Adrian Green Short Poems
Famous Short Adrian Green Poems. Short poetry by famous poet Adrian Green. A collection of the all-time best Adrian Green short poems
Adrian Green
New moon on the lake.
Your voice and the nightingale
serenade springtime.
Full moon on the lake.
Your voice and the waterbirds
celebrate summer.
Old moon on the lake.
Owls hunting autumnal food -
your voice still singing.
Adrian Green
There are no lies
in the morning
no cheating of age
an illusion of eye
smoothing skin over bone.
No portrait hidden away
becoming skeletal
and demanding release.
Another day to face,
my confessor, so laugh
at this charting of years.
Adrian Green
in the soft jazz and midnight hour
your eyes are dancing close to mine
a sway of hips, a touch of lips
while on the stand
piano player’s fingers
dance around the tune
above a gentle touch
caressing music from the bass
your fingers up and down my spine
in the soft jazz and midnight hour
we lose ourselves in bluenote time
Adrian Green
Some like to dominate,
others caress
a voluptuous rhythm
on pliant strings.
This pulse drives life
through wanton counterpoint,
the heart and harmony
of things.
Adrian Green
The curlew and the heron call,
the hissing mud and whispering wings
beat eery through the idle air
until the moonlit midnight silence falls
and then the tide flows softly
through the gut and sluice of estuary sands
and dark against the dreamlit sky
the trees arise from hedgerows,
and the hills
alive with monstrous shapes
are menacing with soundless fear,
and still below the blundering man,
the beery and uncertain head,
the stubbled fields hold secrets now
and silence fills the river bed.