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Famous Stirrup Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Stirrup poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous stirrup poems. These examples illustrate what a famous stirrup poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Gordon, Adam Lindsay
Song shaped without form.
Whence gather'd?--The locust's glad chirrup
May furnish a stave;
The ring os rowel and stirrup,
The wash of a wave.
The chauntof a marsh frog in rushes
That chimes through the pauses and hushes 
Of nightfall, the torrent that gushes,
The tempests that rave.
In the deep'ning of dawn, when it dapples
The dusk of the sky,
With streaks like the redd'ning of apples,
The ripening of rye.
To eastward, when cluster by cluster,
Dim stars an...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...Out of the wood my White Knight came:
His eyes were bright with a bitter flame,
As I clung to his stirrup leather;
For I was only a dreaming lad,
Yet oh, what a wonderful faith I had!
And the song in my heart was never so glad,
As we took to the trail together.

"Friends and lovers, good-bye," I said;
Never once did I turn my head,
Though wickedly wild the weather
min were the rover's rags and scars,
And the rover's bed beneath the stars,
But never t...Read more of this...

by Dickinson, Emily
For a Firmament --
Or a Cubit -- or so?

I could borrow a Bonnet
Of the Lark --
And a Chamois' Silver Boot --
And a stirrup of an Antelope --
And be with you -- Tonight!

But, Moon, and Star,
Though you're very far --
There is one -- farther than you --
He -- is more than a firmament -- from Me --
So I can never go!...Read more of this...

by Khayyam, Omar
...clay. I have often thought of destroying this prison,
but my foot would come in contact with a stone and slip
on the stirrup of the Koran's law....Read more of this...

by Pinsky, Robert
...lement from
Rio to Tokyo and back again gathering
Speed in the variations as they tunnel
The twin haunted labyrinths of stirrup
And anvil echoing here in the hearkening
Instrument of my skull....Read more of this...

by Browning, Robert
...I sprang to the stirrup, and Joris, and he;
I galloped, Dirck galloped, we galloped all three;
"Good speed!" cried the watch, as the gate-bolts undrew;
"Speed!" echoed the wall to us galloping through;
Behind shut the postern, the lights sank to rest,
And into the midnight we galloped abreast.

Not a word to each other; we kept the great pace
Neck by neck, stride by str...Read more of this...

by Byron, George (Lord)
That thus he served, but surely not for hire. 
Slight were the tasks enjoin'd him by his lord, 
To hold the stirrup, or to bear the sword; 
To tune his lute, or, if he will'd it more, 
On tomes of other times and tongues to pore; 
But ne'er to mingle with the menial train, 
To whom he shew'd not deference nor disdain, 
But that well-worn reserve which proved he knew 
No sympathy with that familiar crew: 
His soul, whate'er his station or his stem, 
Could bow to La...Read more of this...

by Khayyam, Omar
...Oft doth my soul her prisoned state bemoan,
Her earth-born co-mate she would fain disown,
And quit, did not the stirrup of the law
Upbear her foot from dashing on the stone....Read more of this...

by Belloc, Hilaire
...Michael! Who is this that stands
With Ireland in his dubious eye,
And Perigord between his hands,

"'And on his arm the stirrup-thongs,
And in his gait the narrow seas,
And in his mouth Burgundian songs,
But in his heart the Pyrenees?'

"St. Michael then will answer right
(And not without angelic shame),
'I seem to know his face by sight:
I cannot recollect his name . . . . ?'

"St. Peter will befriend me then,
Because my name is Peter too:
'I know him...Read more of this...

by Kipling, Rudyard
...s on his face?"

An' Jock he sniggered, an' Jock he smiled,
 An' ower the card-brim wunk: --
"I'm a' too fresh fra' the stirrup-peg,
 "May be that I am drunk."

"There's whusky brewed in Galashils
 "An' L. L. L. forbye;
"But never liquor lit the lowe
 "That keeks fra' oot your eye.

"There's a third o' hair on your dress-coat breast,
 "Aboon the heart a wee?"
"Oh! that is fra' the lang-haired Skye
 "That slobbers ower me."

"Oh! lang-haired Skyes are l...Read more of this...

by Browning, Robert
...e, exactly stated---
To encourage your dog, now, the properest chirrup,
Or best prayer to Saint Hubert on mounting your stirrup---
We of the house hold took thought and debated.
Blessed was he whose back ached with the jerkin
His sire was wont to do forest-work in;
Blesseder he who nobly sunk ``ohs''
And ``ahs'' while he tugged on his grand-sire's trunk-hose;
What signified hats if they had no rims on,
Each slouching before and behind like the scallop,
And able to serve a...Read more of this...

by Byron, George (Lord)
...he snatched, as if his last,
A moment checked his wheeling steed,
A moment breathed him from his speed,
A moment on his stirrup stood -
Why looks he o'er the olive wood?
The crescent glimmers on the hill,
The mosque's high lamps are quivering still
Though too remote for sound to wake
In echoes of far tophaike,
The flashes of each joyous peal
Are seen to prove the Moslem's zeal,
Tonight, set Rhamazani's sun;
Tonight the Bairam feast's begun;
Tonight - but who and what art thou...Read more of this...

by Morris, William
...d rain
That her own eyes might see him slain
Beside the haystack in the floods?

Along the dripping leafless woods,
The stirrup touching either shoe,
She rode astride as troopers do;
With kirtle kilted to her knee,
To which the mud splash'd wretchedly;
And the wet dripp'd from every tree
Upon her head and heavy hair,
And on her eyelids broad and fair;
The tears and rain ran down her face.
By fits and starts they rode apace,
And very often was his place
Far off from her; h...Read more of this...

by Wordsworth, William
...sp;Beneath the moon that shines so bright,  Till she is tired, let Betty Foy  With girt and stirrup fiddle-faddle;  But wherefore set upon a saddle  Him whom she loves, her idiot boy?   There's scarce a soul that's out of bed;  Good Betty put him down again;  His lips with joy they burr at you,  But, Betty! what has he to do  With stirrup, saddl...Read more of this...

by Scott, Sir Walter
...nded head,
     And glancing eye and quivering ear,
     As if he loved his lord to hear.
     No foot Fitz-James in stirrup stayed,
     No grasp upon the saddle laid,
     But wreathed his left hand in the mane,
     And lightly bounded from the plain,
     Turned on the horse his armed heel,
     And stirred his courage with the steel.
     Bounded the fiery steed in air,
     The rider sat erect and fair,
     Then like a bolt from steel crossbow
     Forth la...Read more of this...

by Kipling, Rudyard deer belled to call the hind.

True Thomas laid his harp away,
 And louted low at the saddle-side;
He has taken stirrup and hauden rein,
 And set the King on his horse o' pride.

"Sleep ye or wake," True Thomas said,
 "That sit so still, that muse so long;
Sleep ye or wake? -- till the latter sleep
 I trow ye'll not forget my song.

"I ha' harpit a shadow out o' the sun
 To stand before your face and cry;
I ha' armed the earth beneath your heel,
 And over your...Read more of this...

by Kipling, Rudyard
...e rein,
 But before you lead the Fairy Queen
 'Twill burst your heart in twain."

 He has slipped his foot from the stirrup-bar,
 The bridle from his hand,
 And he is bound by hand and foot
 To the Queen of Fairy Land.

"If I have taken the common clay
 And wrought it cunningly
In the shape of a God that was digged a clod,
 The greater honour to me."

"If thou hast taken the common clay,
 And thy hands be not free
From the taint of the soil, thou hast made thy spo...Read more of this...

by de la Mare, Walter
Fell echoing through the shadowiness of the still house
From the one man left awake:
Ay, they heard his foot upon the stirrup,
And the sound of iron on stone,
And how the silence surged softly backward,
When the plunging hoofs were gone....Read more of this...

by Lawson, Henry
...ides slowly home again,
Whose heart has learnt to love and roam.

A hand upon the horse's mane,
And one foot in the stirrup set,
And, stooping back to kiss again,
With 'Good-bye, Mary! don't you fret!
When I come back'—he laughed for her—
'We do not know how soon 'twill be;
I'll whistle as I round the spur—
You let the sliprails down for me.' 

She gasped for sudden loss of hope,
As, with a backward wave to her,
He cantered down the grassy slope
And swiftly round the ...Read more of this...

by Lanier, Sidney
...espeare for a king-delight.

Then, Time, let not a drop be spilt:
Hand me the cup whene'er thou wilt;
'Tis thy rich stirrup-cup to me;
I'll drink it down right smilingly....Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Stirrup poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things