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Famous Sura Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Sura poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous sura poems. These examples illustrate what a famous sura poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also: feet.

Where is it now? Oh, more than ever, now
I sometimes think no poetry is read
Save where some sepultured C?sura bled,
Royally incarnadining all the line.
Is the imperial iamb laid to rest,
And the young trochee, having done enough?
Ah! turn again! Sing so to us, who are sick
Of seeming-simple rhymes, bizarre emotions,
Decked in the simple verses of the day,
Infinite meaning in a little gloom,
Irregular thoughts in stanzas regular,
Modern despair in antique me...Read more of this...
by Brooke, Rupert

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things