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Yesterday I awoke excited…filled with anticipation…knowing the day was going to be fun
because, in Florida, I was going to witness a partial eclipse of the sun.

I was working in the bookstore during the peak of the eclipse…
and, since it was something I truly wanted to see,
I announced while holding up my viewing glasses:
“Anyone who wants to see the eclipse..It’s time…just follow me.”

Which led to this spontaneous moment…one I hope I never forget…
as I passed around my glasses…sharing the eclipse with people I’ve never met.

The eclipse, as predicted…was an awesome sight to see
It was everything I could have imagined…or expected it to be!

In the group was a teenager who as she spoke her voice kept getting higher…
Who told us how she was born during an eclipse…”One with a ring of fire!”

And I found myself thanking the Universe for somehow helping me find a way
to witness this rare and beautiful moment…one I don’t see every day.

And, yes, it was an unforgettable moment…one of the most exciting I’ve seen yet…
but the day was also filled smaller rare and beautiful moments…I hope I never forget.

Moments that at first may seem ordinary but are filled with affection and power…
Like when Ollie, the child next door handed me a grasshopper…
and when I handed his sister a flower.

Like meeting a man from Minnesota who inherited his mom’s nautical books…
He was quick to boast…How his mom once taught how to read a sextant 
on a tall ship that sailed up and down the coast.

Like the grandma who bought a book for her grandson…”He loves dragons!” I heard her say.
Or the very pregnant woman who bought a book for her baby…
Who smiled as she told me…”She’s due to arrive any day.”

As is sat back that evening eating a moon pie (by the way the best way to enjoy an eclipse!)
I thought about the day filled with people of all shapes and sizes…of families and tall ships.

And once again I found myself thanking the universe for helping me find a way
to enjoy so many rare and beautiful moments…all in the span of one day.

Copyright © Jim Yerman


Book: Reflection on the Important Things