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Willa Cather Short Poems

Famous Short Willa Cather Poems. Short poetry by famous poet Willa Cather. A collection of the all-time best Willa Cather short poems

by Willa Cather
 ACROSS the shimmering meadows-- 
Ah, when he came to me! 
In the spring-time, 
In the night-time, 
In the starlight, 
Beneath the hawthorn tree.
Up from the misty marsh-land-- Ah, when he climbed to me! To my white bower, To my sweet rest, To my warm breast, Beneath the hawthorn tree.
Ask of me what the birds sang, High in the hawthorn tree; What the breeze tells, What the rose smells, What the stars shine-- Not what he said to me!

Book: Shattered Sighs