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Best Poems Written by Michelle Neubauer

Below are the all-time best Michelle Neubauer poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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White Light

You truly are an angel

Sent down from above
Your wings surround us with love
You are there to teach us the path
We learn there's no turning back

We reach a fork in the road
You tell us not to go home
You help us to face our fears
You magically wipe away our tears
You hold our hand tight
And teach us to fight
When darkness looms
You provide us the tools to many rooms
When we run fast to escape
You reach out your hand and tell us

To remember footprints in the sand
When the darkness is all you see

You teach us to fight our illness
With all our might
When we need the light

To break into darkness
You tell us not to fright
That angels are on their way
To try to keep the darkness at bay
You help us find little ways
Inside our minds
And slowly a light breaks through
We have great relief
As all your tools helped us find

All the light we have deep inside

Copyright © Michelle Neubauer | Year Posted 2008

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  The votes have been tallied and the race has been called.   So why do I feel like Americans are about to fall?
  I close my eyes and I can feel violence brewing. I can taste it on my tongue in the wind that shifts directions. 
  This country is not the same as the one I watched and lived in as a girl.  Words are now tossed around without thought of meaning.  The most dangerous weapon is the voice that leads millions.  The voice that lashes out to strike us down like the forked tongue of a snake.   The vicious words and orders that darken our souls.  
  Can you hear the rallying cry?  The call like a siren who uses her voice to pull in unsuspecting victims and leads them to their death.  The vision played off of pretty lips that feed the soul.  The trust is almost instantaneous. It’s a blind faith to follow the call. Pulling us in and sending us out.  
  Can the call be fought? Can the danger dissipate?  Can we open our eyes and see who really is the wolf parading as a sheep?   Can we save ourselves and our loved ones before the dangerous maw of the wolf snaps around the neck of millions?  
  We are on the cusp of a new day yet on the edge of a narrow cliff. The promise of darkness and bloodshed moving in on us.  We exercised our right and free will.  So why does it feel like we’re about to shatter still?  This has nothing to do with class. It’s blind trust and faith that we follow. This is our country, our lives and our rights. Rights put into place long ago to protect us from falling.  To keep us united in our differences. So why are these rights what brought out the worst in us?  
  The day is short and the darkness looms. I can feel it throughout every room.  The hate that has festered and fed our souls.  This no longer feels like home.  
  This is my call in desperation and love.  My plea to all those filled with violent glee.  We can be sad, glad or angry. We can disagree and be on different sides.  
  With a gasping breath I ask you to please pause and try to remember who we are.  We are Americans and we can stand as one or let our division be what finally makes democracy fall.   Make no mistake democracy doesn’t fall alone.   There are no pretty words or clocks to turn back time.  What we do now will be watched by all.

Copyright © Michelle Neubauer | Year Posted 2022

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Little Girl Within

You sit at the window sill

And gaze out as if time was still

You think about life 

You realize yours wasn't much of a thrill

Your emotions began to spill

Then suddenly you hear children laughing

Then you see the young girl in the corner they are laughing at

Looking back to their faces they are all smiling and pointing

The girls face became red with shame

In her eyes you saw her wanting to get away

  To fast forward to another day

She began to pick up her papers 

Looking down at the ground

Careful not to look up and let them see her tears coming down

Her whole body trembling in fear

As they look on smiling you can see they did not care

About the girl they made want to disappear

You call out to her and she walks over tears spilling from her eyes

You hand her a tissue and say dry your face

She looks up at you 

Through bright blue eyes clouded with pain

And asked you one simple question

Will life always be this way?

You thought for a second on how to react

In that instance the girl was gone

You search out the window

And realize you were stuck in limbo

The young girl that wished to hide

And stand tall by your side 

Took her place deep inside

You feel her where she resides

The scared little girl no one knew

You touch your hand to your face

Wanting to erase all the pain and mistakes

It was then you realized 

There was no turning back

It was time to remove the mask

You look in the mirror 

Suddenly you can see more clearer

You turn away and take a step towards your new day

As you move forward something tugged at you

And you felt the darkness

You moved on knowing it was the darkness that helped

All the little children with deep pain

That never seemed to go away.

You opened the door to a whole new life

Hoping this time to get it right.

Copyright © Michelle Neubauer | Year Posted 2008

Details | Michelle Neubauer Poem

Sugar and Spice

Sugar and Spice

Sugar and Spice, just like fire and ice.  Not all things pretty can be made nice.  It was sweet as a treat, but now it’s laid out like crumbs for the mice.  Hot and cold is like new and old.  As fire is made from a flame, the ashes get caught up in the wind are carried away.  As ice is beautiful and bold it’s also hard to control.  The freezing of one’s heart can lead to worlds being torn apart.  The fire can run through the veins, but seldom can it be reined or retained.  Running wild and free it doesn’t stop and listen to the breeze.  The sounds of joy or the sounds of cries.  Both sit upon a dual bladed knife.  It is the way of this life.  Can one feel as if they died twice?  Being brave and being bold is something to truly behold.  As a snake sheds its skin can we too become anew?  It would be nice if that were true.  Seeing the world as if your brand new.  Instead, it is common to send flowers in lieu.  Versus seeds that need to be planted still.  Seldom do people stop and view, asking what one can do and what is troubling you.  Kind thoughts and intentions can be misconstrued.  Only you know what is really true.  It’s all how you want to be viewed.  As strong as fire or cold as ice.  Neither of which always turn out nice.  Sugar is sweet but only salt can thaw the ice.  Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all just get along and be nice.  Like the fires flame it flirts with danger, blue and orange move around each other as if created by a painter.  Oil and water, fire and ice.  Sugar is sweet, but like ice neither are nice.  There is a bitterness in the air.  One can try to keep their head and spirit clear.  Everyday is like a fight, inside of us between fire and ice.  Outside we fight against that sneaking spice.  
                                                                                      ~Michelle Neubauer Berube

Copyright © Michelle Neubauer | Year Posted 2023

Book: Shattered Sighs