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Famous Spiders Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Spiders poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous spiders poems. These examples illustrate what a famous spiders poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Moore, Marianne
...that they are
 desecrating a grave,
and row quickly away-the blades of the oars
moving together like the feet of water-spiders as if there were
 no such thing as death.
The wrinkles progress among themselves in a phalanx—
beautiful under networks of foam,
and fade breathlessly while the sea rustles in and out of the
the birds swim through the air at top speed, emitting cat-calls
 as heretofore—
the tortoise-shell scourges about the feet of the cliffs, in motion...Read more of this...

by Robinson, Edwin Arlington>
"No, Ben," he mused; "it's Nothing. It's all Nothing.
We come, we go; and when we're done, we're done."
Spiders and flies -- we're mostly one or t'other -- 
We come, we go; and when we're done, we're done;
"By God, you sing that song as if you knew it!"
Said I, by way of cheering him; "what ails ye?"
"I think I must have come down here to think,"
Says he to that, and pulls his little beard;
"Your fly will serve as well as anybody,
And what's his hour? He flies...Read more of this...

by Issa, Kobayashi
...Don't worry, spiders,
I keep house
casually....Read more of this...

by Hugo, Victor
...beam to beam 
 Of the confused wild roof will haply seem 
 To wonder that the stars he sees not there. 
 Giants the spiders are, that weave with care 
 Their hideous webs, which float the joists amid, 
 Joists whose dark ends in griffins' jaws are hid. 
 The light is lurid, and the air like death, 
 And dark and foul. Even Night holds its breath 
 Awhile. One might suppose the door had fear 
 To move its double leaves—their noise to hear. 
 WHAT MORE...Read more of this...

by Shakespeare, William
 Never harm, 
 Nor spell nor charm, 
 Come our lovely lady nigh; 
 So, good night, with lullaby. 

Weaving spiders, come not here; 
 Hence, you long-legg'd spinners, hence! 
Beetles black, approach not near; 
 Worm nor snail, do no offence. 

 Philomel, with melody, 
 Sing in our sweet lullaby; 
 Lulla, lulla, lullaby; lulla, lulla, lullaby! 
 Never harm, 
 Nor spell nor charm, 
 Come our lovely lady nigh; 
 So, good night, with lullaby....Read more of this...

by Bukowski, Charles

I changed jobs and
cities,I hated holidays,
newspapers, museums,
marriage, movies,
spiders, garbagemen,
english accents,spain,
france,italy,walnuts and
the color 
algebra angred me,
opera sickened me,
charlie chaplin was a
and flowers were for

peace an happiness to me
were signs of
tenants of the weak

but as I went on with
my alley fights,
my suicidal years,
my passage throug...Read more of this...

by Graves, Robert
...groan of ants who undertake 
Gigantic loads for honour's sake 
(Their sinews creak, their breath comes thin); 
Whir of spiders when they spin, 
And minute whispering, mumbling, sighs 
Of idle grubs and flies. 
This man is quickened so with grief, 
He wanders god-like or like thief 
Inside and out, below, above, 
Without relief seeking lost love....Read more of this...

by Lorde, Audre
...oor leading to my golden
flameproofed free-paper shredded
in the teeth of a pillaging dog
never to dream of spiders
and when they turned the hoses upon me
a burst of light....Read more of this...

by Field, Eugene
Where "fields beyont the swellin' floods stand dressed in livin' green";
Where little girls are skeered to death with spiders, bugs, and ants,
An' little boys get grass-stains on their go-to meetin' pants.
It's June ag'in, an' with it all what happiness is mine -
There's goin' to be a picnic, an' I'm goin' to jine!

One year I jined the Baptists, an' goodness! how it rained!
(But grampa says that that's the way "baptizo" is explained.)
And once I jined the 'Piscopil...Read more of this...

by Webb, Charles
...Treacherous as trap door spiders,
they ambush children's innocence.
"Why is there g h in light? It isn't fair!"
Buddha declared the world illusory
as the p sound in psyche. Sartre
said the same of God from France,
Olympus of silent letters, n'est -ce pas?

Polite conceals an e in the same way
"How are you?" hides "I don't care."
Physics asserts the desk I lean on,
the br...Read more of this...

by Sandburg, Carl
...e subway plugs and drums,
In the slow hydraulic drills, in gumbo or gravel,
Under dynamo shafts in the webs of armature spiders,
They shadow-dance and laugh at the cost.

The ovens light a red dome.
Spools of fire wind and wind.
Quadrangles of crimson sputter.
The lashes of dying maroon let down.
Fire and wind wash out the slag.
Forever the slag gets washed in fire and wind.
The anthem learned by the steel is:
 Do this or go hungry.
Look for ou...Read more of this...

by Schwartz, Delmore
...p, carefully spun
To bind the fly (innocent or unaware)
In a net as strong as a chain or a gun.

There are far more spiders than the man in the street
And the philosopher-king imagines, let alone knows!
There are six hundred kinds of spiders and each one
Differs in kind and in unkindness.
In variety of behavior spiders are unrivalled:
The fat garden spider sits motionless, amidst or at the heart
Of the orb of its web: other kinds run,
Scuttling across the fl...Read more of this...

by Betjeman, John on the floor.

I pulled aside the thick magenta curtains
-So Regency, so Regency, my dear –
And a host of little spiders
Ran a race across the ciders
To a box of baby ‘pollies by the beer.

Oh sun upon the summer-going by-pass
Where ev’rything is speeding to the sea, 
And wonder beyond wonder
That here where lorries thunder
The sun should ever percolate to me.

When Boris used to call in his Sedanca, 
When Teddy took me down to his estate
When my nose excited p...Read more of this...

by Browning, Robert
...hese made the troop, which our Duke saw sally
Toward his castle from out of the valley,
Men and women, like new-hatched spiders,
Come out with the morning to greet our riders.
And up they wound till they reached the ditch,
Whereat all stopped save one, a witch
That I knew, as she hobbled from the group,
By her gait directly and her stoop,
I, whom Jacynth was used to importune
To let that same witch tell us our fortune.
The oldest Gipsy then above ground;
And, sure as ...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...childwise in the grass,
Believing it's some jungle strange,
Where mighty monsters peer and pass,
Where beetles roam and spiders range.
'Mid gloom and gleam of leaf and blade,
What dragons rasp their painted wings!
O magic world of shine and shade!
O beauty land of Little Things!

I sometimes wonder, after all,
Amid this tangled web of fate,
If what is great may not be small,
And what is small may not be great.
So wondering I go my way,
Yet in my heart contentment sing...Read more of this...

by Blake, William
...; beneath us at an immense distance was the sun,
black but shining[;] round it were fiery tracks on which revolv'd
vast spiders, crawling after their prey; which flew or rather
swum in the infinite deep, in the most terrific shapes of animals
sprung from corruption. & the air was full of them, & seemd
composed of them; these are Devils. and are called Powers of the
air, I now asked my companion which was my eternal lot? he said,
between the black & white spiders 
But ...Read more of this...

by Jong, Erica
...doesn't want to come;
it hides from the poet
like a playful cat
who has run
under the house
& lurks among slugs,
roots, spiders' eyes,
ledge so long out of the sun
that it is dank
with the breath of the Troll King. 

Sometimes the poem
darts away
like a coy lover
who is afraid of being possessed,
of feeling too much,
of losing his essential
loneliness-which he calls

Sometimes the poem
can't requite
the poet's passion. 

The poem is a dance
between poet ...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...t our backs 
With Ho! from some bay-window shake the night; 
But all was quiet: from the bastioned walls 
Like threaded spiders, one by one, we dropt, 
And flying reached the frontier: then we crost 
To a livelier land; and so by tilth and grange, 
And vines, and blowing bosks of wilderness, 
We gained the mother city thick with towers, 
And in the imperial palace found the king. 

His name was Gama; cracked and small his voice, 
But bland the smile that like a wrinkling ...Read more of this...

by Byron, George (Lord)
...lls to me had grown
A hermitage - and all my own!
And half I felt as they were come
To tear me from a second home:
With spiders I had friendship made,
And watch'd them in their sullen trade,
Had seen the mice by moonlight play,
And why should I feel less than they?
We were all inmates of one place,
And I, the monarch of each race,
Had power to kill - yet, strange to tell!
In quiet we had learn'd to dwell;
My very chains and I grew friends,
So much a long communion tends
To ma...Read more of this...

by Crowley, Aleister
...t glades of yew 
Where its ray fell light as dew 
Lighting up the shimmering veil 
Maiden pure and aery frail 
That the spiders wove to hide 
Blushes of the sylvan bride 
Earth, that trembled with delight 
At the male caress of Night. 

Velvet soft the wizard trod 
To the Sabbath of his God. 
With his naked feet he made 
Starry blossoms in the glade, 
Softly, softly, as he went 
To the sombre sacrament, 
Stealthy stepping to the tryst 
In his gown of amethyst. 

E...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Spiders poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs