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Best Poems Written by Tibor Viskovic

Below are the all-time best Tibor Viskovic poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Infinite Speck of Perception

Great blue sky above
Great blue sea below
Turquoise mornings
And warm sunsets' glow
What more could one have need for
What else might there be to seek? 
When perception arises to its peak
Then one loses all the words to speak

Copyright © Tibor Viskovic | Year Posted 2020

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Dance of Eternal Things

In the morning a lion rises from its sleep
Concerned by thousand images of restless dreams
It roars in search of his own image as it is seen in a puddle of muddy water
Tirelessly he roams until midday Sun grazes its gracefulness upon his face
He is lost in its beauty
Paralyzed by the chaos of things that burden a day

On a midday Sun a lazy elephant threads upon the Earth with a heavy footsteps
Non-important things become life threatening
He wrinkles his eyes as he has lost sight of wide landscapes
Where is he threading towards?
There is a monkey pulling on his tail, ever restless 

In the hot charred earth one can see footsteps that leave no shadow
One big, one small, intertwined 
If I does not see carefully
Footsteps seem to lose their differentiation in the infinite footsteps layed upon ground of the Earth
Differentiate! How hollow those footsteps seem 
How brittle those shadows must be!

A great bird rises in the dusk and to great heights he flies
Now the footsteps are but paths, and paths are but a curvatures imprinted on landscape
Smiling, he feels the wind in his wings
And he speeds ever closer to the Sun
Free, between Sun and Earth
Everything lost its meaning
What is true in this world?

Milion crystal lights appear in the night sky
Serene, they shower those who are lost
The world is now theirs
Made up of the Sun and the Earth,
Of day and night and things usefull and those not so
A wanderer can find that all the paths are but one path
Repeated endlessly in a Great dance of eternal things

Day, night, night and day
Molecules speeding around a core
As much as light shines around a saint
Night, day, day and night
Space widens and time slows
Now is all-time
Endless in its dance
How far must wanderer wander
And how long must a seeker seek
Is light endless or does darkness devour it in the end?
When you hear no-sound
Hear then how light shines
Lion, elephant, monkey and falcon
They dance their own dance
Day, night, Sun and stars
In a dance of eternal things

Copyright © Tibor Viskovic | Year Posted 2020

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Walking amidst encumbered world
I stumbled upon a lonely fountain
The snow falls from the mountains
And heavy rain destroys my sandals
So I sigh heavily, but alas, it is to no avail
The water is cold
The heart is heavy

A bird flies from branch to branch
Chirping away its worries
Since there are no waters left in this world 
Only this fountain can heal the hearts wounds

I dive my head in;
Strange are the sounds of rain 
And clouds of pain
And hearts' strains

I find myself in this golden hall
Filled with soft flowing water
Here, the heart is healed
How sweet are those waters!
How rare are they!

Another day ends, another journey begins
Never again shall I be thirsty
Never again will I forget this fountain
Never again will water stop flowing
And never again shall heart be smitten 
As long as this fountain does not escape the vision
Never again shall I have a need for another strain

Copyright © Tibor Viskovic | Year Posted 2020

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I watch the yellow moon on a colourless night 
Sounds of cricket breaking the hum of silence
Distant footsteps echo through the streets
It is a labyrinth to a visitor uncalled for

There is the sea, with a golden strip of fiery reflection of the moon
Nose is cold but the smell of Fall invigorates an old soul 
Leaves fall from the vines
And hedges kiss the gardens long forgotten
Thus, old soul drinks from the fountain herein
Sun is the Moon 
Moon is the Sun
So it is
And may it ever be

The moon is hidden!
Like the Sun in an eclipse
Breath of the dragon prevails nevertheless 
Its coming to me
And everyone that sees it
Only the wise know it is the phoenix in its sleep
When he wakes
Summer will show its face once again
And leaves will also be ripe again
To dance the eternal dance
Accompanied by the sound of Creation

The night slowly makes its way away from here and now
Fire is extinguished and the sea is calm once again
Lost sight of the moon, it is hidden by a dark cloud
The mist engulfs the visions in a comfortable way
Wake up and realize!
There is no dreams on such a solitary night
Impermanence it is
And can only ever be

Copyright © Tibor Viskovic | Year Posted 2020

Details | Tibor Viskovic Poem

Coronometry Pt I

The Great curse has befallen upon our land
And even the tiniest of creatures are bedazzled
As we are struck down by this nemesis
Dark clouds have appeared in everyones' minds

It is of no solace to be reminiscent of better days
Alone, shut off off the rest of the world
We count the dead and the days
As the days become dead as each one brings new death
Not even time to mourn, but with all the time in the world
In the darkest of days we count Sun's rays
Hopefull that soon there will be no more counting

It is a passing thing
Dry twig snapping under sheer pressure of time
Passing days shall bring forth passing of plays
Dark clouds shall once again be torn apart by strong winds
Dark thoughts shall once again be torn apart by strong wills
Grassy meadows shall once again be ever so green
Shining brightly showered by the pure gold of the great Sun
Waters will wash away the horrors 
And the unison of all humankind will be painted on everyones' smile
May it never wash away again
There is no curse strong enough to whitstand a sincere smile
And an open heart

Copyright © Tibor Viskovic | Year Posted 2020

Book: Shattered Sighs