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Increase In Head Size

Increase In Head Size

impossible mission to encapsulate notion 
flitting hither and yon, to and fro
within cranium attached to mine body,
whereby irrefutable proof prevails
predicated when yours truly
scrutinizes other people visibly aware,
I a modest married male 
blessed, gifted, whence   
after Scottish Tartan welcome mat unrolled 
allowing, enabling, and providing 

yours truly as former Beatle browed 
foo fighting afterlife member with
grateful dead Mötley Crüe 
subsequently quoted posthumously 
far and wide as generic, yet proud mortal 
with ability to garner massive 
fount of knowledge
accrued throughout mein kampf,
yet wonders how such cumulative learning 
jam packed tightly 

within sixty plus shades of gray matter) 
nonetheless garden variety Homo sapien 
got genetically cheated, 
gypped, stinted, et cetera
concerning diminutive measurement 
of his hirsute covered thinker
in other words, a disappointment prevails
regarding smaller than average head size
housing the ways and means
to transport yours truly 
upon little feet for a grown man.

mine nippy nap noopy noggin (property 
of doodling dandy Yankee) yanked 
with unsubstantiated figurative yen
noah wide dee ya - Hawaii or when,
Yukon ask me to Maui,
where, why or how then
thine ark of insight fullness arose, 
nevertheless yours truly doth pen
(the above and following words),
regarding... pondering aha moment
linkedin with expanding cranium capacity
reference made to poem title

(observation not applicable;
i.e. denied writer of these words, -
who considers himself clodpoll),
a lyft in main gate 
of me consciousness did open
escorting uber snorting 
noble... what the f*** taurus driving Ford; 
aries (actually arise zing) 
cheese silly steering toward toreador
eventually ramming esse caped 
bull rider capricorn to pisces,
similar to no contest
among mice and men
or torturous quirky physiologically 
experimental signature laboratory 
rat in a cage 
tormented viz black barbed dollops 
scientist tapping into her/his scrunched ken
grateful for fee fie foe fum 
cussing anti-vivisectionists 
which aforestated ruse - stirs analogous 
accompaniment with mother clucking hen
chosen poetic themed wordsmith 
housed in his mancave den.

this wheely tireless confusion 
royally loopy gobbledygook
invisibly emanating gassy gut head
eureka moment (regarding
figurative crash test
dummy awakening) drove home
this aye opening
pissed tin, peculiar, pated preserve.

four score minus seventeen years ago bonjour
earthlinked contemplative - bore
ring emotive fella, regarding yours truly 
otherwise three score and three
year old mortal cannot pinpoint 
if thee essential addle skull 
measurement housing fifth, sixth, 
seventh... heavenly strung out dimensions
of mine built-in bonafide helmet lesser more
smaller than average heard from a digital thread,
reputable ted talk, electronic 
broadband transmitted podcast, et cetera, 

these bland words readable material in store
categorized as reasonable rhyming article 
of faith conveyed courtesy no coat hangers 
devoid graphic erotica for any 
journeying, wayfaring voyeur
peeking thru virtual keyhole 
door ration online or elsewhere bred
such as storied pay
periodical, nor can I lay
vouchsafe these myopic gray
brown eyes bore awareness fey
via watching an exposé.

though lack of identifying you
dear anonymous reader, thee
might think bistro, milieu, venue,
et cetera, one comment true
lee can be averred with certainty.

sometime within a small crick
number of years ago, a kick
a** super tramp crowned cow lick
a phenomenal humongous slick
cranium tried to play cheap trick.

subsequently, this beastie boy
experienced a numb skull syndrome
while linkedin to this zone
seize hoar sal lad frosted stone
er flakey state, this acute up pone
hirsute, oblate spheroid hone
betook chrome dome grown.

spongiform territory
noodle could now know
wing lee hone a vaster tract
even a poe Pudd'nhead Wilson
like myself understand ably
venerated woke full perception!

ma mind took laser like focus,
which brought notice, viz
enlargement of sacred brain power,
and hence spurred the above title
once me noggin came
to this hyper awareness frame
(some unknown small game
number of years gone by), name
ming deliberate scrutiny cherished tame
intelligent pod wither ya find me vain.

visual cognition alerted - holy cow
my curiosity how
circumference of ancillary cerebral domain now
impossible mission to scrutinize 
anatomical accouterment, which suffered 
sucker punch bam plow
wing squarely into twisted 
snubbed button nose
(another undersized, albeit 
anatomical feature of mine)
wore loosely, wobbly atop shoulders 
without doubt mine mean toe
head became larger since taking vow
visual stock (of said) most vital wow
constituent body part. aye aint

got any hard data (hmm... maybe
Cambridge Analytica might know
a tidbit or two) pertaining to this
indisputable cognizance, where
expanding cerebral gray matter
iz concerned. only via circumspection
(more so refined since the recent
forced quantum leap into muddled,
molly coddled, middle age),
this distinct heady revelation
vied to be capitalized, gratified,
and limned into some semblance
of tangential cogency.

Copyright © Matthew Harris


Book: Shattered Sighs