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Ann Taylor Short Poems

Famous Short Ann Taylor Poems. Short poetry by famous poet Ann Taylor. A collection of the all-time best Ann Taylor short poems

by Ann Taylor
 Come, my darling, come away,
Take a pretty walk to-day; 
Run along, and never fear,
I'll take care of baby dear: 
Up and down with little feet,
That's the way to walk, my sweet.
Now it is so very near, Soon she'll get to mother dear.
There she comes along at last: Here's my finger, hold it fast: Now one pretty little kiss, After such a walk as this.

by Ann Taylor
 Dance little baby, dance up high,
Never mind baby, mother is by;
Crow and caper, caper and crow,
There little baby, there you go;
Up to the ceiling, down to the ground,
Backwards and forwards, round and round;
Dance little baby, and mother shall sing,
With the merry coral, ding, ding, ding.

by Ann Taylor
 I'm a pretty little thing,
Always coming with the spring; 
In the meadows green I'm found,
Peeping just above the ground,
And my stalk is cover'd flat
With a white and yellow hat.
Little Mary, when you pass Lightly o'er the tender grass, Skip about, but do not tread On my bright but lowly head, For I always seem to say, "Surely winter's gone away.

by Ann Taylor
 Well, what's the matter? there's a face
What ! has it cut a vein?
And is it quite a shocking place?
Come, let us look again.
I see it bleeds, but never mind That tiny little drop; I don't believe you'll ever find That crying makes it stop.
'Tis sad indeed to cry at pain, For any but a baby; If that should chance to cut a vein, We should not wonder, may be.
But such a man as you should try To bear a little sorrow: So run along, and wipe your eye, 'Twill all be well to-morrow.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry