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Fragments of a True Bond

In the quiet corners of our shared days,
Where words are but whispers and laughter,
We built something fragile, something rare—
A friendship, pure and unguarded,
Between a girl and a boy, so different,
Yet bound by a common heart.

Through late-night talks and secret dreams,
We wove a tapestry of trust and truth,
A sanctuary in a world of noise.
You knew my thoughts before they formed,
And I, your silent struggles,
Each moment— a testament to our unspoken bond.

But then, like clouds darkening a clear sky,
Complications crept in, insidious and slow.
Feelings shifted, lines blurred,
Your eyes spoke words you dared not say.
I saw the flicker of a love unreturned,
A longing that hung between us, heavy and unspoken.

Others entered our world, their shadows long and cold,
Their judgments harsh, their whispers sharp.
They couldn't understand the sacred space we shared,
And in their ignorance, they sowed seeds of doubt.
They couldn't see that love can be platonic,
A bond beyond the grasp of simple definitions.

You confessed, and I listened, heart aching.
"I love you," you said, voice trembling,
But not in the way I needed you to.
I cherished you, my friend, my confidant,
But the spark of romance was absent,
And I feared the cost of trying to ignite it.

So we stood on a precipice, fragile and torn,
Risking everything for a chance or holding on to what we had.
I chose the latter, with a heavy heart,
Preserving our friendship, fearing the fall.
Yet, in the act of preservation, we lost a piece of us,
A part of our innocence, our simplicity.

We drifted, slowly at first, then faster,
A rift growing where once was none.
New faces filled the spaces we left empty,
And our laughter became echoes of a past
Too painful to revisit, too precious to forget.
Our story didn't end with a dramatic goodbye,
But with a silent understanding, a quiet retreat.
We loved each other in the best way we could,
And sometimes, that has to be enough.
Our friendship was a beacon, a lesson in love’s many forms,
Even if it couldn’t withstand the storms.

So here I am, with a heart full of memories,
Grateful for what we shared, even if it couldn’t last.
We were the truest of friends in a world of masks,
And that truth will remain, untainted and real,
A chapter in the book of us,
Written in the ink of unspoken love.
             Dedicated to one of my forever best friends, who's a guy.

Copyright © Angel Gaju


Book: Reflection on the Important Things