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Best Poems Written by Michelle Chargualaf

Below are the all-time best Michelle Chargualaf poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Essence of My Being

Who I never wanted to be…
a cynic,
an instigator,
an attacker,
a terrorist,
a killer,
a destroyer, 
a victim,
damaged goods,
an actress,
a tragedy,
a weapon,
a recluse,
an interpreter,
a broken spirit,
broken hearted, 
a threat.

Who I am meant to be…
a Child,
a Servant,
a Mother,
a Student,
a Teacher,
a Provider, 
a Dragon,
a Martial Artist,
a Mentor,
an Advocate,
a Politician,
a Lawyer,
an Analyst,
a Scientist,
an Inventor,
a Troubleshooter,
a Problem Solver,
a Fixer,
a Creator,
a Psychologist,
a Theorist,
a Linguist,
a Warrior,
a Poet,
a Lover,
a Friend,
a Daughter,
a Sister,
a Survivor,
a Humanitarian,
an Ambassador of World Peace.

Copyright © Michelle Chargualaf | Year Posted 2008

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Do I Dare Ask? - a Dedication To the Lord

Do I dare ask?
When I learn who I am is not who I deceived me to be!

Do I dare ask?
When what I am taught are the lessons of what ought to be!

Do I dare ask?
When forgiving my abusers is no longer irony!

Do I dare ask?
When the joy I have is greater than one ought to receive!

Do I dare ask?
When hurt that once consumed me is healed instantly!

Do I dare ask?
When mortification cannot define my feelings of  when I fail Thee!

Do I dare ask?
When I become someone better than already the best of me!

Do I dare ask?
When what He shares is greater than anyone could conceive!

Do I dare ask?
When I can use my life’s traumas to teach others to avoid thee.

Do I dare ask?
When I now have more compassion contained in all of me!

Do I dare ask?
When I remember all the miracles I have been fortunate to see!

Do I dare ask?
When the truth may sometimes hurt, yet is so precious to me!

Do I dare ask?
When doing so brings Him closer than I deserve to be?

Do I dare ask?
When my heart can love deeper than I could ever foresee!

Do I dare ask?
When I can marvel at such wonders I feel so blessed to be me!

Do I dare ask?
When my Mentor positions me higher than that of royalty!

Do I dare ask?
When I see my own potential now that I am no longer serving me!

Do I dare ask?
When I realize throughout my life He has always been with me!

Do I dare ask?
When my world is made anew for knowing and loving Thee!

Do I dare ask?
When my reward for asking this one question is life for eternity?

Copyright © Michelle Chargualaf | Year Posted 2008

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Broken toys…
Broken televisions…
Broken dishes…
Broken windows…
Broken cars…
Broken parents…
Broken children…
Broken families…
Broken homes…
Broken friendships… 
Broken lives…
Broken dreams…
Broken spirits…
Broken hearts…
Broken hopes…
Broken systems…
Broken communities…
Broken nations…
Broken world…
Broken leads to depression, pain, suffrage, death and decay.
Broken is the pathway to evil.
Fixing “broken” leads to healing, happiness, love, unity and peace…

Copyright © Michelle Chargualaf | Year Posted 2008

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The Cowardly Crab

Tormented, frustrated and tired, I look to faith to drive me forward.
I sit insecure, yet hopeful that I will joyously witness the promises of tomorrow.
The ever so powerful Lord, will He acknowledge me, and bless my existence. 
I am, after all, just one of many crabs here, and we often hide from others out of 

All of my life I have been afraid, except when I vas very young. In youth, I was 
fearless because I was not aware of those threats that could have been fatal to 
me. I
I have since learned to be more cautious and only venture out of my safe 
confines to 
satisfy my hunger needs. Safety only exists deeply embedded in the cervices of 
the algae covered rocks, placed naturally along the shoreline. Therefore, I must 
slowly come out to dine, yet quickly retreat in the crevice if danger is imminent.

In spite of my life’s dangers, I have visions of becoming more than a cowering 
crab. Never will a crab like me find true purpose, if I am stuck in the daily ritual of 
surviving.  With passion in my heart and determination in my mind, I take a huge 
plunge off my rock into the raging water below.

Copyright © Michelle Chargualaf | Year Posted 2008

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If Only the World Could See Things Through My Eyes

If only the world could see things through my eyes…
Trusting in others would never harm you and even strangers would help a 
person in need.

If only the world could see things through my eyes…
Man would value all life and feel his own insignificance within the grand scheme 
of our vast universe.

If only the world could see things through my eyes…
People would drive into the darkness, lie atop their cars and experience the 
awesomeness of the starlit sky. 

If only the world could see things through my eyes…
More people would find pleasure in a bird singing or take time to pet a cat 
passing by.

If only the world could see things through my eyes…
Those that think they know animals would realize the simplicity and gentleness 
of their true nature. 

If only the world could see things through my eyes…
Others would no longer doubt me even though the truth is what I live by. 

If only the world could see things through my eyes…
Parents would love and cherish their children, instead of turning them away from 
their lives as easily as unwanted pets. 

If only the world could see things through my eyes…
People would no longer fear me, but would eagerly desire to share in my joy.

If only the world could see things through my eyes…
My children would know all the strength and sacrifice I offer to ensure their 
security and happiness.

If only the world could see things through my eyes…
Social injustice would cease to exist and life’s pleasures would be status quo for 

If only the world could see things through my eyes…
Pursuing wealth and fame would reveal its self-serving nature and people would 
all join together in an effort to save what remains of our beautiful world.

If only the world could see things through my eyes…
The Lord would share with them a love so powerful and they too could witness 
His great wonders.

If only the world could see things through my eyes…
We would finally have heaven on Earth!!!

Copyright © Michelle Chargualaf | Year Posted 2008

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Remember where you came from.
Remember where you have been.
Remember whom you have encountered.
Remember whom you have known,
Remember joyous moments.
Remember sorrow too.
Remember all the lessons.
Remember the lessons you forgot.
Remember your Father.
Remember your Mentor.
Remember Mother Earth.
Remember the universe. 
Remember to remember.
Remember gratitude.
Remember to be humble.
Remember your heart.
Remember always to love.

Copyright © Michelle Chargualaf | Year Posted 2008

Details | Michelle Chargualaf Poem

Why Sonny

I never knew the day I first met you that we would end up becoming so close.
Somehow between talking politics and having casual conversation, I discovered 
you were a very special person.
So special, in fact, that when I was having a bad day I reached out to you and you 
made my day bright again.
Dining at your restaurant has now become part of my routine…simply because I 
enjoy the pleasure of your company.
And when I go to see you perform…I get mesmerized gazing at you passionately 
playing your guitar with such grace.
It’s ironic...I really do not know how you managed to become so dear to me…you 
just have.
You need not be afraid of my feelings for you…you are just someone who brings 
joy in my life at a time when I am in need of emotional healing.
This is why I say you have “magical healing powers”…you nurture a part of me 
that has been neglected for far too long…you are making me whole again.
And all that you are simply doing is being “Sonny”…and that is all that I need.

Copyright © Michelle Chargualaf | Year Posted 2008

Details | Michelle Chargualaf Poem

Death Or Prevalence of a Crab

Tormented and tired I pick myself up to face another day.
Will it be blessed by the ever so powerful Lord?
Or will it be washed away like sand with the receding tide?

My life is twisted, with many paths leading me into greater sorrow.
Will this life I lead consume me? 
Or will I survive another chance to see tomorrow? 

What will become of this prestige-seeking crab who bares a soul of survival?
Will she prevail in the vast ocean waters?
Or will she die slamming against the cliffs upon a crashing wave?

Copyright © Michelle Chargualaf | Year Posted 2008

Details | Michelle Chargualaf Poem

I Am

I am a babe yet, I am an elder…

I am pure yet, I am corruption…

I am beauty yet, I am ugly…

I am strong yet, I am weak…

I am honor yet, I am disgraceful…

I am holy yet, I am sinful…

I am great yet, I am humble…

I am peace yet, I am at war…

I am wise yet, I am ignorant…

I am love yet, I am hateful…

I battle yet, I seek salvation…

And only One can aid me in defining…

The true knowledge of which I struggle…

As to whom I am this being…

Of to whom I Truly Am.

Copyright © Michelle Chargualaf | Year Posted 2008

Book: Shattered Sighs