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Zen Buddhist Bird

A Buddhist bird flies Under the eyes Of winter’s sun As I watch his flight Across a lonely wintry sky Gazing up At his long, long flight south He diverts himself From the chilly northern wind A wind That the sun cannot warm He diverts himself With a single thought As only a Zen Buddhist bird might do And asks What is the sound Of one wing flapping? ------------------------------------------------------------------- "the sound of one hand clapping"...(by J. D. Salinger) Thank you Leo

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 5/23/2011 11:13:00 AM
How Divine :)
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Date: 5/23/2011 7:16:00 AM
most enjoyable, thank you...
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Date: 5/23/2011 6:36:00 AM
Obviously, the sound of "one wing flapping" must be very similar to "the sound of one hand clapping"...(influenced much by J. D. Salinger and his Zen koan quote at the beginning of Franny and Zooey?) A fun and interesting piece...
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