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Green Turtles

Green turtles are listed as, endangered and are mainly found, in tropical and sub-tropical sea oceans they are one of the largest sea turtles, to have ever embraced our oceans and are the only Sea Turtle herbivore, and a great sea ocean mentor Green turtles graze on seagrasses, that helps maintain beds of seagrass and when they have digested, going to the dunny release’s vital nutrients for many species of plants and animals, as they thrive with stimulants and seagrass beds are nurseries, for species to amass their social class Sea turtles need beaches for nesting, but humans are encroaching and they harvest their eggs, and hunt the adults for greedy investing Coastal development, vehicle beach traffic, and other human activities are destroying sea turtle nesting, and climate change is male declining

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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