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Standards Beauty Poems

These Standards Beauty poems are examples of Beauty poems about Standards. These are the best examples of Beauty Standards poems written by international poets.

Defying Societal Beauty's Chains
In a world where beauty's confined,
To a frame, a shape, so pre-defined.
I refuse to bow to discrimination's hand,
Refusing to let it define me.

No more the...

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Categories: beautiful, beauty, encouraging, fashion,


Let’s talk about the standards of the general society,
And not just society, the beliefs, normalizations and false norms believed by variety,
We live in a new...

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Categories: beauty, poetry, society,

Premium Member How to Spell Beautiful
I am beautiful no matter how dirty I feel
There is beauty from ashes to ashes and dust to dust, and muddy water has never been...

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Categories: beautiful, beauty, encouraging, growth,

In the Face of Love
One would not know, to look at me,
my years spent at the ballet barre -
tights sticking to me in summer,
cold fingers in winter.

And the aching...

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Categories: beauty, dance, self, student,

Beauty Standards
Oh my god she's so fat, 
her stomach has rolls. 
And her thighs shake when she walks, 
unbelievable that, 
someone would comment on someone's folds....

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Categories: beauty, endurance, hate, identity,

Helen Are You O of My Heart
Poet’s Note: Beauty used to benumb beholders. Today’s beauty is simply numbered and indexed. One thousand (mille-Helens) make one Helen, the unit fashioned after Helen...

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Categories: beauty, humor,

Prayer For Self-Image
Help me to
find identity in you
understand my worth
value your standards
recognize my unique qualities
designed by you
Lord, to you I pray

Help me to 
appreciate me
see myself the...

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Categories: beauty, 10th grade, 11th grade,

Beauty Standards
Mirror mirror on the wall, tell me the beauty standard that society set for all.
  Telling a woman how to behave, submitting all stereotypes...

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© Sonu Sonu  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: beauty, 10th grade, 11th grade,

You Too Kiss Me, My Black Beauty
The sapphire iris blinks
the long blonde lashes meet
against the milky white skin
the hair made up into blonde curls
her frock with frills
clearly marking the standards
Her bottom...

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Categories: beauty, africa, age, angel, anti

Pretty Is
When she was six years old,
she tried to make her hair look like 
how a friend’s did in school
but her coils wouldn’t kink anymore.
Her mama...

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Categories: beautiful, beauty, black african

Premium Member Meaningful Beauty- -
She arises,
And she prays to God everyday
She’s so thoughtful she speaks in positive ways
Nature calling
God’s Daughter
And all that she is…
Meaningful beauty

She settles,
Has high standards
Yet she’s...

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Categories: beauty, analogy, appreciation, beautiful, for

Premium Member Queen Annes Lace
Worthy queen of blooms
How, then, were you called weed?
Arbitrary rules of man
Set the standards blindly for all
Those unique or diverse become flawed
But all we, like...

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Categories: beauty, discrimination, identity, image,

Premium Member Lonely Powers
When Yang-strong Egos
like a great FirstWorld nation,
or an ecologically robust multiculturing community,
or a theologically resilient
good faith
polypathic sacred communion,
or a democratically healthy
cooperatively owned 
and polyculturally managed...

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Categories: beauty, earth, education, environment,

Could it be possible, 
all i see is an illusion? 
Notice all of the confusion.
Nonetheless lies and intrusion. 

I must fight them to live my...

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Categories: beauty, anger, appreciation, art, change,

My Shape
Standing in
front of the
smudged body
length mirror,
Displeased at the figure I see,
My lips tremble as I glance at the
scale in fear, Out of my own skin...

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Categories: beautiful, beauty, hope, how

Book: Reflection on the Important Things