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The day I stop giving is the day I stop receiving. The day I stop learning is the day I stop growing. ~ Unknown Giving from the heart, pieces of your light, Reflecting the gentle kindness, Joy, truth and serenity – moments flowing, In one fluid motion, silent and still, Serenity pouring out the ink from her elated quill. Generosity comes in so many forms, Sympathy and empathy, Promises, not only words, but rhythms, Blessing the spirit with tender affections, Grace beyond what the soul might have heard. Bounteous geniuses, poured out on the moments, Like beautiful healing, winsome love, Erasing the darkness with melodies of wonder, Music filled with miracles, restoring the soul, Settling the fears and stirring notes of praise. Benevolent mysteries, like soundless dreams, Founded on heartfelt hues, dancing, Walking over the narrowest paths, embracing Stardust at twilight, when hope floods the skies, In magnificent seas of unbroken radiance. Charitable wisdoms afford the prayers, Vibrant tears, sparkling like dew, Suggesting to the spirit – a psalm who assures There is love that trembles, weeping, Breathlessly aching to offer a second chance. Offering heartening kisses from life, Before the struggle, the yearning, Clinging to the hopes, the dreams, the memories, Tones of inspiration, fulfillment, comfort, Whispering through the notes of spicy ingenuity. Lessons learned from taking classes in living, Seeing the brokenness, the darkest fears, Moments faded into the shadows, always sighing, Like the heart can break, shattering, From the seasons of timeless anguish, calamity. Messages, bold and brilliant, Like the treasures abiding in the scriptures, Believing and believing like it can never grieve, Knowing that even the grieving, crazy as it seems, Can arouse the spirit, provide new wings. Morals assume we will follow the truth, But truth, sometimes, hides beneath the easiest paths, Leaving imprints of direction on the soul, Reminding the conscious to listen, to heed The muses who reveal God’s endless significance. Examples come in many shapes and forms, Through moments of sorrow and shame, Through despair and doubt, dreaded depression, Through silence and regrets, Through the knowing that, - this too shall pass. Teachings prepare the feelings, the faith, As the heart follows where He leads, Always aware that, through every need, He is there, making the way easier, Coaching the spirit to remember to love unconditionally. Growing means leaving the past in the past, Absorbing those things that are intended to instruct, Instill a wisdom inside the soul, so wise because you finally know, What it means to listen to the still, small voice, Speaking love over your spirit, speaking hope through your senses. Forever, throughout life – until we reach eternity, Where we’ll abide in love more amazing than we can comprehend, There are lessons to learn, valuable lessons – so we grow, More alive as time moves on, more blessed as life’s roads unfold, Suggesting messages of love that only God could have shown.

Copyright © Regina Mcintosh


Book: Shattered Sighs