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Mark Strand Short Poems

Famous Short Mark Strand Poems. Short poetry by famous poet Mark Strand. A collection of the all-time best Mark Strand short poems

by Mark Strand
 In a field
I am the absence
of field.
This is always the case.
Wherever I am I am what is missing.
When I walk I part the air and always the air moves in to fill the spaces where my body's been.
We all have reasons for moving.
I move to keep things whole.

by Mark Strand
 We have done what we wanted.
We have discarded dreams, preferring the heavy industry of each other, and we have welcomed grief and called ruin the impossible habit to break.
And now we are here.
The dinner is ready and we cannot eat.
The meat sits in the white lake of its dish.
The wine waits.
Coming to this has its rewards: nothing is promised, nothing is taken away.
We have no heart or saving grace, no place to go, no reason to remain.

by Mark Strand
 It is all in the mind, you say, and has
nothing to do with happiness.
The coming of cold, the coming of heat, the mind has all the time in the world.
You take my arm and say something will happen, something unusual for which we were always prepared, like the sun arriving after a day in Asia, like the moon departing after a night with us.

Book: Shattered Sighs