The Way It Was
Summer time was filled with laughter and fun
Childhood remembered playing in the sun
Swimming holes and watermelon served ice cold
You can’t go home again, so I have been told
But home, I go,when my mind drifts back
To ice cream socials, rodeos, supper in a sack
Hay meadows kissed by the morning dew
Sitting on the porch on an old church pew
The smell of the rain and the grass when you mow
Memories take me there anytime I want to go
Cotton patch battles with that old Johnson grass
Learning how to cook, the burning of the trash
Toting water buckets , feeding those old dogs
Making a log cabin simply outlined by logs
Nehi grape soda's purple circles on your lip
Visiting relatives, always ready for the trip
Learning to ride a bike and skinning your knee
Picking juicy peaches from that old peach tree
Snow cones, ice cream, a RC and a moon pie
Memories like this can bring a tear to your eye
A tear of joy for all things simple and sweet
Waving at your neighbors, whenever you meet
Listening to the radio and sleeping outside
Playing hide ‘n seek, knowing just where to hide
Frog legs, crawfish, and running a trot line
A better kind of life you will never find
Just a poor white girl living in the sticks
Not a bit ashamed that we were called hicks
This is the life I enjoyed as a kid
You say you can’t go back, well, I just did
Copyright © Anita Lovelace | Year Posted 2005
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