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Pink Color Poems

These Pink Color poems are examples of Color poems about Pink. These are the best examples of Color Pink poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Wear are You
You ask me what am I wearing
A heart full of hazel hope
A silver spirit daring and cherry caring
My mind is not blind to green ghosts...

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Categories: america, blue, color, food,

Premium Member Foreshadowing
Lavender roses
tossed in bright, silver sunlight
Chrysanthemum spells.
Lilies of the valley ring
just when redbirds start to sing.

Marmalade clouds roam
into pink skies of evening-
Jade cactus passion!
Moon appeared,...

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Categories: beautiful, color, flower, future,

Premium Member colorful ice cream treats
red has never been this red, pink is the prettiest ever
I stare into the ice cream vendor’s cart and my smile glows
blues he is selling...

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Categories: color,

Premium Member A Standstill
creamiest bouquet
white daisies touched by red sun
in aged day's glow

marvelous mauve walls
tell stories of sun's passing
birds whistle blithely

glass lake reveals moon 
that's peeping at the...

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Categories: beautiful, color, eve, flower,

Premium Member The Pilfered Peck
Peter Piper was ever punctilious, like minty nature's painstaking paintings,
Or the palsied skies of one pretty evening, in the hour of the sun's fainting.

Peter lived...

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Categories: color, fantasy, farm, food,

Men In Pink
Pink colors for men
A laughing stock for women
A new fashion trend....

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Categories: color, desire, fashion, perspective,

Premium Member Burnt Orange POTD
magenta magic
recently escaped eve's skies
darkening to plum

crows caw on the wing
as pink sun turns red-orange
day goes up in flames

mango berry crush
mahogany shadows move
gold clocks go...

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Categories: beautiful, bird, color, eve,

Premium Member Sunrise Strut
Dawn rooster's crowing
red and gold cock of the walk
Flecked stars are fleeing.
Pink sky alarms are sounding 
as stealthy night goes, creeping.

Perched at verge of day

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Categories: animal, color, flower, moon,

The meaning of Color
The Meaning of color

Blue is the color of the Ocean and sadness
Yellow is the color of sunshine and happiness
Red is the color of anger and...

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© Josh Wood  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: color, 12th grade,

Premium Member Saturday Afternoon
Fervent redbirds began to croon,
As onyx shadows danced in tune,
Idle afternoon of peacock plumes,
amid greenness and floral fumes.
Saffron sunshine forever resumes,
with memories of pale, pink...

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Categories: age, beauty, color, day,

Premium Member Life
Lilacs, pink roses, plum tulips, and red daisies.
It's essential to sniff them, before they are gone;
For the fun lives are enjoying orange sunshine!
Ever since birth,...

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Categories: beauty, color, flower, green,

Premium Member Becoming Colors POTD
I was a celebrated, professional psychic, offering glimpses of rosy future;
And helping people work through problems, like pink moon, come sooner.

I had learnt to talk...

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Categories: beautiful, color, dream, fantasy,

Premium Member Drawn In Crayon
An evening breeze tickles the leaves on trees;
and an ancient oak tree creeks, sighs, and heaves.

As silhouettes merge, they soon disappear,
and the owls and bats...

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Categories: beautiful, change, color, image,

Premium Member Showtime for Spring
Showtime for Spring

yellow sprinkles spring
 with daffodils and crocus ~
  sunbeams tickle boughs

pink petal flurries
 spring breathes out apple blossoms ~
  puddles of...

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Categories: color, flower, spring,

Premium Member My Favorite Color is Tangerine Orange
my favorite color is tangerine orange, glowing like the sun
reminding me of twilight, orange juice, and Nikes on the run
Wait! Stop! Maybe my favorite is...

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Categories: color, art,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things