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Famous Bite To Eat Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Bite To Eat poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous bite to eat poems. These examples illustrate what a famous bite to eat poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Field, Eugene
...things at night!

Once, when I licked a feller 'at had just moved on our street,
An' father sent me up to bed without a bite to eat,
I woke up in the dark an' saw things standin' in a row,
A-lookin' at me cross-eyed an' p'intin' at me - so!
Oh, my! I wuz so skeered that time I never slep' a mite -
It's almost alluz when I'm bad I see things at night!

Lucky thing I ain't a girl, or I'd be skeered to death!
Bein' I'm a boy, I duck my head an' hold my breath;
An' I am, oh! so s...Read more of this...

by Lowell, Robert
...its throat....
I myself am hell;
nobody's here--

only skunks, that search
in the moonlight for a bite to eat.
They march on their soles up Main Street:
white stripes, moonstruck eyes' red fire
under the chalk-dry and spar spire
of the Trinitarian Church.

I stand on top
of our back steps and breathe the rich air--
a mother skunk with her column of kittens swills the garbage

She jabs her wedge-head in a cup
of sour cream, d...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...e skinny hag in black
 Who boosts you up the curb.
Of course I know you get her cheap,
 Since she's a lady too,
And bite to eat and bed to sleep
 Maybe are all her due.

Alas for those who give us aid
 Yet need more help than we!
And though she thinks the wages paid
 Are almost charity,
I'd love to see that lady fat
 Lug round that hefty chair,
While with lorgnette and feathered hat
 Her handmaid lounges there....Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...t to spare.

'Tis children that have kept him poor;
 He's clad them neat.
They've never wanted, I am sure,
 For bite to eat.
And though their future may be dim,
 They laugh a lot.
Am I tearful for Brother Tim?
 Oh no, I'm not.

I know he goes to work each day
 With flagging feet.
'Tis hard, even with decent pay,
 To make ends meet.
But when my sterile home I see,
 So smugly prim,
Although my banker bows to me,
 I envy Tim....Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Bite To Eat poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things