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Under the dome of eternity, where the stars weave the secrets of the cosmos

Under the dome of eternity, where the stars weave the secrets of the cosmos,
I learn at my own expense that on the long path of life,
I encounter many masks and few faces,
In a world full of deceptive mirrors, true freedom hides
In being yourself, a soul stripped of the veils of illusion.
You trade reality for a role, trade sense for an act,
Giving up the ability to feel, donning brilliant masks,
Lost in a crowd of faceless dancers, on a stage suspended in falsity,
Only shadows without clear contours, only echoes of forgotten essences.
In the dead of night, when stars weep kisses of light on the earth's brow,
Truth shines like a pure diamond, buried deep within us,
A personal revolution, a flame that burns in each of our hearts,
Change begins from within, a rebirth from the ashes of the old self.
Under the somber veil of melancholy, where dreams and shadows meet,
I find myself stripped of all masks clinging to time,
Living each moment like a kiss of eternity, feeling the unspoken truth,
A free soul dances under the sparkle of stars, embracing both light and shadow.
The path is long and full of mysteries, steps inscribed in the sands of time,
Revealing faces hidden under silver masks,
But the pure and simple essence lives deep within the layers of being,
Like a flame that does not flicker, burning with eternal, undying light.
In the realms of fairy tales, shrouded in the mist of hopes and fears,
I learn to take off the mask, to free myself from self-imposed chains,
And to embrace the true night, the caress of sacred darkness,
Where every breath becomes a concert of divine harmonies, a cosmic dance.
Under the milky light of the moon, when shadows recite their prayers,
I feel fear dissolving, giving way to a mystical serenity,
When my soul meets its true nature, unafraid of change,
Every star becomes a guide, every sigh a verse of freedom.
True freedom is not found in grand revolutions,
But in the small changes of the heart, in the inner revolution of being,
When you exorcise the ghosts of the ego and embrace pure light,
In an eternal dance under cosmic vaults, a free spirit, rid of masks.
In this vast universe of intertwined dreams and reality,
I carve my path among unresolved mysteries and secrets,
Learning that the true magic of life resides in the authentic moment,
In living without a mask, in being myself, in all rediscovered splendor.
Thus, I travel on the trails of every wandering thought, at the border between reality and dream,
Discovering that freedom is the most precious treasure,
A divine gift, hidden in unfathomable depths, in the intimacy of the soul,
And in every step of melancholy, in every verse of astral light.

Copyright © Dan Enache


Book: Shattered Sighs