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Read Yawning(A) Poems Online


In the twilight valleys where shadows weave endless tapestries

In the twilight valleys where shadows weave endless tapestries,
Where the breath of dusk embroiders the horizon in shades of evening,
A hermit dreams, his window an eternal portal flung wide open,
To skies where eternity whispers secrets to the gathered stars.
He is the sole architect of the divine murmur,
Casting his heart as a sacred manuscript upon the wings of the wind,
His solitude, an overflowing chalice of elegy and ancient hymns,
Breathing life into the yawning void, preventing the collapse into suffocation.
Mountains bow in reverence to his silent reveries,
While forests etch their ancient tales into the tapestry of his thoughts,
Cascades of time pour forth in silvered streams,
Reflecting the profound melancholy coursing through the eternal poet.
He speaks the language of distant stars and forgotten rivers,
Each word forming galaxies, each sentence an ocean,
Transforming the mundane into ethereal shades of sublimity,
Infusing the ordinary with the haunting echoes of infinity.
The world, a fragile latticework of sighs and whispered secrets,
Would disintegrate into dust, deprived of his solitary songs of solace,
For he, with the poet’s quill, sanctifies every breath of existence,
Imbuing dawn’s light and the twilight’s tender kiss with poetry’s grace.
In his sanctuary, where the cosmos extends a delicate breath,
Blooms a garden of celestial rhymes, infinite in their beauty,
Every leaf inscribed with verses, each blossom a timeless sonnet,
Softly voicing the profound mysteries of the beyond.
Thus the hermit, sentinel of the arcane horizon,
With his window open, offers us a fleeting vision,
A glimpse of sacred transcendence within the fabric of reality,
Saving the world from the abyss of insignificance with the brushstroke of the divine.

Copyright © Dan Enache


Book: Shattered Sighs