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Across the Line

Morning came alive with rockets and missile pounding over my head and screams and shouts crying out like bleating sheep and empty vessels coming from the cemetery and everyone was in a hurry to bury the dead and leave the town.  

I have been moving around with this extra weight on my body, my feet heavy like lead and my body is swinging to and fro with a weight of its own deciding which way to go. I try to control it but it was bigger that I could imagine and the scales could hardly contain it. 

The chaos begins and screams and shouts erupted far and near, thousands of people lying on the ground while children searching for their mother in the rubble and their fathers lying in a pool of blood with grenades in their hands and turbans covering their heads. 

Burnt out building leans on their sides getting ready to collapse and haunted houses with dead bodies locked up inside, the scavenger were drawings near while the coroners went in search of body bags to load the dead.  

The hospitals are overwhelmed with injured patients lying everywhere, they lie on make shift stretchers spread on the ground with bullet holes in their body and no doctors around, the wounds are so severe and there is none to care.  

The nurses are overstretched too, they are trying to give blood to the injured patients and hundreds of them lie on the operations table waiting to remove bullets from their torn-up body.  

Cotton gauze is of stock and there was no bandage around to dress the wound, they rip up bed sheets into many pieces and use it to dress the wounded people’s feet.  

Sometimes it feels like a dream and then a Daja Vu, walking without shoe but whatever it is, a fable or a fairy tale, people get killed for real, they bleed for real and they feel pain for real.  

Many people have evacuated the buildings from the moment the invasion chimed in; they have crossed to the other side of the line where it safer for you and me.  

Some have gone up north but that’s where the massacre will start, a thousand holes are in the ground where rockets have fallen leaving scares in the streets and where destiny will meet. 

They will be there for a long time and your generation will know what transpires there; the battle fought in the North will be the final battle before the world victory starts, and those moving to the south must tarry and don’t be in a hurry. 

The south is clear and the weather is warm over there. They have crossed over the line and have finally found a home where they can safely roam.

Copyright © Christine Phillips


Book: Shattered Sighs