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Read With Authority Poems Online



     The harness digs into tender, wounded flesh.  
Growth has exceeded our bonds and makes them uncomfortable…painful. 
     Only then do we notice, realize, the bit in our mouth.
 Friction inducing sores around raw, skinless lips. 
Only then do we see the driving reins that have been leading us to take the right paths. 
     Just as a mother bird will push their offspring from the nest into flight, our Authority desires for us to stretch and grow enough to break free of our bonds! 
     Seek liberty from the law with zeal and eagerness!
 When our desires have matured past the selfish stage and reached majority, to match the will of God, then freedom does not lead one along the wrong path. 
     Liberty leads to *love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance; against such there is no law! 
------------------------        --------------------------       --------------------------
Remove bit, bridle
Eagerly the horse runs free
Down the right path home

*(Galatians 5:22-23)

Copyright © Crystol Woods


Book: Shattered Sighs