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Best Poems Written by Christian Hardy

Below are the all-time best Christian Hardy poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Black Woman's Ambition

A black stone with diamonds inside
She shines but you would never know
They hit her but she never falls 
They whip her but she never breaks 
Speed in her step even though they try to slow her down
Make her fail, just so that they can beat her down 
Again and again
But they never get the chance 
They tell her she's property 
Meant to be owned
Planting plants that their too lazy to grow
In their eyes she's just a cotton-picker
But she knows better than to believe their foolish words

Black as night
But bright as a star
Hard as a diamond
Hard to break
Locked in a concrete box 
That's hard to take!
She writes with passion
In the shadows 
Hidden from her captures 
Writing the truth of her sufferings 

Sometimes writing away the reality of her captivity 

White clouds surrounding her 
Caving in
Watching her every move
So clear but so dark and evil at the same time
She barely wants to move 
But she doesn't have a choice

She writes with her heart
Not with her head
Writing is her release
Reading is her consumption 
Breathing out then slowly inhaling each and every word 
Falling deeper into someone else’s life and wishing it was her own
That’s why she started writing 
To create a new reality for herself
Envisioning a world of peace
Released from the cage that she has been confined to 

But the cruel world that she has been cursed with by God
Creeps its way up to her neck
Taking hold of any freedom that she had created for herself
In those so few minutes alone
Pulling her from her slumber 
Stripping her of her innocents
Marking her with fire
Crippling her into ashes
Making her realize that there is no way out of this alive
She can only pray for that last day to come sooner 

The morning sun taking her out of her trans, making her sufferings all the more relevant

Copyright © Christian Hardy | Year Posted 2023

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Little Black Bird

A Common Starling
Such rare birds
They live unprotected by those who say that they would stand with them

Poor little black birds
They don't survive for long
The mamas pray
For a brighter day
As their young go out into this world 
Praying that they will live
Something that seems to get harder and harder to do
As the years go on
Endangered by the hawks soring among them

Poor little black birds
I hope you can make it in this cruel and evil world
Where all they do is shoot you down when you try to fly
Snatching you away from the sky

Poor little black birds
It gets harder for them to hide
From those that hate them most

Why do you hate me?
The little one bird asks 
Maybe it's jealousy? Thought the little bird
Is it my luxurious plumage?
My glossy, metallic-like feathers?

Looking bitterly at the little ignorant bird
I tell him in a slow and cold voice

Copyright © Christian Hardy | Year Posted 2023

Details | Christian Hardy Poem

The Sharing of Crop

They said we would be rid of our chains 
But, they've only grown tighter 
They said that welts would heal and fade
But, all I feel is the tenderness of new wounds
We’re always looking up at the stars
Cause our feet never seem to touch the ground
We HANG above the rest!
But not in a way you would expect?

So, this is the sharing of the crop?
They issued us free, right?
But I don’t feel it
That emancipation proclamation of devastation 
Of disappointment
The ink is distorted by the tears of decomposed slaves

Waiting to be seen and heard
They laugh at our pain
What pleasure is there to be gained??

You call yourself “sharing?”
Only taking away more from us 
Say that we just have "a little more" debt to work off
As the hours turn to days
Days turn to weeks
Weeks turn to years

At the command of God 
They lock us behind bars
Whip us with our sins and hatred 
Discipline us with our disobedience

The captivity of our sins is too much to bare
I want to die!
I can no longer handle being alive
The muscle falls from the bones
As I become apart of the Earth
Along with the sins of my ancestors

Copyright © Christian Hardy | Year Posted 2023

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The Backpack

Your like my backpack
So heavy and stiff
Do you ever get tired of carrying that sack around?
It's heavier than mine
Except i can't see it

No one can
No one even knows it's there
To be honest i don't think that anyone else really cares
Does it bother you that heavy thing on your back
Or do you just hope that they can't see it 
As you hunch over trying to look relaxed

Man, that backpack
All covered in black
Pockets in the front and the back
A big old backpack
You try to get rid if it 
I watch you fight with it everyday
But it doesn't go away?
It just sits there
In dismay
Just like you

Except it doesn't want to get rid of the pain that it causes
You toss and you turn through the hallways 
Hoping to be ignored
But that backpack is up to no good
It's a menace
It makes you frown
And feel like everything in your life is going down

I have the same backpack
Except yours is a lot bigger than mine
Bigger pockets
Thicker straps
And a whole lot sturdier

But I'm glad that i don't have that backpack of yours
Having to carry around all that bagage
Having it control your every move
Make all of your decisions
Control your life

Uh that's some backpack
Holding all that stuff inside
Trying to look put together on the outside
But as soon as you open it up
A mess of papers and pens fall out 

Copyright © Christian Hardy | Year Posted 2023

Details | Christian Hardy Poem

Birthday Wishes

Blessed to watch you grow
And prosper everyday
Getting taller
Getting stronger 
Living longer 

Becoming more independent
A bird flying without its mother's wings
You are a lifetime of goods things...
Is yet to come...

But first let's celebrate the 8 years you have lived
A fork clanking against a dish
As we sing another birthday wish!

- I love you & happy birthday to my little sister Chloe!

Copyright © Christian Hardy | Year Posted 2023

Details | Christian Hardy Poem


Shot like tequila 
See the blood 
See it splatter 
On ground
Like it matters?
See the boats as they row
Watch the wind as it blows
This is Black?
Yeah, it is
I know it's sad
But so is this

One gun to ya chest
One gun to ya head
Couple knees on ya neck
Just to make sure that your dead

Rope round the tree
Sending blood down your body 
Staining your fresh white tee
Black kids don't live long enough to say "cheese"

White people profit off of seeing you in pain
While you wait for a change that you'll never see
One that only God can give you 

Black mother's weep
As they sweep
White mother's watch them cry
Over bodies that were hung
If you read the Bible it feels more like a suicide 
Listening to songs that were sung

Copyright © Christian Hardy | Year Posted 2023

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Imagine a Lover

The man of my dreams
Is not rich
Nor is he wealthy
Some have teeth made of gold
But he has a heart made of gold
His silence is loud
Speaking with his eyes
Always listening and thinking

He is beautiful on the outside
But it will never live up to the inside
Insatiable words
Narrow hips
With thighs of steel
He has the sweetest soul
The kindest eyes
The warmest arms
The strongest jaw
You cut your finger from just the touch

The horse voice he gives off
Letting you know when he's close
The rough hands that stayed glued to your body during the night
The deep labored breaths as you both reach the end together

The sound of his laugh
That penetrates your soul
Making you wonder how could you ever live without that sound
The narrowness of his hips
Those lips that kiss and eat you like your a full course meal on a silver platter

Copyright © Christian Hardy | Year Posted 2023

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Hi my name is Money
Some call me honey
(But ain't nothing sweet)
I'm kinda cocky cause I know that people want me
I'm what you crave
Work for
Sell your body and soul for
Show just a little bit more for

Only 6 inches long and 2 inches wide
But size don't matter when I can buy you a new life
Make you greedy
Coming back for more
I know you'll love what I give
But you might hate what I take

I'll take your dignity
Create toxic masculinity
Destroy femininity

You think you have my loyalty
But you can't hold me down for long
Not unless you are willing to do more to keep me

You could call me a hoe cause I've been touched by everyone
But you'll touch anyone just to touch me

Copyright © Christian Hardy | Year Posted 2024

Details | Christian Hardy Poem

The True Devil

Eyes of a trader 
With words of wisdom
You make destruction look so good
You don't use force
But the beauty and cursive of your words is tantalizing 

You can make dreams come true
But what they don't realize is your true intentions are very much cruel
Your like a rock that has been painted gold
You look pretty and real on the outside 
But once someone cracks you open 
They realize just how dark, cold, and worthless you really are

But you don't fool me
With that toothy grin 
That cunning smile
Like a snake waiting to strike its next prey

He gives you just enough to keep you coming back for more
Having mistaken your curses for blessings 
Praying for gold instead of glory
Riches instead of righteousness 

Allowing your mind to grow smaller
Being carnal minded
Your flesh stinks of indecency and willfulness 
You make a mockery of his words

We were supposed to be the chosen ones
But instead we dirty his floors with our muddy feet 
Then we wonder why we're hanging from trees
Like the ornaments we hang on that dreadful Christmas holiday 
Used for target practice by those who are supposed to protect us

We wonder why we can't rise to the top no matter how hard we work
And the only people we can blame is ourselves 
We are dirty 
Refusing to bathe
We reek of sin 
Like an alcoholic 
Drowning in Gin

We are killing each other without even using weapons 
Men the call themselves preachers 
They don't deserve to be watchmen 
They would be better at being hit men 
Because of all the lives they are consuming with their ignorance 

You try to warn them before it's too late
But they refuse to listen
Calling you a liar?
Their ears plugged with thick wax
So much so that they can't hear
Refuse to hear

Who is the real devil?
You may ask?
It's US!

Copyright © Christian Hardy | Year Posted 2023

Details | Christian Hardy Poem

Red Apple

Always on my mind
The apple of my eye

A core so sweet
Makes me wanna eat the seeds inside
That bright red color that comes through
As sun shines down on you

You grow 
You might not be everyone's favorite
But that's only because they haven't ment you

You rise above the rest
Directly at the top of the tree

You shine
The one that everyone wants but can't have
But some how you fell into the palms of my hands
Right when i walked by
Your captivating red skin

Sweet red apple!

Copyright © Christian Hardy | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs