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Dream Delayed No Longer

So,here I am kids in 2023 after having wasted
two decades of the only thing we can't get more of,time.I don't even want to talk about the wherefors and the what nots of the deal I got but suffice to say you repeat the lesson till it's
learned.Guess I am what you would call your slow
learner.The moral of our story reads thusly.Find your way home.To whatever home may be.I have been searching for it all my life as it resided
right here in me.My happiness is really quite
easily attained.A hot bath,tea and toast,good conversation,work that makes me sated with satisfaction .And that brings me to my latest project.I have entered into an agreement to buy a house that has sat empty for five years.The old woman who lived their was a hoarder.It is a geodesic dome house with an upstairs loft bedroom.There is a centrally located fireplace.When I made the bid I offered that if they would empty the well insulated shop I would remove the house' contents four feet at a time.They said give them sixty to ninety days to empty it.Could this, I ask you friends ,be my dream house ?Besides the snake that shed its skin in a pathway what else does this house hold ? my brother assured me it was a black snakes skin and pointed out the reasons he knew but I kinda blanked out on his lecture midway cause truth be known when I go up in there with pants tucked in knee length boots taped to my jeans with duct tape hoe in hand.If it is a snake it is probably gonna die.

There is a juniper tree in the backyard.May try making my own hootch.I am so looking forward
to living the remainder of my life with the goal of enjoying every moment of every day.I want to rise early and work late and eat hearty and plant and 
reap and know I am home with two of my oldest dearest friends.One I have neglected sorely though I have spent every conscience moment with her.The other I have known before I knew I knew Him.I could have done better in that relationship as well.We live and we learn kids.Live and learn.Now for my post graduate work.My house looks like a bee hive with two garages that are domes as well.I intend to make one my work out meditation room and the straight hallway that is about eight ft. wide leading to main structure my library.The other will house my car and on one side gardening tools and the other side construction tools.I used to work in carpentry.Hope to get back into it.
So much to do but truthfully I need some lead shoes as my psyche feals lighter than air or a dream arrived at last.

Copyright © Vickey Rhymer


Book: Shattered Sighs