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Farewell Home Poems

These Farewell Home poems are examples of Home poems about Farewell. These are the best examples of Home Farewell poems written by international poets.

Spiffing Up
Replacing old things for so many’s a snap.
An upgrade, to them, is a breeze;
But I get bogged down in a kind of a trap -

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Categories: home, how i feel,

Premium Member Home Again
His trip took him across many miles
That might have seemed unending -
But he did not notice.

His flight was uneventful
And should have been quite peaceful -

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Categories: home, bereavement, care, death, encouraging,

Premium Member Winter Bird
I was a valued, vaunted veterinarian, maintaining health for animals I loved,
As a rainbow sparkled rich colors, from the moment peach sunshine shoved.

I was dedicated...

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Categories: bird, fantasy, friend, home,

Premium Member Mary's Homecoming
We find ourselves with you in time, 
Thoughts of you are roaming our minds
Angels playing music at the Gate
Heaven will be Home; let's call it...

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Categories: home, appreciation, blessing, christian, courage,

Your truth feels like a derailed train on my backbone and below me, a ravine who knows nothing apart from what has been thrown down...

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Categories: home, anger, death, farewell, feelings,

Premium Member Home and Nowhere
Home for sale
Home on fire
Fire in the sky
Fire and brimstone
Brimstone and sulfur
Brimstone and infernal dioxide
Dioxide evangelism
Dioxide emissions
Emissions aggress as amorphous
Emissions control
Control of ourselves (and other...

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Categories: home, earth, farewell,

Premium Member The Visit Home
There's wood for chopping stacked up near the door
to fuel warm fires in the kitchen stove
which Papa proudly bought when I was four,
long time before...

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Categories: family, home,

Premium Member Decayed
"I thought I'd feel comforted by walking through my childhood home. The only emotion I felt was melancholy that it had been abandoned and left...

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© Lin Lane  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: emotions, home,

Premium Member Love Weaves a Mysterious Magic Spell
"Love Weaves A Mysterious Magic Spell"                   ...

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Categories: home, health, love, time, words,

Miles Away From Home
One hundred million miles away from home they are floating underground roaming the depths of the sea in their dark canopy. 

They are floating in...

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Categories: home, blessing, community, death, england,

My Old Mother and Ancient Village
Smoke ascended, swirling gracefully,
From the chimneys of mud houses’ kitchens,
As I bid farewell to my beloved village.
Lips of my mother, weathered and wise,
Moved in silent...

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Categories: home, absence, allah, allegory, allusion,

Premium Member Tribute To Harry Horsman
Farewell seems so final,  
like death.   
How does one say~goodbye,  
not easy for family and friends.  
A writer will always...

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Categories: home, friend, poems, tribute, uplifting,

Premium Member Home Coming
When you left, I felt dark inside my heart,
Now when you will come back, there will be light within my heart.

My heart sputters faster on...

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© Jay Narain  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: home, together,

I Build a Home In You
I build a HOME in you,
And decorated it with care and affection,
That's what I can call it though,

I didn't love myself enough, doesn't mean I...

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© Maya Evans  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: home, betrayal, cry, emotions, farewell,

Premium Member Death
Quote By Writer   "Death is a one time visitor."   

Death always comes ~ sometimes quickly, some times slowly  

Date Written:2/7/2023...

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Categories: home, cry, emotions, farewell, hurt,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things