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Famous Spouting Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Spouting poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous spouting poems. These examples illustrate what a famous spouting poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Sandburg, Carl
All I can give you now is a double gorilla head with two fish mouths and four eagle eyes hooked on a street wall, spouting water and looking two ways to the ends of the street for the new people, the young strangers, coming, coming, always coming.

It is early.
I shall yet be footloose....Read more of this...

by Sassoon, Siegfried
...d with five-nines 
Traversing, sure as fate, and never a dud. 
Mute in the clamour of shells he watched them burst 
Spouting dark earth and wire with gusts from hell, 
While posturing giants dissolved in drifts of smoke. 
He crouched and flinched, dizzy with galloping fear, 
Sick for escape,—loathing the strangled horror 
And butchered, frantic gestures of the dead. 

An officer came blundering down the trench: 
‘Stand-to and man the fire-step!’ On he went..Read more of this...

by McGonagall, William Topaz
...iantly very high,
Which arrests strangers' attention while passing by. 

Then there's two beautiful water-fountains spouting up very high,
Where the weary travellers can drink when he feels dry;
And at the foot of the monument there's three bronze lions in grand array,
Enough to make the stranger's heart throb with dismay. 

Then there's Mr Spurgeon, a great preacher, which no one dare gainsay
I went to hear him preach on the Sabbath-day.
And he made my heart feel...Read more of this...

by Keats, John
Of a thousand fountains, so that he could dash
The waters with his spear; but at the splash,
Done heedlessly, those spouting columns rose
Sudden a poplar's height, and 'gan to enclose
His diamond path with fretwork, streaming round
Alive, and dazzling cool, and with a sound,
Haply, like dolphin tumults, when sweet shells
Welcome the float of Thetis. Long he dwells
On this delight; for, every minute's space,
The streams with changed magic interlace:
Sometimes like deli...Read more of this...

by Pinsky, Robert
...clarinet, but with its column of vibrating
Air shaped not in a cylinder but in a cone
Widening ever outward and bawaah spouting
Infinitely upward through an upturned
Swollen golden bell rimmed
Like a gloxinia flowering
In Sax's Belgian imagination

And in the unfathomable matrix
Of mothers and fathers as a genius graven
Humming into the cells of the body
Or cupped in the resonating grail
Of memory changed and exchanged
As in the trading of brasses,
Pearls and ivory, calicos ...Read more of this...

by McGonagall, William Topaz Grove, it is most lovely to be seen
With its beautiful flowers and trees so green,
And a magnificent water-fountain spouting up very high,
Where the people can quench their thirst when they feel dry. 


Beautiful city of Glasgow, I now conclude my muse,
And to write in praise of thee my pen does not refuse;
And, without fear of contradiction, I will venture to say
You are the second grandest city in Scotland at the present day!...Read more of this...

by Wheatley, Phillis
...the body hew'd the ghastly head;
The blood in gushing torrents drench'd the plains,
The soul found passage through the spouting veins.
And now aloud th' illustrious victor said,
"Where are your boastings now your champion's
Scarce had he spoke, when the Philistines fled:
But fled in vain; the conqu'ror swift pursu'd:
What scenes of slaughter! and what seas of blood!
There Saul thy thousands grasp'd th' impurpled sand
In pangs of death the conquest of thine hand;
...Read more of this...

by Paterson, Andrew Barton
...e sang them "Home, Sweet Home!" 
Why, it made a blessed horse fall down. 
Then he summoned his supporters, and went spouting through the bush, 
To assure them that he'd build them roads galore, 
If he could but borrow something from the "Plutocratic Push", 
Though he knew they wouldn't lend him any more. 
With his Coolangatta Croesus, who was posing for the day 
As a Friend of Labour, just brought up from town: 
When the Democratic Keystone told the workers, "Vote for...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord

Then she stretched out her arms and cried aloud 
`Oh Arthur!' there her voice brake suddenly, 
Then--as a stream that spouting from a cliff 
Fails in mid air, but gathering at the base 
Re-makes itself, and flashes down the vale-- 
Went on in passionate utterance: 

`Gone--my lord! 
Gone through my sin to slay and to be slain! 
And he forgave me, and I could not speak. 
Farewell? I should have answered his farewell. 
His mercy choked me. Gone, my lord the King, ...Read more of this...

by Masters, Edgar Lee
...the justice court,
A picker of rags in the rubbage of spites and wrongs, --
I, whom fortune smiled on! I in a village,
Spouting to gaping yokels pages of verse,
Out of the lore of golden years,
Or raising a laugh with a flash of filthy wit
When they bought the drinks to kindle my dying mind.
To be judged by you,
The soul of me hidden from you,
With its wound gangrened
By love for a wife who made the wound,
With her cold white bosom, treasonous, pure and hard,
Relentless ...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...e on, me boys," says Kelly,
"The Layjun lades the way!"

 Aye, while they faltered, doubting
 (Such flames of doom were spouting),
 He caught them, thrilled them, shouting:
 "The Layjun lades the way!"

They saw him slip and stumble,
Then stagger on once more;
They marked him trip and tumble,
A mass of grime and gore;
They watched him blindly crawling
Amid hell's own affray,
And calling, calling, calling:
"The Layjun lades the way!"

 And even while they wondered,
 The battle...Read more of this...

by Angelou, Maya
...asing the bees
hived in my hair, your smile at the
slope of my cheek. On the
occasion, you press
above me, glowing, spouting
readiness, mystery rapes
my reason

When you have withdrawn
your self and the magic, when
only the smell of your
love lingers between
my breasts, then, only
then, can I greedily consume
your presence....Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...r eyes were only for Bill;
So there was I longing and loving, and dreaming the craziest things,
And Billie shouting and spouting, and everyone rapt and still.

Proud as a prince was Billie, bang in the footlights' glare,
And quaking for him was Millie, as she followed every word;
Then just as he reached the climax, ranting and sawing the air -
Ugh! How it makes me shudder! The horrible thing occurred...

'Twas the day when frocks were frilly, and skirts were s...Read more of this...

by Lowell, Robert
This is the end of them, three-quarters fools,
Snatching at straws to sail
Seaward and seaward on the turntail whale,
Spouting out blood and water as it rolls,
Sick as a dog to these Atlantic shoals:
Clamavimus, O depths. Let the sea-gulls wail

For water, for the deep where the high tide
Mutters to its hurt self, mutters and ebbs.
Waves wallow in their wash, go out and out,
Leave only the death-rattle of the crabs,
The beach increasing, its enormous snout
Sucking t...Read more of this...

by Kipling, Rudyard
As it was when they sailed with the Golden Hind,
 Or tbe wreck that struck last tide --
Or the wreck that lies on the spouting reef
 Where the ghastly blue-lights flare
If blood be tbe price of admiralty,
If blood be tbe price of admiralty,
If blood be the price of admiralty,
 Lord God, we ha' bought it fair!...Read more of this...

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things