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April 16 Rain

April 16—Rain

No Rain

In 2025, the world ended
With the collapse
Of the worldwide climate system.

Monster storms of the century
devastated half the world.

But the other half of the world
Had no rain or snow
For almost a whole year
The once-green grass was dying.

Crops failed everywhere
And baked in the unrelenting
Blastwave furnace-like heat
Heatwave after heatwave.

Military coups took place
Fascism re-emerged
The public demanded action
The politicians played
The blame game.

With the collapse of trade
And travel restrictions
People stayed home
Making do the best they could.

Home-grown gardens

Feudal townships grew
As people walled themselves off
To save their communities.

The rich build underground cities
While the poor starved
And civilization crumbled

Wildlife proliferated
As did neo-savage
cannibal gangs.

By the year 2030
It was all over
And the rains
Never came out west.

Copyright © Jake Aller


Book: Shattered Sighs