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- a Psychedelic Whistle Plays a Rhythm Into the Darkness -

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              Categories: dark, evil, fantasy, horror, metaphor, myth, and symbolism 

Entering the dark side of a moonbeam on this evil lens of life, A gruesome old man recreates a murder time and time again, As the cold and lonely howling bitterness of the night escapes. The psychic contrasts go up in a surreal smoke-filled entirety. This is not lost to the all-seeing consciousness of the cosmos. Moaning a malefic agony of selfish needs devours all that’s good, Whilst under black leather gloves bleached deadly-white his bones, Fill the heart expelled with a legion of grieving spirits—sad and lost. A maze doth open as Dark Demons are made of rotten plank ridges, And scraps of empty emotions that maketh them all deliciously evil. Inside ashes intoxicated with the Hallowed Eve's evil kiss bringeth All a Gorgon-like gift so cursed and raised in Lucifer’s own Hellfire. Leaveth them to their executioners and wash your own hands clean! Cain within life's garden dwells as a zombie—a grief-stricken animal, As a psychedelic whistle plays a rhythm into the darkness of the cosmos. Ebony darkness seduces as a fire burns black ebony removing the flesh. Ice-cold tears in anxiety fall, shouting loudly that nobody sees nor hears The jealous whimpering of jackals needing love with no way to find it. There remains emotionless beings who kill passion with a crocodile’s bite. Fear not the tempting by Lucifer as long as the silver crucifix adorns thee! Fireflies born in a hellish fury cast in anger the past sins of those doomed, Yet they can be "Bearers of an Ancient Light” for things good and noble, If they can passeth through the veil of evil and darkness into God’s light. When the smoke blows away pride there’s no remorse only danger ahead! The silence afterwards is deafening to those of holy-pure mortal blood! Understanding of reality loses its meaning in this evil realm of darkness, As an agonising pain is cleared in an eclipse found under “Hate's Trigger.” Under a deep crater twilight ghosts rise as “Shadow Beggars of Despair,” Whilst feeling unholy torment in nerve fibers of a past-life enchantment. Only Lucifer knows this truth as he collects souls for eternal damnation! Uncanny conversations are secret and bloody-confused in Hell’s own pit. Rising from the ashes unhappy beasts mark the ground with sharp claws, As disoriented tongues of envy are struck down by lightning bolts blinded. Lucifer knows the omnipotence of the psychedelic whistle as it plays its Rhythm bewitching all lost souls as they enter the darkness of the cosmos! 19.05.2017 Anne-Lise Andresen, Gary Bateman, and Liam McDaid A Collaborated Poem, Copyright © All Rights Reserved (Narrative)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 6/4/2017 8:11:00 PM
To All, I would like to thank all of the Soupers who have taken the time to read this unusual horror write. I believe Anne-Lise will second my comment here when I say that the "Brothers and Sister Grimm" shall striketh again at some predestined time in the future with another delightful and delicious macabre write. And so, BEWARE and BE READY!! Cheers and Best, Gary XX
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Bateman Avatar
Gary Bateman
Date: 6/5/2017 4:46:00 PM
Maybe it's time for another LOVE POEM!! GB
Andresen Avatar
Anne-Lise Andresen
Date: 6/5/2017 8:08:00 AM
- ......... no one knows what the future will bring :)
Date: 6/4/2017 8:03:00 PM
Hello Anne-Lise, I'm very pleased to see that your entry of our three-way write made it too on the Best New Poems List. This pleases this "Brother Grimm," shall I say: monstrously!! I hope Brother Grimm Liam follows suit later too with a posting!! The Psychedelic Whistle is whistling a FAVE on this entry too!! Beware of the darkness of the cosmos!! Cheer and Best, Gary
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Anne-Lise Andresen
Date: 6/6/2017 5:31:00 AM
- I agree with you, Gary ... no matter the length ... WELL WORTH READING !
Bateman Avatar
Gary Bateman
Date: 6/5/2017 4:57:00 PM
I would only add here Anne-Lise, that although your teacher has a point, poems can actually be any length depending on the type and genre of poetry. Especially narrative poetry. The more compelling the story and the quality of the write will hold the reader's attention begging for more. At least this is my perspective. I guess I'm trying to say, well-written poetry is worth the effort to read regardless of the length. Otherwise, greats like Pound, Eliot, Poe, Keats wouldn't have a place in poetic history. Best, GB
Andresen Avatar
Anne-Lise Andresen
Date: 6/5/2017 8:06:00 AM
- This is a really great write ... it's a long poem and I know that many do not like to read long poems - "A poem does not have to be long, but it must have a point" my school teacher once said many years ago ... (in 19 arrow and bow :) - This poem has been posted for the second time ... it was a p.o.t.d. ... and it appears as number 10 on the best poems list ... - Thanks to everyone who made this possible :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
Date: 6/3/2017 4:35:00 PM
Hi Anne-Lise, let the darkness sing.Once again the three of you write another poetic masterpiece. This has a special content of darkness. I have liked all of your collaborations yet this one has something special for me. I could read this one over and over and see new visions each time i do. Now my imagination sings. This piece is alive with poetic mastery. Excellent Anne Lise. May the three of you keep rising in your poetic skills. This is a definite fave. Hugs....Mike. XX
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Anne-Lise Andresen
Date: 6/4/2017 11:48:00 AM
- Mike, many thanks for your visit and your friendly support - Especially thanks for a "fav" :) - Always nice to see you :) - greeting and hugs // Anne-Lise :)
Date: 5/31/2017 4:45:00 PM
A nice collaboration you three. It is a dark poem and takes you to a dark place. NOT your usual type of poem. love phyl
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Anne-Lise Andresen
Date: 6/1/2017 2:01:00 AM
- Many thanks for your visit and your friendly support, Phyllis :) - Always nice to see you :) - greeting and hugs // Anne-Lise :)
Date: 5/25/2017 7:39:00 AM
What a great collaboration of three brilliant minds. Bravo Anne-Lise, and of course a 7+ for each one of you, you sure know how to write a scary one....Maria
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Anne-Lise Andresen
Date: 5/25/2017 7:44:00 AM
- On behalf of us all three, thank you for taking the time to read our poem: - Psychedelic Whistle Plays a Rhythm Into the Darkness - :) - Your comments mean a lot, Maria :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
Date: 5/22/2017 4:34:00 PM
I love it :) 7 and more for sure :)
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Anne-Lise Andresen
Date: 5/25/2017 7:43:00 AM
- Thank you very much, Debbie :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
Date: 5/21/2017 2:01:00 PM
A very well done collaborated poem, Anne-Lise Andresen, Gary Bateman, and Liam McDaid , I’m don’t usually read about evil .
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Anne-Lise Andresen
Date: 5/21/2017 2:07:00 PM
-... and I rarely write about evil, Eve - But thank you for reading this one :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
Date: 5/20/2017 4:24:00 PM
Such beautiful horror, Anne-Lise & colleagues! makes one run shrieking from the room!
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Anne-Lise Andresen
Date: 5/21/2017 11:43:00 AM
- James - On behalf of us all three, thank you for taking the time to read our poem: - Psychedelic Whistle Plays a Rhythm Into the Darkness - :) - Your comments mean a lot :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
Date: 5/20/2017 12:34:00 PM
Kind of gross.. Did not read but a few lines..Sara
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Anne-Lise Andresen
Date: 5/20/2017 12:54:00 PM
- A brave attempt, Sara :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
Date: 5/20/2017 6:29:00 AM
wow, I was surprised to read this on your page, Anne-Lise, but .. wow! Great job, you three did an amazing job with this dark write!
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Anne-Lise Andresen
Date: 5/20/2017 1:32:00 PM
- Surprised ..... life has both bright and dark sides - I have many dark poems, Becca - Thank you for taking the time to read our poem: - Psychedelic Whistle Plays a Rhythm Into the Darkness - :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
Date: 5/20/2017 3:14:00 AM
Hello Dear Anne-Lise!! Now I thought I was "really scared" when the three of us had finished this co-write together, but with the picture of the "clawed hands" you included above with this posting -- now I'm even more frightened!! (HA!! HA!!) It was a great pleasure (as always) for the three of us to collaborate again on another delicious theme that we could all "sink out teeth into"!! The Brothers and Sister Grimm have struck again!! Cheers and Best Wishes, Gary
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Anne-Lise Andresen
Date: 5/20/2017 1:28:00 PM
- Sharp claws ... out of the dark ..... be careful, Brother Grimm :) - Thanks for the nice cooperation - Lovely weekend :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
Date: 5/19/2017 4:10:00 PM
also i would like to thank everyone for the heartfelt beautiful comments deeply appreciated
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Anne-Lise Andresen
Date: 5/20/2017 12:57:00 PM
- X X -
Date: 5/19/2017 4:08:00 PM
this held me in a space reading it again anne lise both your pens drew from the blood in this one smiling a pleasure writing this with you and gary wishing you dear pal a blessed beautiful weekend
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Anne-Lise Andresen
Date: 5/20/2017 12:56:00 PM
- Brother Grimm ... many thanks, lovely weekend to you :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
Date: 5/19/2017 1:41:00 PM
Yes, this one was dark, your right! Great job though!!
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Anne-Lise Andresen
Date: 5/19/2017 2:01:00 PM
- Jeremy, thank you for taking the time to read our poem: - Psychedelic Whistle Plays a Rhythm Into the Darkness - :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
Date: 5/19/2017 11:26:00 AM
A collage of darkening thoughts thrown on the embers of hope, igniting the sputtering flames of hell. We are all human, with all the frailties and dark traits intrinsic to our race, and given a chance we will feast among our darker emotions. Emile.
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Anne-Lise Andresen
Date: 5/19/2017 2:06:00 PM
- When three heads think .... there may be flames in hell, you're right Emile :) - On behalf of us all three, thank you for taking the time to read our poem: - Psychedelic Whistle Plays a Rhythm Into the Darkness - :) - Your comments mean a lot :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
Date: 5/19/2017 6:13:00 AM
Creepy x 3. This was a haunting tale that brought a sense of fear to me as I read. I became lost in this dark world the three of you have created as I read this today. A wonderful masterpiece from three talented writers. Really nice done to all.
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Anne-Lise Andresen
Date: 5/19/2017 1:01:00 PM
- Yes it is creepy, Chris :) - Your comments mean a lot :) - Thank you for taking the time to read our poem: - Psychedelic Whistle Plays a Rhythm Into the Darkness - :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
Date: 5/19/2017 3:33:00 AM
I see what you meant by your comment to my poem, Anne-Lise :) The three of you collaborate in a fantasic way by the way, this is perfect, awesome! I like that somewhat archaic language you used too. That picture is great by the way. Definite 7 from me.
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Anne-Lise Andresen
Date: 5/19/2017 12:52:00 PM
- On behalf of us all three, thank you for taking the time to read our poem: - Psychedelic Whistle Plays a Rhythm Into the Darkness - :) - Especially thanks for one 7 - Your comments mean a lot, Darren - hugs // Anne-Lise :)

Book: Reflection on the Important Things