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Read Take With A Grain Of Salt Poems Online


Where Ah Whoo

By Letra Compas
Armonia Escala

It sequence lacked luster
she found it more interesting
to exaggerate the middle
to make a more engaging plot
to detail the characters intent
making antiques of the neauce
and eldering the nuance
it creates the kind of characters
that a captives audience
would need to falling love with
with her story
through all the glory
through all the deceit
giving the majority the rules
so that those who audience
these actions
could stand tall
to speak from the stump of Morality
of the wickedness of those
 they refuse to champion
but would rather draw conclusion
as the real championed hero
stands to challenge the villain

                                              EACH GRAIN  OF SALT
                                                 by Sonido Ritmo

                                        The sages steamed in the skillet
                                            until they became smoked
                                    she removed the stems and add garlic
                                    the fumes, she coughed from the smoke
                           the peppers made her gag as she turned her head away
                                 only to cry from the onions I once heard her say
                         the grounded pork in the render let its lard moisten this pan
                           when the meat brown she added the sauce to the pan
                                    the spices more than aromus there flavors
                                                   through and through
                                   to simmer meld and remold then she the Texas 
                                     Mesquite flavored brandy  bought the whole thing
                                          together to be plated and consumed
                                                   simple clean and clever

Copyright © Allan Terry


Book: Shattered Sighs