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Family Villanelle Poems

These Family Villanelle poems are examples of Villanelle poems about Family. These are the best examples of Villanelle Family poems written by international poets.

Villanelles IV

She Always Grew Roses
by Michael R. Burch

a belated eulogy for my grandmother, Lillian Lee 

Tell us, heart, what the season discloses. 
“Too little loved...

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Categories: angel, eulogy, family, grandmother,

Premium Member I'M, We'Re, Growing
I am, as were my parents before me,
undoubtedly, their parents before them...
perpetuating our family tree.

Trusting in God, and Jesus Christ is key
to their faith, as...

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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: appreciation, birth, creation, destiny,

Premium Member She Moved Upstairs
our angel who sleeps so peacefully there
the foundation that supports all our lives
no momma' didn't die; she moved upstairs

hands that can play Amazing Grace with...

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© Ricky Muse  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: mother son, remember,

The Sycamore Tree
I was born to breathe free, outdoors  
count my rings and you will know how old I am 
I come from a family of...

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Categories: introspection,

Premium Member Sweet Dreams of Youth
Sweet dreams of youth sweet dreams of youth; sweet dreams are sweet with
    melons and dew from the morning mist to give...

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Categories: age, america, appreciation,

Premium Member One Poet's Confession
Sometimes my mind wanders aimlessly
I find myself indulging in silly frivolity,
When I think about it, rather shamelessly.

Occasionally I pen things distastefully,
Not considering my life’s finer...

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Categories: perspective, poets, writing,

Premium Member Festering Wound
The family ties are frayed by a festering wound
The siblings are fighting over their parent’s will,
The oldest brother a younger sister has impugned.

As fighting continued,...

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Categories: family,

Premium Member Jill's Segregationist Family Attacks-
Jill couldn't stop thinking about the blacks
she was just so hot and red so mad
But she could never forget the feedback

That morning, Jill was shocked...

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Categories: analogy, anxiety, discrimination, hate,

In the Land Where the Bears and Tigers Sleep
In the land where the bears and tigers sleep
Rests the man whom I had once called brother,
And he climbed over his mountains so steep.

We snuck...

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Categories: brother, death, dedication, eulogy,

Premium Member Stand In a Field and Scream
When you are confused, anxious, in pain, your stomach in a granny knot.
Near the end, nowhere to go, no friends, no family that understands.
"Stand in...

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Categories: anxiety, betrayal, depression, lost

Premium Member Burial of a Young Soldier
The bugles will sound in the distant courtyard
The proud soldier came home from the cause,
Many tears will be shed with noted regard.

A much-decorated warrior in...

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Categories: conflict, death, soldier, veterans

Premium Member When They Exhume My Poems
When I die
I give the Pulitzer Board 
To exhume my lyrics

And some overweight ME
Will put my verses on a slab
Going thru my stanzas for tone

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Categories: villanelle, assonance, death, eulogy, i

Premium Member Devil On Earth- a Major World Problem
You may have heard the devil was banished to hell,
there was no place in God’s heaven for his misdeeds,
when thrown from heaven, on our planet,...

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Categories: betrayal, christian, grave, hate,

Premium Member A Far Cry
Hopeless cries from faraway Africa are heard 
Searing sands of Ethiopia cry for sustainable water 
Children are dying, never having spoken a word. 

Desperate fathers...

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Categories: africa, children, death, hurt,

Premium Member Christmas Day
What joy we feel on Christmas Day
For children everywhere a thrill
Gifts have arrived on Santa's sleigh

Our tree, a colourful display
With lights, glitter and much tinsel

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Categories: celebration, christmas, family,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things