a sinister bet
Humans as the main event
Our fate a twisted competition 
boredom replaced by a bad decision 
Who would win the most souls
And bragging rights and gold medals 
A different kind of entertainment 
To keep them busy for a minute 
This madness trumps all rational
Where right and wrong they can not tell
Like waking up from a demented dream
A nightmare played on a movie screen
Would God betray us and sell us out
Just for lack of something else to do
Maybe Such madness is not so far fetched
To put a price tag on all our heads
But this is just a silly thought 
A harmless notion That I dwell on
Out of boredom and lack of sleep
But what a scary thought indeed
A deal with the devil and god agrees?

Copyright © Noel Billiter | Year Posted 2018


Book: Shattered Sighs