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Bible Short Poems

Famous Short Bible Poems. Short poetry by famous poet Bible. A collection of the all-time best Bible short poems

by The Bible
Bless the Lord, O my soul
And all that is within me
Forgetting not His benefits
Nor forgiveness of iniquity
Bless Him, who brings healing
And redemption to our lives
Crowning us with loving kindness
And with blessings, satisfies.

Scripture Poem © Copyright Of M.

by The Bible
The one who sows sparingly
From that he shall reap,
But he who sows generously
Will be blessed with all he needs
Let each one give as he has chosen
With a heart of gratitude,
Not with grumbling or reluctance,
But with a cheerful attitude
And God is able to make all grace
Abound toward you
So you will be fully equipped
And be blessed in all you do.

Scripture Poem © Copyright Of M.

by Robert Burns
 I’M now arrived—thanks to the gods!—
 Thro’ pathways rough and muddy,
A certain sign that makin roads
 Is no this people’s study:
Altho’ Im not wi’ Scripture cram’d,
 I’m sure the Bible says
That heedless sinners shall be damn’d,
 Unless they mend their ways.

by The Bible
“As a father shows mercy to his sons,
Jehovah has shown mercy to those fearing him.
For he himself well knows the formation of us, Remembering that we are dust.
103:13, 14.
“If errors were what you watch, O Jah, O Jehovah, who could stand? For there is the true forgiveness with you, In order that you may be feared.
I have hoped, O Jehovah, my soul has hoped, And for his word I have waited.

Psalms  Create an image from this poem
by The Bible

by The Bible
I know the plans that I have for you,
Plans for prosperity and peace
Never for evil or calamity,
But a future hope never to cease
Then you shall come and call upon me
And will bow your knee to pray
And I will hear you and heed your call
To be by your side right away
Then you will find me when you seek,
If you seek with all your heart
For I shall reveal myself to you,
From you, I will not depart.

Scripture Poem © Copyright Of M.

by The Bible
I have strength for all things
Through Christ who empowers me,
I'm ready for anything that comes my way
Even what I may not foresee
For it is Christ who infuses me
Strengthening me in His might
And I am sufficient in His sufficiency
With the power of Christ inside.

Scripture Poem © Copyright Of M.

by The Bible
“The law of Jehovah is perfect, bringing back the soul.
The reminder of Jehovah is trustworthy, making the inexperienced one wise.

by The Bible
If we keep hiding away our sin
And cover our transgressions up
And we do not come to a place of confession
To allow the light of His love
To reveal to us where we're in need
Of forgiveness from the Lord
Then we will not prosper in our ways
Or know His mercy at all
But when we confess all of our sins
Forsaking what is not right,
We will surely obtain God's mercy
And walk in it all our lives.

Scripture Poem © Copyright Of M.

by The Bible
For you did knit me together
In the womb, before my birth
And I will confess and praise you,
For wonderful are your works
My frame was not hidden from you
As in secret, I was being formed
Like a beautiful embroidery
Woven before I was born
Your eyes saw my substance
Without form in the depths
And in your book, my life was recorded
Before I ever took breath.

Scripture Poem © Copyright Of M.

by The Bible
“A net they have prepared for my steps;
My soul has become bowed down.
They excavated before me a pitfall; They have fallen into the midst of it.
” - Psalm 57:6

by Robert Burns
 RASH 1 mortal, and slanderous poet, thy name
Shall no longer appear in the records of Fame;
Dost not know that old Mansfield, who writes like the Bible,
Says, the more ’tis a truth, sir, the more ’tis a libel!

 Note 1.
These are rhymes of dubious authenticity.

by The Bible
I eagerly hope and wait
For your salvation, O Lord
All your testimonies have I kept,
Loving and obeying your law
All my ways are before you
And your precepts, I have observed
Hear my mournful cry, O Lord
Give understanding by your word
For your word shall deliver me
And my lips pour forth your praise
With thanksgiving and renewed trust
For you instruct me in your ways.

Scripture Poem © Copyright Of M.

by The Bible
Wait with expectancy
For the Lord to come through
And place your hope in His word
That He has given you
Keep on looking and waiting
For the Lord to arrive
As a watchman for the morning,
Wait for His reply
And put your hope in the Lord,
In His mercy and His love
For He is our redemption
From the sins that bound us up.

Scripture Poem © Copyright Of M.

by The Bible
“The wicked one is borrowing and does not pay back,
But the righteous one is showing favor and is making gifts.

by The Bible

Woman  Create an image from this poem
by The Bible
“This is at last bone of my bones
And flesh of my flesh.
This one will be called Woman, Because from man this one was taken.

by The Bible
Mighty is your arm, O Lord
Your hand, exalted and strong
Your righteousness and your justice
Are the foundation of your throne
Your mercy and loving-kindness
Go before your face
And blessed are the those who know you,
Who walk in your favour and grace
For in your name, they do rejoice,
Their horn is lifted high,
For you are the glory of their strength
Their righteousness, and their light

Scripture Poem © Copyright Of M.

by The Bible
The name of the Lord
Is such a strong tower,
No evil can conquer it
Nor rob it of its power
And all of the righteous
Find refuge in its strength
And safety from the enemy
From the fiery darts he sends
For His name is so mighty
No other is the same
A strong and mighty fortress,
Forever shall remain.

Scripture Poem © Copyright Of M.

by The Bible
We should always serve the Lord
And Him alone we should fear
For the throne of our hearts,
He does not want to share
We should never allow another
The place reserved for Him,
But to give Him that place of Lordship
That will keep our hearts from sin
For we must choose whom to serve
And whom our allegiance is for
But as for me and my household,
We shall only serve the Lord.

Scripture Poem © Copyright Of M.

by The Bible
We have truly been set free
For Christ has redeemed us,
We can walk in His holy power
And know His saving love
May we stand fast in this freedom
Not to be again ensnared
By the heavy yoke we once had borne
When spiritually we were dead
But thanks be to God,
Who has given us the liberty,
Who has resurrected us
To walk in His victory.

Scripture Poem © Copyright Of M.

by The Bible
If you will receive God's words
And treasure all His commands
Being attentive to godly wisdom,
He'll be your shield from harm
If you raise your voice for understanding
And cry out for godly insight
Longing for godly direction,
Each and every day of your life,
And if you seek for God's wisdom
As for treasure that is hidden
Then you will know the fear of the Lord
And have His knowledge within.

Scripture Poem © Copyright Of M.

by Rainer Maria Rilke
 Telling you all would take too long.
Besides, we read in the Bible how the good is harmful and how misfortune is good.
Let's invite something new by unifying our silences; if, then and there, we advance, we'll know it soon enough.
And yet towards evening, when his memory is persistent, one belated curiousity stops him before the mirror.
We don't know if he is frightened.
But he stays, he is engrossed, and, facing his reflection, transports himself somewhere else.

by Emily Dickinson
 The Bible is an antique Volume --
Written by faded men
At the suggestion of Holy Spectres --
Subjects -- Bethlehem --
Eden -- the ancient Homestead --
Satan -- the Brigadier --
Judas -- the Great Defaulter --
David -- the Troubador --
Sin -- a distinguished Precipice
Others must resist --
Boys that "believe" are very lonesome --
Other Boys are "lost" --
Had but the Tale a warbling Teller --
All the Boys would come --
Orpheus' Sermon captivated --
It did not condemn --

by The Bible
“Because you said: ‘Jehovah is my refuge,’
You have made the Most High himself your dwelling;
No calamity will befall you,
And not even a plague will draw near to your tent.
For he will give his own angels a command concerning you, To guard you in all your ways.
Upon their hands they will carry you, That you may not strike your foot against any stone.
” —Ps.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things