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Read No Bones About That Poems Online


Ripples- New Form

Down the dusty road, in tattered rags, He came, weary, wilted, and withered. Body bent with age, bones sticking out of the flabby skin, with a tremor running down his limbs. With eyes reflecting hope, he waited at my doorstep. No words came out from pursed lips but, in mute language begged for alms, hopeful he would never be betrayed I held his shriveled hand, helped him ascend the steps. Like a child obeying it’s Elder, he sat on a chair in the patio. The sumptuous fare, served before, he surveyed with eyes bulging out in utter disbelief, and greedily devoured every bit of morsel. A rare gleam lighted up his face. With hands folded in benison he stood up and silently took leave. I watched him stumble along the country track and fade away in the distance. Ripples of joy stirred my mind in ever widening circles as, a pebble idly tossed causes ripples in still waters over a random act of kindness idly tossed !
Kindness Down the dusty road, in tattered rags he came- An old man- weary, wilted, and withered. Supported on a stick, still he staggered lame, And with age and fatigue, his body quivered. I could see a tremor running down his hips. With expectant eyes, he waited at my doorstep. No words came out of his pursed lips. He was tottering as he took each step. I held his hand, helped him to the patio. Like a child obeying its elder, he sat on a chair With eyes sending out a radiant glow, From the sumptuous fare served, he ate his share. As he finished his meal, a gleam lighted up his face. He stood up with hands folded in benison And took leave, bowing and smiling in grace. I was so happy that I could make his world blazon. I watched him stumble along the uneven track And fade away like a shadow in the distance. So elated I was that the tears of joy I couldn’t hold back, With an ebullience penetrating my mind’s outer surface. As a pebble idly tossed cause ripples in still water, A random act of kindness idly tossed gave me such delight. As the ripples keep widening and on the banks splatter, In me, the joy over my kind act, as waves began to beat.

Copyright © Valsa George


Book: Shattered Sighs