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Two Doves

Two Doves
Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, lived two childhood sweethearts named Aiden and Adeline. Despite growing apart due to societal expectations and familial obligations, they couldn't shake the feelings that their hearts belonged together. As fare would have it, Destiny intervened, bringing them back together during the grand festival celebratting the arrival of spring. The entire kingdom gathered to enjoy music, dance, food and laughter. Amidst the revelry, Aiden and Adeline found themselves drawn irresistibly towards each other again.Their reunion sparked an immediate connection, igniting a flame of passion within them that burned brighter than any star in the sky. They danced under the moonlight until hours turned into days, losing track of time entirely consumed by each other's presence. As night fell, Aiden took Adeline's hand, leading her away from the bustling crowd and into a secluded grove hidden within the castle gardens. There surrounded by lush foliage and fragrant blooms, he pulled her close and gazed deeply into her eyes. Their tender embrace lingered as their lips met a passionate kiss, dealing their bond forevermore. In that moment, both knew without doubt that they were meant to be together, nothing could ever tear them apart again. From that point onwards, Aiden and Adeline never parted, working tirelessly alongside each other to built a future of unparalleled joy and happyiness. Tragically, as winter approached, dark clouds loomed over their previously idyllic union. Aiden received news that his father had fallen ill, demanding his immediate return home to tend to his family business. Reluctantly, Aiden bid farewell to Adeline, promising to return soon. However, tragedy struck when word reached Adeline that Aiden had perished tragically during a trip home. Grief-stricken, she retreated from society, vowed never to let go of her beloved's memory. Devastated by this loss, Adeline sought solace in the very grove where they had shared their last dance together. Wrapped in sorrow, yearning for just one more moment with her true love. Amidst the quiet stillness of the night, a noise behind her startled her, something she didn't exspect, miraculously Aiden himself appeared before her. His expression radiated warmth and compassion, revealing to Adeline that he had in fact survived his journey home. Overwhelmed with joy and disbelief, Adeline threw herself into Aiden's arms, whispering fervent prayers of gratitude. Aiden explained how miscommunication led to the heartbreaking ruler of his death, causing him immense pain at being unable to reach her sooner. In that moment, all the darkness lifted from Adeline's heart, replaced by an overwhelming sence of relief and gratitude.Their love, thought lost forever, had triumphed against all odds. Embracing one another tightly, they vowed never to let anything separate them again..

Copyright © Jeff Evans


Book: Reflection on the Important Things