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Louis Aragon

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Louis Aragon (French pronunciation:, born Louis Andrieux (October 3, 1897 – December 24, 1982), was a French poet, novelist and editor, a long-time political supporter of the Communist Party and a member of the Académie Goncourt.. French poet novelist and editor

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Here are a few random quotes by Louis Aragon.

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Quote Left The whole fauna of human fantasies, their marine vegetation, drifts and luxuriates in the dimly lit zones of human activity, as though plaiting thick tresses of darkness. Here, too, appear the lighthouses of the mind, with their outward resemblance to less pure symbols. The gateway to mystery swings open at the touch of human weakness and we have entered the realms of darkness. One false step, one slurred syllable together reveal a man's thoughts. Quote Right
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Quote Left There exists a black kingdom which the eyes of man avoid because its landscape fails signally to flatter them. This darkness, which he imagines he can dispense with in describing the light, is error with its unknown characteristics. Error is certainty's constant companion. Error is the corollary of evidence. And anything said about truth may equally well be said about error: the delusion will be no greater. Quote Right
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Quote Left O reason, reason, abstract phantom of the waking state, I had already expelled you from my dreams, now I have reached a point where those dreams are about to become fused with apparent realities: now there is only room here for myself. Quote Right
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Quote Left Your imagination, my dear fellow, is worth more than you imagine. Quote Right
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Quote Left We know that the nature of genius is to provide idiots with ideas twenty years later. Quote Right
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things