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Michelangelo Buonarroti

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Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (6 March 1475 – 18 February 1564), commonly known as Michelangelo (Italian pronunciation:  [mike'landelo] ), was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect, poet, and engineer of the High Renaissance who exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of Western art. Despite making few forays beyond the arts, his versatility in the disciplines he took up was of such a high order that he is often considered a contender for the title of the archetypal Renaissance man, along with his fellow Italian Leonardo da Vinci .

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Here are a few random quotes by Michelangelo Buonarroti.

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Quote Left If we have been pleased with life, we should not be displeased with death, since it comes from the hand of the same master. Quote Right
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Quote Left What spirit is so empty and blind, that it cannot recognize the fact that the foot is more noble than the shoe, and skin more beautiful that the garment with which it is clothed Quote Right
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Quote Left I hope that I may always desire more than I can accomplish. Quote Right
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Quote Left A man paints with his brains and not with his hands. Quote Right
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Quote Left Trifles go to make perfection,
And perfection is no trifle.
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Book: Shattered Sighs