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My Serial Killer

I didn't know him as a serial not exactly 
at least not at first even though I'd overheard 
the plotting of arson from a dim lit restroom
searching for tissue only to find several guns 
rifles grenades hand guns rather neatly lined 
behind the bathroom door startled I was
on thee other side of a poolroom at the time 
I never really paid too much  attention to details 
dirty deeds of men at work the dirt scum oil 
fumes gas odd jobs mechanics machines not 
even the word dynamite demolition bringing
down a building before the big election why 

I was a lady for Christ sakes the conversation 
pieces of desperate men taking orders from 
an angry serial killer  at Christmas time believe me
shopping was the only thing on my mind decorations 
It took awhile for all this information to sink in 
and when it finally did I kelp my mouth shut why 

even after the FBI informed me of his fascination 
with killing he'd set a blaze killing eight elderly 
persons five women and three men a couple were 
veterans he ruled the city officials with weapons drugs 
and scummy apartments he rented out over store fronts 
most were used to store vending machines 

and video games his pride and joy coin collecting 
lake county music company slots shots poker 
machines illegal gambling concealing income 
from the IRS his terror roared throughout the city 
like the blazes and flames from every Winston 
he ever lit several city officials fear his every breath 

allowing him to torch the neighborhood his real 
talent wasn't in killing it was getting away with killing 
more victims who ever got in his way like the young 
mother of two without a care like using a sling shot 
the young woman was later found after leaving 
with him in a scuffle he went into a twisted remission 

due to an arrest on other crimes he employed 
upon his release perhaps the feeling of getting 
away with murder arose within him seeking out 
another building over property insurance taking 
the life of a homeless man oddly this was memorial day 
weekend a torched Ford geo still smoking on his 

property the vehicle belonged to another unsolved 
murder shocking frightening when I got word 
the serial killer died torching a DEA building 
in Sarasota a sense of peace a sense of relief 
the fear became calmer I decided to write in my 
diary this was when I realized what a serial killer 

was face to face I sat writing in my journal writing 
of the fires the arson that kelp me in bondage 
to my surprise I picked up my journal to add an entry 
there read keep your mouth shut fearing my safety 
I close my drapes and glance out my townhome window 
there she was leaving down a ladder leading to a 

black sedan my eyes wide shut he was indeed alive 
stalking his next victim me he was the serial killer 
parking at my window watching me write every night 
sending this intruder to read pages and write me 
clear threats I awakened the smell of smoke filled 
my room night terrors panic and fret my hands dripping 
wet I found myself panting captured in the serial killer's net

Copyright © Yolanda Nicholsen


Book: Reflection on the Important Things