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The Great Catching Away part seven

Peace plunked herself down and started uncontrollable loudly sobbing so very loudly
that her entire thin youthful frame started visible shaking against her own active will 
power.  Her dark blue eyes were being blinded by her freely flowing rivers of remorseful
tear drops. 

She was completely obliviously to the tender hands touching her and the softly
tender voices speaking words of comfort and consolidations.  Suddenly, she was
being warmly embraced and she was being giving a cup of cold water to drink.
She was told to 'sip it very slowly and not all at once.'  She was lead to their
kitchen, was seated and giving food to eat.  Peace could not recollect the last
times she had something to eat and/or something to drink.

Next, she was escorted into the youth's pastor's office and Mrs. Veronica Langley,
the youth pastor's pregnant wife, wanted to know if there was anything else Peace

"What's your name. daughter?" Ronnie asked her both calmly and gently.

"My name is Peace just Peace and I ain't got any last name."

Peace answered her truthfully.

"What can I personally do for you today Peace?" Ronnie asked her carefully.

"Is this the house and the place where Jesus lives?" Peace asked her quietly.

"Yes, honey this is the place where Jesus lives!" 

Ronnie responded by warmly hugging Peace.

"How can I come to know him for myself?" Asked Peace.

"If you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that God has raised
Jesus from the dead, you will be saved.  For God so very much loved you, 
Peace  that He sent His only son to die in your place so that you  might not
perish but have everlasting life.  There is no other name given among men or 
among women by which we might be saved,,,"Explained Ronnie.

"Would you like to repeat your salvation prayer with me, Peace?"

"Dear Lord  Jesus, we come to you just as we are, and ask you to
come  into our heart, and if we confess our sins, you are faithful and
just to forgive us our sins cause we believe on your name.  We freely
accept you, this very day as our Savior and our Lord of our lives in
Jesus name's Amen!" 

They chorused in total unison together.  Both of them started laughing and
crying at the exact same time and felt as if a heavy load of bricks was just
lifted off of both of their young hearts!

"Peace! Do you know what our good Lord Jesus Christ just recently told me
about  you?" 

Ronnie sobbed loudly and laughed out  loud.

Roxanne Lea Dubarry
Roxy Lea 1954/ October Country

Copyright © Roxanne Dubarry


Book: Shattered Sighs