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Best Poems Written by Tylyn Lamb

Below are the all-time best Tylyn Lamb poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Physical attraction leading to a one night stand
After not using protection missing that first period
Raging that he lied and told you he couldn’t have kids
Engaging in a “relationship” that just weeks ago didn’t exist
Never thinking that being a mom is something you could do alone
Then he got the heck outta dodge and left you to do it on your own
Having no clue how to be a mom or what to do
Oddly you overcame those odds and birthed not one baby but two
Only one month after your first kid was born you took Dad back
Deciding that he deserved a chance too, its been 8 years he never left or turned back

Copyright © Tylyn Lamb | Year Posted 2021

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The Mirror

The Mirror
There is something in this universe that shows us things exactly for what they are. 
Some things we desperately want to change and some people are content with it all.
The mirror never lies and sometimes it is the enemy you never knew you had….
The mirror.

You take your hand and slowly lift it up to the dirty disheveled mirror in your bedroom.
Your fingertips glaze the surface and leave a clean reminisce in the dust.
Tears roll down your cheek as it is almost too disheartening to see the reflection. 
You are tired. 
You are unkept from depression.
Things that should be every day routine, are now more like chores.

Why cant you change what you see? 
It is one constant that will never change.
The mirror never lies. 
How? How can the one thing that is truthful in your life bring you so much sadness?
The mirror.

You turn from your reflection and fall the floor. 
You are on your knees, head in your hands.
You cry out to whoever will listen. 
You pause. 
You pick your head up. 
You turn back and walk toward the mirror. 
You push back the tears that well up in your eyes. 

You calm your mind and think to yourself momentarily.
There is also another constant, and its one you always shined a negative light on.
Why do you hate what you see? 
The words of others possibly?
Or was it just you seeing yourself in the worst way possible?
Not knowing how to make amends with the person staring back at you.
You look away and place your left hand on your right shoulder. 
“Seems as though you love yourself more than you think you do. 
So next time you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see,
Don’t be so hard on yourself.
Because at the end of the day, the only person you truly can rely on,
Is ME.”

So today you can make a vow to uphold. 
Don’t hate the reflection because it isn’t perfect.
You are a work in progress. 
Growing mentally stronger with each hardship you overcome and sometimes don’t overcome. 
Don’t be afraid to put yourself first. 
Being selfish is scary but being too selfless is deadly. 
The mirror never lies.

Copyright © Tylyn Lamb | Year Posted 2021

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Just because I’m breathing, doesn’t mean I’m alive.
A walking vessel, with one purpose and one drive.
Willing to abandon everything for one more magical ride.
To escape reality, trading in shame for my pride.

Ignoring my intuition, yelling and screaming for me to break free.
The demon I invited into my life, constricting its grip on me mentally.
Hush now be quiet, its probably too late.
Ill never find myself sober, and soon I will meet my fate.

Feeling like im always falling, reaching for that last bit of hope.
God grabbed my hand and threw me a rope.
He pulled me up and embraced me in his arms.
I was safe, warm and away from harm.

Reborn, awakened, he gave me meaning.
I always had trouble making myself aware or even believing.
Ill never turn back to that life, it just wasn’t the path He set forth.
But I will never forget I was an addict that God knew had self worth.

Copyright © Tylyn Lamb | Year Posted 2021

Book: Shattered Sighs