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Surfing the tides of life

Surfing the tides of life 

I'm still riding the waves duck diving my way through 
Or occasionally having to ask for a hand and toe in when I need to, 
Sometimes I'm amped and pop up and ride a perfect ten without any hassle, 
I can make it, I'm charging, it's as if I'm a natural, 
My eyes locked on that doggy door at the end of the barrel,
Other times the water is chop and nothing but aggro,
And honestly I end up bailing bro.
The waves are out of my control, all I can master is the technique to ride them,
How I pop up, my stance and how I manoeuvre within and around them, 
And that my friend is life in a clam shell. 
Sometimes you find a pearl and other times it's just an empty vessel.

Copyright © Sarah Cope


Book: Reflection on the Important Things