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Rg Gregory Short Poems

Famous Short Rg Gregory Poems. Short poetry by famous poet Rg Gregory. A collection of the all-time best Rg Gregory short poems

by Rg Gregory
 for what my heart held clear
and didn’t have the wit to show

for what my path proposed
and got lost in its diversions

for what my beginnings dreamed
and my ends cannot lay hold of

for what promises i made
and have not had the shine to keep to

i ask your understanding

for what i have been
and could not be another

i ask your love

by Rg Gregory
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by Rg Gregory
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woman  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
 you have gone away from yourself
you walk in a dead way
your loins have lost their sweets
your breasts deny touch
your face exudes cold pain

everything you were
now you are not

the revolution then
has nearly been successful

stable society  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
 the horses have bolted
the one door's been locked
the flood can't get out

the greasy bilge swills
up the walls to the roof
hercules is hopeless

the manger is mangy
fresh myths and sayings
are urgently wanted

mythmakers get busy

as the snow fell  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
 the children played games
getting from here
to where the truth was
without touching a flake

needless to say
the only ones who got there
were liars

but while the honest ones
shrank back from
the touch of snow
the liars
were where the truth was

shape-poems (4)  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
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art school  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
 each sunset is unique
so others tell us

fools - with flowers
of envy pushing

through their teeth
i think differently

a feeble skill that
can't repeat itself

i'll have the sun in
for a spell to make

a proper artist of him
by time i finish with

this yellow fickle lout
his sunset will be perfect

grandeur  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
 loneliness is a state
the lonely cannot reach

it carries a grandeur
that doesn't fit into

bed-sitters or rejected
ideas - it's the label stuck

on the bottle after
the tables have gone

shape-poems (5)  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
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bad for ears  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
 the song wasn't up to the task
of getting through the double-glazing
into the ears pressed on the outside pane
the rest of their bodies had faded away but
the ears were straining still towards the music
in order to know the good times being had in the room
night fell the cold grew and the lights went out but
the ears hung around believing in music until
they froze and dropped to the ground like
slugs that had missed out on the seasons
it was a bad christmas for ears

conturbat me  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
 martin’s death
has made me scared
of the old bat
that clings to the eaves
waiting to enter the house

shape poems (2)  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
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the red man says hello  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
 the red man says hello
the green tree says i'm here
all grown-ups are sleeping
only the children hear

decorations are delighted
presents hug the floor
the room in its festive hat
hides behind the door

through the glittering day
two worlds split the one
grown-ups lose their tempers 
children have the fun

the red man says goodbye
the green tree says next year
grown ups are exhausted
only the children hear

age-old debate  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
 when the old man said
i know everything
the young girl replied
what is everything

when the old man said
wisdom is mine
the young girl replied
what is wisdom

when the old man said 
i am privy to all life’s secrets
the young girl replied
what is privy

when the old man said
you don’t know anything
the young girl replied
what has a bald head
a tight mouth
and dribbles when it eats

when the old man said
respect your elders
the young girl replied
i will when i’m older

bluefish  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
 the bluefish was surprised
i was there to greet it

this world it said is mine
it feeds on blueness

for the first time in my life
i felt i'd found my truth

bluefish i cried in joy
you are my deepest mirror

the bluefish gawped in pain
it saw no blue in me

i set about explaining
what we are we are not.
the bluefish looked at me in pity - then swam away since then it's stayed with me in every room i've been in

a koestler on the human brain  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
 the man and the horse and the crocodile
lay down on the couch together

the man said
this isn't going to work

the horse neighed
i love you

the crocodile
slimy as ever

neither complained nor adored

it snapped its jaws
and got on with the feast

for the naming of tara december 4th 2005  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
 for the naming of tara
this bowl of joy
that her fruits of earth 
she’ll well employ

for the naming of tara
this bunch of flowers
that she bloom brightly
through her natural powers

for tbe naming of tara
this poem’s desire
that (in a full life)
she may kindly aspire

for the naming of tara
three gifts intent
on marking her day
with love and excitement

Penelope  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
 In the pathway of the sun,
In the footsteps of the breeze,
Where the world and sky are one,
He shall ride the silver seas,
He shall cut the glittering wave.
I shall sit at home, and rock; Rise, to heed a neighbor's knock; Brew my tea, and snip my thread; Bleach the linen for my bed.
They will call him brave.

ulster  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
 fancy shooting a man dead for an old label

but think
if there weren't any old labels
nobody would ever be shot dead

and all those poor people
whose livelihood depends on making guns
would have to be left to starve

make up your mind
who would you sooner see living
 men with bullets in them
 or thousands of ordinary people
 going about their decent business

there's a lot to thank old labels for

sacked  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
 fog owns the town

in its palm
lawyers nibble each other's fingers
the churches take their cut

at the fat lunch
the men of business
carve themselves prayers and praises

the fog comes to my window
and lisping in says

 i've drained the town of you
 and you of the town
 come outside
 and let me smother you
 to the border

no person calls
and only the headless
watch and watch in the street

it was once called  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
 it comes like a convict
squeezing through bars
and is gone before
the promptest siren

it suddenly turns
in the ear or rides
the eye of a thought
before dissolving

i have it in a faint
taste or shudder
an ache like a spring
high in the mountains

it was once called love
and now a longing
for a song to be heard
that doesn't bear singing

thought for the ordinary  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
 be moved by your own time
but move it too
the sun hasn't all the answers
it can be made to listen to you

however adamant the pavement
it's a book of feet
though they need it to take them through town
people control the street

from the irreproachable mountain
wisdom drips down
spray it with your own salt
manacled clown

there is a god  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
 i belch
acre upon acre
of cotton wool
and there is still
not enough for his beard

jerusalem and redcurrants  Create an image from this poem
by Rg Gregory
 my jerusalem
my newfoundland
juicy as redcurrants
with their sweet tang taste

my desire
my holy requirement
caught in a cleft of mountain
ever clambered towards

my yearning
my place of the blood-red fruit
my want at the first sherd
for the full-bosomed bowl

my jerusalem
my sinewy prayer
where dust and the dry rock
are chastened by the cool red juice

my jerusalem
my revolving love
as the year bends and the fruit's 
pangs purchase my lips

Book: Shattered Sighs