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Famous Silver Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Silver poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous silver poems. These examples illustrate what a famous silver poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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Then from his leathern pouch the farmer threw on the table
Three times the old man's fee in solid pieces of silver;
And the notary rising, and blessing the bride and the bridegroom,
Lifted aloft the tankard of ale and drank to their welfare.
Wiping the foam from his lip, he solemnly bowed and departed,
While in silence the others sat and mused by the fireside,
Till Evangeline brought the draught-board out of its corner.
Soon was the game begun. In frie...Read more of this...
by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

...allen hair might be outspread
A soft and silken mat for Saturn's feet.
One moon, with alteration slow, had shed
Her silver seasons four upon the night,
And still these two were postured motionless,
Like natural sculpture in cathedral cavern;
The frozen God still couchant on the earth,
And the sad Goddess weeping at his feet:
Until at length old Saturn lifted up
His faded eyes, and saw his kingdom gone,
And all the gloom and sorrow ofthe place,
And that fair kneeling Godde...Read more of this...
by Keats, John
 Dragged in their fury, and rent, and tore him through, 
 Screaming derisive, "Philip! whose horse-hooves shine 
 With silver," and the rageful Florentine 
 Turned on himself his gnashing teeth and tore. 

 But he deserveth, and I speak, no more. 

 Now, as we neared the further beach, I heard 
 The lamentable and unceasing wail 
 By which the air of all the hells is stirred 
 Increasing ever, which caused mine eyes unveil 
 Their keenest vision to search what came, ...Read more of this...
by Alighieri, Dante
...s cry my brain!
Ah, but she,
Your other sister and my other soul,
She shall again be mine;
And I shall drink her from a silver bowl,
A chilly thin green wine,
Not bitter to the taste,
Not sweet,
Not of your press, oh, restless, clamorous nine,—
To foam beneath the frantic hoofs of mirth—
But savoring faintly of the acid earth,
And trod by pensive feet
From perfect clusters ripened without haste
Out of the urgent heat
In some clear glimmering vaulted twilight under the odorous...Read more of this...
by St Vincent Millay, Edna
...d in wild delight,
Some startled bird, with fluttering wings and fleet,
Made snow of all the blossoms; at my feet,
Like silver crowns, the pale narcissi lay,
And small birds sang on every twining spray.
O waving trees, O forest liberty!
Within your haunts at least a man is free,
And half forgets the weary world of strife:
The blood flows hotter, and a sense of life
Wakes i' the quickening veins, while once again
The woods are filled with gods we fancied slain.
Long ti...Read more of this...
by Wilde, Oscar

...the katy-did works her chromatic reed on the walnut-tree over the well; 
Through patches of citrons and cucumbers with silver-wired leaves;
Through the salt-lick or orange glade, or under conical firs; 
Through the gymnasium—through the curtain’d saloon—through the
 office or public hall; 
Pleas’d with the native, and pleas’d with the
 foreign—pleas’d with the new and old; 
Pleas’d with women, the homely as well as the handsome; 
Pleas’d with the quakeress as she puts...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt
...out of the northern lands,
Enormous lands alone,
Where a spell is laid upon life and lust
And the rain is changed to a silver dust
And the sea to a great green stone.

And a Shape that moveth murkily
In mirrors of ice and night,
Hath blanched with fear all beasts and birds,
As death and a shock of evil words
Blast a man's hair with white.

And the cry of the palms and the purple moons,
Or the cry of the frost and foam,
Swept ever around an inmost place,
And the din o...Read more of this...
by Chesterton, G K
...sometimes as fierce, as Lion bold,
5.80 Now trembling, and fearful, sad, and cold.
5.81 My golden Bowl and silver Cord, e're long,
5.82 Shall both be broke, by wracking death so strong.
5.83 I then shall go whence I shall come no more.
5.84 Sons, Nephews, leave, my death for to deplore.
5.85 In pleasures, and in labours, I have found
5.86 That earth can give no consolation sound
5.87 To great, to rich, to poor, to young, or old...Read more of this...
by Bradstreet, Anne
Of tenderness or kindness had she shed
Who here is pictured, ere upon her head
The fine gold might be turn'd to silver there. 
The smile that charm'd the father hath given place
Unto the furrow'd care wrought by the son;
But virtue hath transform'd all change to grace:
So that I praise the artist, who hath done
A portrait, for my worship, of the face
Won by the heart my father's heart that won. 

If I could but forget and not recall
So well my time of pleas...Read more of this...
by Bridges, Robert Seymour
...rcivale," she said, 
"Sweet brother, I have seen the Holy Grail: 
For, waked at dead of night, I heard a sound 
As of a silver horn from o'er the hills 
Blown, and I thought, `It is not Arthur's use 
To hunt by moonlight;' and the slender sound 
As from a distance beyond distance grew 
Coming upon me--O never harp nor horn, 
Nor aught we blow with breath, or touch with hand, 
Was like that music as it came; and then 
Streamed through my cell a cold and silver beam, 
And down ...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...g yourselves out for the fight."

Then the Banker endorsed a blank check (which he crossed),
 And changed his loose silver for notes.
The Baker with care combed his whiskers and hair,
 And shook the dust out of his coats.

The Boots and the Broker were sharpening a spade--
 Each working the grindstone in turn:
But the Beaver went on making lace, and displayed
 No interest in the concern:

Though the Barrister tried to appeal to its pride,
 And vainly proceeded to ...Read more of this...
by Carroll, Lewis bright,
That all the orient laugheth at the sight,
And with his streames* drieth in the greves** *rays **groves
The silver droppes, hanging on the leaves;
And Arcite, that is in the court royal
With Theseus, his squier principal,
Is ris'n, and looketh on the merry day.
And for to do his observance to May,
Remembering the point* of his desire, *object
He on his courser, starting as the fire,
Is ridden to the fieldes him to play,
Out of the court, were it a mile or tway...Read more of this...
by Chaucer, Geoffrey
     Chime when the groves were still and mute!
     And when the midnight moon should lave
     Her forehead in the silver wave,
     How solemn on the ear would come
     The holy matins' distant hum,
     While the deep peal's commanding tone
     Should wake, in yonder islet lone,
     A sainted hermit from his cell,
     To drop a bead with every knell!
     And bugle, lute, and bell, and all,
     Should each bewildered stranger call
     To friendly feast a...Read more of this...
by Scott, Sir Walter
...owing the cave, 
In the second chamber was a Viper folding round the rock & the 
cave, and others adorning it with gold silver and precious
In the third chamber was an Eagle with wings and feathers of
air, he caused the inside of the cave to be infinite, around were
numbers of Eagle like men, who built palaces in the immense
In the fourth chamber were Lions of flaming fire raging around
& melting the metals into living fluids.
In the fifth chamber ...Read more of this...
by Blake, William, seems to kiss the passing Cloud:
Now, o'er the pure Cerulean, rides sublime.
Wide the pale Deluge floats, with silver Waves,
O'er the sky'd Mountain, to the low-laid Vale;
From the white Rocks, with dim Reflexion, gleams, 
And faintly glitters thro' the waving Shades.

ALL Night, abundant Dews, unnoted, fall,
And, at Return of Morning, silver o'er
The Face of Mother-Earth; from every Branch
Depending, tremble the translucent Gems, 
And, quivering, seem to fall aw...Read more of this...
by Thomson, James
...which with one hand did fling
Dew on the earth, as if she were the Dawn
Whose invisible rain forever seemed to sing
"A silver music on the mossy lawn,
And still before her on the dusky grass
Iris her many coloured scarf had drawn.--
"In her right hand she bore a crystal glass
Mantling with bright Nepenthe;--the fierce splendour
Fell from her as she moved under the mass
"Of the deep cavern, & with palms so tender
Their tread broke not the mirror of its billow,
Glided alon...Read more of this...
by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
...spake, the angelic caravan, 
Arriving like a rush of mighty wind, 
Cleaving the fields of space, as doth the swan 
Some silver stream (say Ganges, Nile, or Inde, 
Or Thames, or Tweed), and 'midst them an old man 
With an old soul, and both extremely blind, 
Halted before the gate, and in his shroud 
Seated their fellow traveller on a cloud. 


But bringing up the rear of this bright host 
A Spirit of a different aspect waves 
His wings, like thunder-clouds above som...Read more of this...
by Byron, George (Lord)
...mothers never did sons much good. 
A Scot from Lady Jean's own native passes, 
With a head as smooth and round as a silver bowl, 
A crooked nose, and eyes behind her glasses 
Grey and bright and wise—a great soul ! 
Ready to lay down her life for her charge, and ready 
To administer discipline without consulting me: 
'Is that the way for you to answer my leddy?
I think you'll get no sweet tonight to your tea.'

Bringing him up better than I could do it,
Teaching him t...Read more of this...
by Miller, Alice Duer multiples.
I am dying as I sit. I lose a dimension.
Trains roar in my ears, departures, departures!
The silver track of time empties into the distance,
The white sky empties of its promise, like a cup.
These are my feet, these mechanical echoes.
Tap, tap, tap, steel pegs. I am found wanting.

This is a disease I carry home, this is a death.
Again, this is a death. Is it the air,
The particles of destruction I suck up? Am I a pulse
That ...Read more of this...
by Plath, Sylvia
...those ringing bells
That swam along in glazier clear.
For seven days sounded copper laugh
Or poured from eyes a silver tear.
And I, then having closed my face
As for eternal parting's moment,
Lay down and waited for her grace
That was not known yet as torment.

x x x

This city by the fearsome river
Was my crib blessed and dear
And a solemn wedding bed
Which the garlands for the head
Your young cherubs held above -
A city loved with bitter l...Read more of this...
by Akhmatova, Anna

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Silver poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things