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Famous Sculptors Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Sculptors poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous sculptors poems. These examples illustrate what a famous sculptors poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Parker, Dorothy
...Authors and actors and artists and such
Never know nothing, and never know much.
Sculptors and singers and those of their kidney
Tell their affairs from Seattle to Sydney.
Playwrights and poets and such horses' necks
Start off from anywhere, end up at sex.
Diarists, critics, and similar roe
Never say nothing, and never say no.
People Who Do Things exceed my endurance;
God, for a man that solicits insurance!...Read more of this...

by Tebb, Barry
...salmon dart and

Giant trout are basking in the sun;

There is abundant clay for potters’ wheels

With haptic stone for sculptors’ hands

And the surrounding water is lapis lazuli and ochre.

The steps to the moorings have been carved

Out of indigenous rock and the bridge itself,

Arch by arch, was made of Hunslet iron and brought

On drays two hundred yards from the foundry where

They forged it and it was laid, cantilever by cantilever

By local men hammering home th...Read more of this...

by Hugo, Victor— 
 As if commander of this squadron dread— 
 All waiting signal of the Judgment Day, 
 In stone was seen in olden sculptors' way 
 Charlemagne the King, who on the earth had found 
 Only twelve knights to grace his Table Round. 
 The crests were an assembly of strange things, 
 Of horrors such as nightmare only brings. 
 Asps, and spread eagles without beak or feet, 
 Sirens and mermaids here and dragons meet, 
 And antlered stags and fabled unicorn, 
 And fe...Read more of this...

by Hikmet, Nazim

8 May

My days
 are like the waiting room
 of a station:
eyes glued
 to the tracks...

10 May

Sculptors of Greece,
painters of Seljuk china,
weavers of fiery rugs in Persia,
chanters of hymns to dromedaries in deserts,
dancer whose body undulates like a breeze,
craftsman who cuts thirty-six facets from a one-carat stone,
and YOU
 who have five talents on your five fingers,
Call out and announce to both friends and foe:
because h...Read more of this...

by Padel, Ruth
...round me 

Entirely. No who's doing what and to who,

Just a tangle of spiral and tree.

You might wonder about sculptors who come all this way 

To make a mad thing that won't last.

You know how it is: you spend a day, a whole life.

Then the light's gone, you walk away 


To the Galloway Paradise Hotel. Pine-logs,

Cutlery, champagne - OK, 

But the important thing was making it.

Hours, and you don't know how it'll be. 

Then something like l...Read more of this...

by Browning, Robert
...f command.
``And day by day more beautiful he grew
``In shape, all said, in feature and in hue,
``While young Greek sculptors, gazing on the child,
``Because with old Greek sculptore reconciled.
``Already sages laboured to condense
``In easy tomes a life's experience:
``And artists took grave counsel to impart
``In one breath and one hand-sweep, all their art---
``To make his graces prompt as blossoming
``Of plentifully-watered palms in spring:
``Since well beseems it...Read more of this...

by Petrarch, Francesco
...llus' or proud Cæsar's name,Or Africanus, Paulus—still resound,That sculptors proud have effigied their deed?No, Pandolph, frail the statuary's fame,For immortality alone is foundWithin the records of a poet's meed. Wollaston.  Read more of this...

by Sandburg, Carl
...ring river gold.

(A newspaper in my pocket says the Germans pierce the Italian line; I have letters from poets and sculptors in Greenwich Village; I have letters from an ambulance man in France and an I. W. W. man in Vladivostok.)

I lean on an ash and watch the lights fall, the red ember glow, and three muskrats swim west in a fan of ripples on a sheet of river gold.. . .
Better the blue silence and the gray west,
The autumn mist on the r...Read more of this...

by Warton, Thomas
...ed dome,
Where the tall shafts, that mount in massy pride,
Their mingling branches shoot from side to side;
Where elfin sculptors, with fantastic clew,
O'er the long roof their wild embroidery drew;
Where Superstition with capricious hand
In many a maze the wreathed window plann'd,
With hues romantic ting'd the gorgeous pane,
To fill with holy light the wondrous fane;
To aid the builder's model, richly rude,
By no Vitruvian symmetry subdu'd;
To suit the genius of the mystic p...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Sculptors poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things