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In the tapestry of my thoughts, where shadows dance with light

In the tapestry of my thoughts, where shadows dance with light,
I wander through the memories of mobs, where fear is a dense fog,
Narrow-mindedness cloaks the minds, and pessimism bites like winter's chill.
Yet, breaking free from that relentless tide, I find the world anew,
Unfolding like a flower in the morning sun, petals of beauty unseen before.
Mobs seem to be nests of tumultuous shades, breeding fear,
Their echoes swirling like dark clouds, eclipsing the brilliance of the day.
But oh, the freedom of stepping beyond that tempest,
The shroud of dread falls away, and the light of wonder floods in,
Seeing more beauty in the every day, more love in the quiet moments.
From the fringes of this newfound clarity, forgiveness sprouts like spring leaves,
Understanding unfolds in delicate blooms of empathy,
Life itself becomes an expansive canvas of positive hues,
Optimism dances like a gentle breeze through the open fields of my mind.
Yet, this path of light is not walked by all, its solitude daunting,
Most rush back to the mob, the chaotic cacophony,
Where the illusion of safety feels like a comforting embrace,
Unaware that in the heart of the storm lies the seed of true serenity.
Within this delicate silence, far from the throes of collective dread,
I find a world stripped bare of pretense, glittering with boundless possibility,
Each moment a drop of light in the vast ocean of existence,
A reminder that breaking ties is not an escape, but a return,
To the essence of life’s pure, undiluted song.

Copyright © Dan Enache


Book: Reflection on the Important Things