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Best Famous Whined Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Whined poems. This is a select list of the best famous Whined poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Whined poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of whined poems.

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Written by Philip Larkin | Create an image from this poem


 I work all day, and get half-drunk at night.
Waking at four to soundless dark, I stare.
In time the curtain-edges will grow light.
Till then I see what's really always there: Unresting death, a whole day nearer now, Making all thought impossible but how And where and when I shall myself die.
Arid interrogation: yet the dread Of dying, and being dead, Flashes afresh to hold and horrify.
The mind blanks at the glare.
Not in remorse -- The good not done, the love not given, time Torn off unused -- nor wretchedly because An only life can take so long to climb Clear of its wrong beginnings, and may never; But at the total emptiness for ever, The sure extinction that we travel to And shall be lost in always.
Not to be here, Not to be anywhere, And soon; nothing more terrible, nothing more true.
This is a special way of being afraid No trick dispels.
Religion used to try, That vast moth-eaten musical brocade Created to pretend we never die, And specious stuff that says No rational being Can fear a thing it will not feel, not seeing That this is what we fear -- no sight, no sound, No touch or taste or smell, nothing to think with, Nothing to love or link with, The anaesthetic from which none come round.
And so it stays just on the edge of vision, A small unfocused blur, a standing chill That slows each impulse down to indecision.
Most things may never happen: this one will, And realisation of it rages out In furnace-fear when we are caught without People or drink.
Courage is no good: It means not scaring others.
Being brave Lets no one off the grave.
Death is no different whined at than withstood.
Slowly light strengthens, and the room takes shape.
It stands plain as a wardrobe, what we know, Have always known, know that we can't escape, Yet can't accept.
One side will have to go.
Meanwhile telephones crouch, getting ready to ring In locked-up offices, and all the uncaring Intricate rented world begins to rouse.
The sky is white as clay, with no sun.
Work has to be done.
Postmen like doctors go from house to house.

Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem

Clancy Of The Mounted Police

 In the little Crimson Manual it's written plain and clear
That who would wear the scarlet coat shall say good-bye to fear;
Shall be a guardian of the right, a sleuth-hound of the trail--
In the little Crimson Manual there's no such word as "fail"--
Shall follow on though heavens fall, or hell's top-turrets freeze,
Half round the world, if need there be, on bleeding hands and knees.
It's duty, duty, first and last, the Crimson Manual saith; The Scarlet Rider makes reply: "It's duty--to the death.
" And so they sweep the solitudes, free men from all the earth; And so they sentinel the woods, the wilds that know their worth; And so they scour the startled plains and mock at hurt and pain, And read their Crimson Manual, and find their duty plain.
Knights of the lists of unrenown, born of the frontier's need, Disdainful of the spoken word, exultant in the deed; Unconscious heroes of the waste, proud players of the game, Props of the power behind the throne, upholders of the name: For thus the Great White Chief hath said, "In all my lands be peace", And to maintain his word he gave his West the Scarlet Police.
Livid-lipped was the valley, still as the grave of God; Misty shadows of mountain thinned into mists of cloud; Corpselike and stark was the land, with a quiet that crushed and awed, And the stars of the weird sub-arctic glimmered over its shroud.
Deep in the trench of the valley two men stationed the Post, Seymour and Clancy the reckless, fresh from the long patrol; Seymour, the sergeant, and Clancy--Clancy who made his boast He could cinch like a bronco the Northland, and cling to the prongs of the Pole.
Two lone men on detachment, standing for law on the trail; Undismayed in the vastness, wise with the wisdom of old-- Out of the night hailed a half-breed telling a pitiful tale, "White man starving and crazy on the banks of the Nordenscold.
" Up sprang the red-haired Clancy, lean and eager of eye; Loaded the long toboggan, strapped each dog at its post; Whirled his lash at the leader; then, with a whoop and a cry, Into the Great White Silence faded away like a ghost.
The clouds were a misty shadow, the hills were a shadowy mist; Sunless, voiceless and pulseless, the day was a dream of woe; Through the ice-rifts the river smoked and bubbled and hissed; Behind was a trail fresh broken, in front the untrodden snow.
Ahead of the dogs ploughed Clancy, haloed by steaming breath; Through peril of open water, through ache of insensate cold; Up rivers wantonly winding in a land affianced to death, Till he came to a cowering cabin on the banks of the Nordenscold.
Then Clancy loosed his revolver, and he strode through the open door; And there was the man he sought for, crouching beside the fire; The hair of his beard was singeing, the frost on his back was hoar, And ever he crooned and chanted as if he never would tire:-- "I panned and I panned in the shiny sand, and I sniped on the river bar; But I know, I know, that it's down below that the golden treasures are; So I'll wait and wait till the floods abate, and I'll sink a shaft once more, And I'd like to bet that I'll go home yet with a brass band playing before.
" He was nigh as thin as a sliver, and he whined like a Moose-hide cur; So Clancy clothed him and nursed him as a mother nurses a child; Lifted him on the toboggan, wrapped him in robes of fur, Then with the dogs sore straining started to face the Wild.
Said the Wild, "I will crush this Clancy, so fearless and insolent; For him will I loose my fury, and blind and buffet and beat; Pile up my snows to stay him; then when his strength is spent, Leap on him from my ambush and crush him under my feet.
"Him will I ring with my silence, compass him with my cold; Closer and closer clutch him unto mine icy breast; Buffet him with my blizzards, deep in my snows enfold, Claiming his life as my tribute, giving my wolves the rest.
" Clancy crawled through the vastness; o'er him the hate of the Wild; Full on his face fell the blizzard; cheering his huskies he ran; Fighting, fierce-hearted and tireless, snows that drifted and piled, With ever and ever behind him singing the crazy man.
"Sing hey, sing ho, for the ice and snow, And a heart that's ever merry; Let us trim and square with a lover's care (For why should a man be sorry?) A grave deep, deep, with the moon a-peep, A grave in the frozen mould.
Sing hey, sing ho, for the winds that blow, And a grave deep down in the ice and snow, A grave in the land of gold.
" Day after day of darkness, the whirl of the seething snows; Day after day of blindness, the swoop of the stinging blast; On through a blur of fury the swing of staggering blows; On through a world of turmoil, empty, inane and vast.
Night with its writhing storm-whirl, night despairingly black; Night with its hours of terror, numb and endlessly long; Night with its weary waiting, fighting the shadows back, And ever the crouching madman singing his crazy song.
Cold with its creeping terror, cold with its sudden clinch; Cold so utter you wonder if 'twill ever again be warm; Clancy grinned as he shuddered, "Surely it isn't a cinch Being wet-nurse to a looney in the teeth of an arctic storm.
"The blizzard passed and the dawn broke, knife-edged and crystal clear; The sky was a blue-domed iceberg, sunshine outlawed away; Ever by snowslide and ice-rip haunted and hovered the Fear; Ever the Wild malignant poised and panted to slay.
The lead-dog freezes in harness--cut him out of the team! The lung of the wheel-dog's bleeding--shoot him and let him lie! On and on with the others--lash them until they scream! "Pull for your lives, you devils! On! To halt is to die.
" There in the frozen vastness Clancy fought with his foes; The ache of the stiffened fingers, the cut of the snowshoe thong; Cheeks black-raw through the hood-flap, eyes that tingled and closed, And ever to urge and cheer him quavered the madman's song.
Colder it grew and colder, till the last heat left the earth, And there in the great stark stillness the bale fires glinted and gleamed, And the Wild all around exulted and shook with a devilish mirth, And life was far and forgotten, the ghost of a joy once dreamed.
Death! And one who defied it, a man of the Mounted Police; Fought it there to a standstill long after hope was gone; Grinned through his bitter anguish, fought without let or cease, Suffering, straining, striving, stumbling, struggling on.
Till the dogs lay down in their traces, and rose and staggered and fell; Till the eyes of him dimmed with shadows, and the trail was so hard to see; Till the Wild howled out triumphant, and the world was a frozen hell-- Then said Constable Clancy: "I guess that it's up to me.
" Far down the trail they saw him, and his hands they were blanched like bone; His face was a blackened horror, from his eyelids the salt rheum ran; His feet he was lifting strangely, as if they were made of stone, But safe in his arms and sleeping he carried the crazy man.
So Clancy got into Barracks, and the boys made rather a scene; And the O.
called him a hero, and was nice as a man could be; But Clancy gazed down his trousers at the place where his toes had been, And then he howled like a husky, and sang in a shaky key: "When I go back to the old love that's true to the finger-tips, I'll say: `Here's bushels of gold, love,' and I'll kiss my girl on the lips; It's yours to have and to hold, love.
' It's the proud, proud boy I'll be, When I go back to the old love that's waited so long for me.
Written by John Greenleaf Whittier | Create an image from this poem

Telling the Bees

 Here is the place; right over the hill 
Runs the path I took; 
You can see the gap in the old wall still, 
And the stepping-stones in the shallow brook.
There is the house, with the gate red-barred, And the poplars tall; And the barn's brown length, and the cattle-yard, And the white horns tossing above the wall.
There are the beehives ranged in the sun; And down by the brink Of the brook are her poor flowers, weed-o'errun, Pansy and daffodil, rose and pink.
A year has gone, as the tortoise goes, Heavy and slow; And the same rose blows, and the same sun glows, And the same brook sings of a year ago.
There 's the same sweet clover-smell in the breeze; And the June sun warm Tangles his wings of fire in the trees, Setting, as then, over Fernside farm.
I mind me how with a lover's care From my Sunday coat I brushed off the burrs, and smoothed my hair, And cooled at the brookside my brow and throat.
Since we parted, a month had passed, -- To love, a year; Down through the beeches I looked at last On the little red gate and the well-sweep near.
I can see it all now, -- the slantwise rain Of light through the leaves, The sundown's blaze on her window-pane, The bloom of her roses under the eaves.
Just the same as a month before, -- The house and the trees, The barn's brown gable, the vine by the door, -- Nothing changed but the hives of bees.
Before them, under the garden wall, Forward and back, Went drearily singing the chore-girl small, Draping each hive with a shred of black.
Trembling, I listened: the summer sun Had the chill of snow; For I knew she was telling the bees of one Gone on the journey we all must go! Then I said to myself, "My Mary weeps For the dead to-day: Haply her blind old grandsire sleeps The fret and the pain of his age away.
" But her dog whined low; on the doorway sill, With his cane to his chin, The old man sat; and the chore-girl still Sung to the bees stealing out and in.
And the song she was singing ever since In my ear sounds on: -- "Stay at home, pretty bees, fly not hence! Mistress Mary is dead and gone!"
Written by Gelett Burgess | Create an image from this poem

An Alphabet of Famous Goops

Which you 'll Regard with Yells and Whoops.
Futile Acumen! For you Yourselves are Doubtless Dupes Of Failings Such as Mar these Groups -- We all are Human! 1 ABEDNEGO was Meek and Mild; he Softly Spoke, he Sweetly Smiled.
2 He never Called his Playmates Names, and he was Good in Running Games; 3 But he was Often in Disgrace because he had a Dirty Face! 4 BOHUNKUS would Take Off his Hat, and Bow and Smile, and Things like That.
5 His Face and Hair were Always Neat, and when he Played he did not Cheat; 6 But Oh! what Awful Words he Said, when it was Time to Go to Bed! 7 The Gentle CEPHAS tried his Best to Please his Friends with Merry Jest; 8 He tried to Help Them, when he Could, for CEPHAS, he was Very Good; 9 And Yet -- They Say he Used to Cry, and Once or Twice he Told a Lie! 10 DANIEL and DAGO were a Pair who Acted Kindly Everywhere; 11 They studied Hard, as Good as Gold, they Always did as They were Told; 12 They Never Put on Silly Airs, but They Took Things that were Not Theirs.
13 EZEKIEL, so his Parents said, just Simply Loved to Go to Bed; 14 He was as Quiet as could Be whenever there were Folks to Tea; 15 And yet, he had a Little Way of Grumbling, when he should Obey.
16 When FESTUS was but Four Years Old his Parents Seldom had to Scold; 17 They never Called him 'FESTUS DON'T!' he Never Whined and said 'I Won't!' 18 Yet it was Sad to See him Dine.
His Table Manners were Not Fine.
19 GAMALIEL took Peculiar Pride in Making Others Satisfied.
20 One Time I asked him for his Head.
'Why, Certainly! GAMALIEL Said.
21 He was Too Generous, in Fact.
But Bravery he Wholly Lacked.
22 HAZAEL was (at Least he Said he Was) Exceedingly Well Bred; 23 Forbidden Sweets he would not Touch, though he might Want them very Much.
24 But Oh, Imagination Fails to quite Describe his Finger Nails! 25 How Interesting ISAAC Seemed! He never Fibbed, he Seldom Screamed; 26 His Company was Quite a Treat to all the Children on the Street; 27 But Nurse has Told me of his Wrath when he was Made to Take a Bath! 28 Oh, Think of JONAH when you 're Bad; Think what a Happy Way he had 29 Of Saying 'Thank You! -- 'If you Please' -- 'Excuse Me, Sir,' and Words like These.
30 Still, he was Human, like Us All.
His Muddy Footprints Tracked the Hall.
31 Just fancy KADESH for a Name! Yet he was Clever All the Same; 32 He knew Arithmetic, at Four, as Well as Boys of Nine or More! 33 But I Prefer far Duller Boys, who do Not Make such Awful Noise! 34 Oh, Laugh at LABAN, if you Will, but he was Brave when he was Ill.
35 When he was Ill, he was so Brave he Swallowed All his Mother Gave! 36 But Somehow, She could never Tell why he was Worse when he was Well! 37 If MICAH's Mother Told him 'No' he Made but Little of his Woe; 38 He Always Answered, 'Yes, I'll Try!' for MICAH Thought it Wrong to Cry.
39 Yet he was Always Asking Questions and Making quite Ill-timed Suggestions.
40 I Fancy NICODEMUS Knew as Much as I, or even You; 41 He was Too Careful, I am Sure, to Scratch or Soil the Furniture; 42 He never Squirmed, he never Squalled; he Never Came when he was Called! 43 Some think that OBADIAH'S Charm was that he Never Tried to Harm 44 Dumb Animals in any Way, though Some are Cruel when they Play.
45 But though he was so Sweet and Kind, his Mother found him Slow to Mind.
46 When PELEG had a Penny Earned, to Share it with his Friends he Yearned.
47 And if he Bought a Juicy Fig, his Sister's Half was Very Big! 48 Had he not Hated to Forgive, he would have been Too Good to Live! 49 When QUARTO'S brother QUARTO Hit, was QUARTO Angry? Not a Bit! 50 He Called the Blow a Little Joke, and so Affectionately Spoke, 51 That Everybody Loved the Lad.
Yet Oh, What Selfish Ways he had! 52 Was REUBEN Happy? I should Say! He laughed and Sang the Livelong Day.
53 He Made his Mother Smile with Joy to See her Sunny-Tempered Boy.
54 However, she was Not so Gay when REUB Refused to Stop his Play! 55 When SHADRACH Cared to be Polite, they Called him Gentlemanly, Quite; 56 His Manners were Correct and Nice; he Never Asked for Jelly Twice! 57 Still, when he Tried to Misbehave, O, how Much Trouble SHADRACH Gave! 58 Don't Think that TIMOTHY was Ill because he Sometimes Kept so Still.
59 He knew his Mother Did Not Care to Hear him Talking Everywhere.
60 He did not Tease, he did Not Cry, but he was Always Asking 'WHY?' 61 URIAH Never Licked his Knife, nor Sucked his Fingers, in his Life.
62 He Never Reached, to Help Himself, the Sugar Bowl upon the Shelf.
63 He Never Popped his Cherry Pits; but he had Horrid Sulky Fits! 64 To See young VIVIUS at his Work, you Knew he 'd Never Try to Shirk.
65 The Most Unpleasant Things he 'd Do, if but his Mother Asked him To.
66 But when young Vivius Grew Big, it Seems he was a Norful Prig! 67 Why WABAN always Seemed so Sweet, was that he Kept so Clean and Neat.
68 He never Smooched his Face with Coal, his Picture Books were Fresh and Whole.
69 He washed His Hands Ten Times a Day; but, Oh, what Horrid Words he 'd Say! 70 What shall I say of XENOGOR, Save that he Always Shut the Door! 71 He always Put his Toys Away when he had Finished with his Play.
72 But here his List of Virtues Ends.
A Tattle-Tale does not Make Friends.
73 YERO was Noted for the Way with which he Helped his Comrades Play; 74 He 'd Lend his Cart, he 'd Lend his Ball, his Marbles, and his Tops and All! 75 And Yet (I Doubt if you' ll Believe), he Wiped his Nose upon his Sleeve! 76 The Zealous ZIBEON was Such as Casual Callers Flatter Much.
77 His Maiden Aunts would Say, with Glee, 'How Good, how Pure, how Dear is He!' 78 And Yet, he Drove his Mother Crazy -- he was so Slow, he was so Lazy!
Written by Wilfred Owen | Create an image from this poem

The Sentry

 We'd found an old Boche dug-out, and he knew,
And gave us hell, for shell on frantic shell
Hammered on top, but never quite burst through.
Rain, guttering down in waterfalls of slime Kept slush waist high, that rising hour by hour, Choked up the steps too thick with clay to climb.
What murk of air remained stank old, and sour With fumes of whizz-bangs, and the smell of men Who'd lived there years, and left their curse in the den, If not their corpses.
There we herded from the blast Of whizz-bangs, but one found our door at last.
Buffeting eyes and breath, snuffing the candles.
And thud! flump! thud! down the steep steps came thumping And splashing in the flood, deluging muck -- The sentry's body; then his rifle, handles Of old Boche bombs, and mud in ruck on ruck.
We dredged him up, for killed, until he whined "O sir, my eyes -- I'm blind -- I'm blind, I'm blind!" Coaxing, I held a flame against his lids And said if he could see the least blurred light He was not blind; in time he'd get all right.
"I can't," he sobbed.
Eyeballs, huge-bulged like squids Watch my dreams still; but I forgot him there In posting next for duty, and sending a scout To beg a stretcher somewhere, and floundering about To other posts under the shrieking air.
Those other wretches, how they bled and spewed, And one who would have drowned himself for good, -- I try not to remember these things now.
Let dread hark back for one word only: how Half-listening to that sentry's moans and jumps, And the wild chattering of his broken teeth, Renewed most horribly whenever crumps Pummelled the roof and slogged the air beneath -- Through the dense din, I say, we heard him shout "I see your lights!" But ours had long died out.

Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem

Barb-Wire Bill

 At dawn of day the white land lay all gruesome-like and grim,
When Bill Mc'Gee he says to me: "We've got to do it, Jim.
We've got to make Fort Liard quick.
I know the river's bad, But, oh! the little woman's sick .
why! don't you savvy, lad?" And me! Well, yes, I must confess it wasn't hard to see Their little family group of two would soon be one of three.
And so I answered, careless-like: "Why, Bill! you don't suppose I'm scared of that there `babbling brook'? Whatever you say -- goes.
" A real live man was Barb-wire Bill, with insides copper-lined; For "barb-wire" was the brand of "hooch" to which he most inclined.
They knew him far; his igloos are on Kittiegazuit strand.
They knew him well, the tribes who dwell within the Barren Land.
From Koyokuk to Kuskoquim his fame was everywhere; And he did love, all life above, that little Julie Claire, The lithe, white slave-girl he had bought for seven hundred skins, And taken to his wickiup to make his moccasins.
We crawled down to the river bank and feeble folk were we, That Julie Claire from God-knows-where, and Barb-wire Bill and me.
From shore to shore we heard the roar the heaving ice-floes make, And loud we laughed, and launched our raft, and followed in their wake.
The river swept and seethed and leapt, and caught us in its stride; And on we hurled amid a world that crashed on every side.
With sullen din the banks caved in; the shore-ice lanced the stream; The naked floes like spooks arose, all jiggling and agleam.
Black anchor-ice of strange device shot upward from its bed, As night and day we cleft our way, and arrow-like we sped.
But "Faster still!" cried Barb-wire Bill, and looked the live-long day In dull despair at Julie Claire, as white like death she lay.
And sometimes he would seem to pray and sometimes seem to curse, And bent above, with eyes of love, yet ever she grew worse.
And as we plunged and leapt and lunged, her face was plucked with pain, And I could feel his nerves of steel a-quiver at the strain.
And in the night he gripped me tight as I lay fast asleep: "The river's kicking like a steer .
run out the forward sweep! That's Hell-gate Canyon right ahead; I know of old its roar, And .
I'll be damned! the ice is jammed! We've GOT to make the shore.
" With one wild leap I gripped the sweep.
The night was black as sin.
The float-ice crashed and ripped and smashed, and stunned us with its din.
And near and near, and clear and clear I heard the canyon boom; And swift and strong we swept along to meet our awful doom.
And as with dread I glimpsed ahead the death that waited there, My only thought was of the girl, the little Julie Claire; And so, like demon mad with fear, I panted at the oar, And foot by foot, and inch by inch, we worked the raft ashore.
The bank was staked with grinding ice, and as we scraped and crashed, I only knew one thing to do, and through my mind it flashed: Yet while I groped to find the rope, I heard Bill's savage cry: "That's my job, lad! It's me that jumps.
I'll snub this raft or die!" I saw him leap, I saw him creep, I saw him gain the land; I saw him crawl, I saw him fall, then run with rope in hand.
And then the darkness gulped him up, and down we dashed once more, And nearer, nearer drew the jam, and thunder-like its roar.
Oh God! all's lost .
from Julie Claire there came a wail of pain, And then -- the rope grew sudden taut, and quivered at the strain; It slacked and slipped, it whined and gripped, and oh, I held my breath! And there we hung and there we swung right in the jaws of death.
A little strand of hempen rope, and how I watched it there, With all around a hell of sound, and darkness and despair; A little strand of hempen rope, I watched it all alone, And somewhere in the dark behind I heard a woman moan; And somewhere in the dark ahead I heard a man cry out, Then silence, silence, silence fell, and mocked my hollow shout.
And yet once more from out the shore I heard that cry of pain, A moan of mortal agony, then all was still again.
That night was hell with all the frills, and when the dawn broke dim, I saw a lean and level land, but never sign of him.
I saw a flat and frozen shore of hideous device, I saw a long-drawn strand of rope that vanished through the ice.
And on that treeless, rockless shore I found my partner -- dead.
No place was there to snub the raft, so -- he had served instead; And with the rope lashed round his waist, in last defiant fight, He'd thrown himself beneath the ice, that closed and gripped him tight; And there he'd held us back from death, as fast in death he lay.
Say, boys! I'm not the pious brand, but -- I just tried to pray.
And then I looked to Julie Claire, and sore abashed was I, For from the robes that covered her, I - heard - a - baby - cry.
Thus was Love conqueror of death, and life for life was given; And though no saint on earth, d'ye think -- Bill's squared hisself with Heaven?
Written by Ezra Pound | Create an image from this poem

Ballad of the Goodly Fere

 Simon Zelotes speaking after the Crucifixion.
Fere=Mate, Companion.
Ha' we lost the goodliest fere o' all For the priests and the gallows tree? Aye lover he was of brawny men, O' ships and the open sea.
When they came wi' a host to take Our Man His smile was good to see, "First let these go!" quo' our Goodly Fere, "Or I'll see ye damned," says he.
Aye he sent us out through the crossed high spears And the scorn of his laugh rang free, "Why took ye not me when I walked about Alone in the town?" says he.
Oh we drank his "Hale" in the good red wine When we last made company, No capon priest was the Goodly Fere But a man o' men was he.
I ha' seen him drive a hundred men Wi' a bundle o' cords swung free, That they took the high and holy house For their pawn and treasury.
They'll no' get him a' in a book I think Though they write it cunningly; No mouse of the scrolls was the Goodly Fere But aye loved the open sea.
If they think they ha' snared our Goodly Fere They are fools to the last degree.
"I'll go to the feast," quo' our Goodly Fere, "Though I go to the gallows tree.
" "Ye ha' seen me heal the lame and blind, And wake the dead," says he, "Ye shall see one thing to master all: 'Tis how a brave man dies on the tree.
" A son of God was the Goodly Fere That bade us his brothers be.
I ha' seen him cow a thousand men.
I have seen him upon the tree.
He cried no cry when they drave the nails And the blood gushed hot and free, The hounds of the crimson sky gave tongue But never a cry cried he.
I ha' seen him cow a thousand men On the hills o' Galilee, They whined as he walked out calm between, Wi' his eyes like the grey o' the sea, Like the sea that brooks no voyaging With the winds unleashed and free, Like the sea that he cowed at Genseret Wi' twey words spoke' suddently.
A master of men was the Goodly Fere, A mate of the wind and sea, If they think they ha' slain our Goodly Fere They are fools eternally.
I ha' seen him eat o' the honey-comb Sin' they nailed him to the tree.
Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem

The Man From Eldorado

 He's the man from Eldorado, and he's just arrived in town,
 In moccasins and oily buckskin shirt.
He's gaunt as any Indian, and pretty nigh as brown; He's greasy, and he smells of sweat and dirt.
He sports a crop of whiskers that would shame a healthy hog; Hard work has racked his joints and stooped his back; He slops along the sidewalk followed by his yellow dog, But he's got a bunch of gold-dust in his sack.
He seems a little wistful as he blinks at all the lights, And maybe he is thinking of his claim And the dark and dwarfish cabin where he lay and dreamed at nights, (Thank God, he'll never see the place again!) Where he lived on tinned tomatoes, beef embalmed and sourdough bread, On rusty beans and bacon furred with mould; His stomach's out of kilter and his system full of lead, But it's over, and his poke is full of gold.
He has panted at the windlass, he has loaded in the drift, He has pounded at the face of oozy clay; He has taxed himself to sickness, dark and damp and double shift, He has labored like a demon night and day.
And now, praise God, it's over, and he seems to breathe again Of new-mown hay, the warm, wet, friendly loam; He sees a snowy orchard in a green and dimpling plain, And a little vine-clad cottage, and it's--Home.
II He's the man from Eldorado, and he's had a bite and sup, And he's met in with a drouthy friend or two; He's cached away his gold-dust, but he's sort of bucking up, So he's kept enough to-night to see him through.
His eye is bright and genial, his tongue no longer lags; `His heart is brimming o'er with joy and mirth; He may be far from savory, he may be clad in rags, `But to-night he feels as if he owns the earth.
Says he: "Boys, here is where the shaggy North and I will shake; I thought I'd never manage to get free.
I kept on making misses; but at last I've got my stake; There's no more thawing frozen muck for me.
I am going to God's Country, where I'll live the simple life; I'll buy a bit of land and make a start; I'll carve a little homestead, and I'll win a little wife, And raise ten little kids to cheer my heart.
" They signified their sympathy by crowding to the bar; They bellied up three deep and drank his health.
He shed a radiant smile around and smoked a rank cigar; They wished him honor, happiness and wealth.
They drank unto his wife to be--that unsuspecting maid; They drank unto his children half a score; And when they got through drinking very tenderly they laid The man from Eldorado on the floor.
III He's the man from Eldorado, and he's only starting in To cultivate a thousand-dollar jag.
His poke is full of gold-dust and his heart is full of sin, And he's dancing with a girl called Muckluck Mag.
She's as light as any fairy; she's as pretty as a peach; She's mistress of the witchcraft to beguile; There's sunshine in her manner, there is music in her speech, And there's concentrated honey in her smile.
Oh, the fever of the dance-hall and the glitter and the shine, The beauty, and the jewels, and the whirl, The madness of the music, the rapture of the wine, The languorous allurement of a girl! She is like a lost madonna; he is gaunt, unkempt and grim; But she fondles him and gazes in his eyes; Her kisses seek his heavy lips, and soon it seems to him He has staked a little claim in Paradise.
"Who's for a juicy two-step?" cries the master of the floor; The music throbs with soft, seductive beat.
There's glitter, gilt and gladness; there are pretty girls galore; There's a woolly man with moccasins on feet.
They know they've got him going; he is buying wine for all; They crowd around as buzzards at a feast, Then when his poke is empty they boost him from the hall, And spurn him in the gutter like a beast.
He's the man from Eldorado, and he's painting red the town; Behind he leaves a trail of yellow dust; In a whirl of senseless riot he is ramping up and down; There's nothing checks his madness and his lust.
And soon the word is passed around--it travels like a flame; They fight to clutch his hand and call him friend, The chevaliers of lost repute, the dames of sorry fame; Then comes the grim awakening--the end.
IV He's the man from Eldorado, and he gives a grand affair; There's feasting, dancing, wine without restraint.
The smooth Beau Brummels of the bar, the faro men, are there; The tinhorns and purveyors of red paint; The sleek and painted women, their predacious eyes aglow-- Sure Klondike City never saw the like; Then Muckluck Mag proposed the toast, "The giver of the show, The livest sport that ever hit the pike.
" The "live one" rises to his feet; he stammers to reply-- And then there comes before his muddled brain A vision of green vastitudes beneath an April sky, And clover pastures drenched with silver rain.
He knows that it can never be, that he is down and out; Life leers at him with foul and fetid breath; And then amid the revelry, the song and cheer and shout, He suddenly grows grim and cold as death.
He grips the table tensely, and he says: "Dear friends of mine, I've let you dip your fingers in my purse; I've crammed you at my table, and I've drowned you in my wine, And I've little left to give you but--my curse.
I've failed supremely in my plans; it's rather late to whine; My poke is mighty weasened up and small.
I thank you each for coming here; the happiness is mine-- And now, you thieves and harlots, take it all.
" He twists the thong from off his poke; he swings it o'er his head; The nuggets fall around their feet like grain.
They rattle over roof and wall; they scatter, roll and spread; The dust is like a shower of golden rain.
The guests a moment stand aghast, then grovel on the floor; They fight, and snarl, and claw, like beasts of prey; And then, as everybody grabbed and everybody swore, The man from Eldorado slipped away.
V He's the man from Eldorado, and they found him stiff and dead, Half covered by the freezing ooze and dirt.
A clotted Colt was in his hand, a hole was in his head, And he wore an old and oily buckskin shirt.
His eyes were fixed and horrible, as one who hails the end; The frost had set him rigid as a log; And there, half lying on his breast, his last and only friend, There crouched and whined a mangy yellow dog.
Written by Robert Frost | Create an image from this poem

II. The Pauper Witch of Grafton

 Now that they've got it settled whose I be,
I'm going to tell them something they won't like:
They've got it settled wrong, and I can prove it.
Flattered I must be to have two towns fighting To make a present of me to each other.
They don't dispose me, either one of them, To spare them any trouble.
Double trouble's Always the witch's motto anyway.
I'll double theirs for both of them-you watch me.
They'll find they've got the whole thing to do over, That is, if facts is what they want to go by.
They set a lot (now don't they?) by a record Of Arthur Amy's having once been up For Hog Reeve in March Meeting here in Warren.
I could have told them any time this twelvemonth The Arthur Amy I was married to Couldn't have been the one they say was up In Warren at March Meeting, for the reason He wa'n't but fifteen at the time they say.
The Arthur Amy I was married to Voted the only times he ever voted, Which wasn't many, in the town of Wentworth.
One of the times was when 'twas in the warrant To see if the town wanted to take over The tote road to our clearing where we lived.
I'll tell you who'd remember-Heman Lapish.
Their Arthur Amy was the father of mine.
So now they've dragged it through the law courts once I guess they'd better drag it through again.
Wentworth and Warren's both good towns to live in, Only I happen to prefer to live In Wentworth from now on; and when all's said, Right's right, and the temptation to do right When I can hurt someone by doing it Has always been too much for me, it has.
I know of some folks that'd be set up At having in their town a noted witch: But most would have to think of the expense That even I would be.
They ought to know That as a witch I'd often milk a bat And that'd be enough to last for days.
It'd make my position stronger, think, If I was to consent to give some sign To make it surer that I was a witch? It wa'n't no sign, I s'pose, when Mallice Huse Said that I took him out in his old age And rode all over everything on him Until I'd bad him worn to skin and bones And if I'd left him bitched unblanketed In front of one Town Hall, I'd left him hitched front of every one in Grafton County.
Some cried shame on me not to blanket him, The poor old man.
It would have been all right If someone hadn't said to gnaw the posts He stood beside and leave his trademark on them, So they could recognize them.
Not a post That they could hear tell of was scarified.
They made him keep on gnawing till he whined.
Then that same smarty someone said to look­ He'd bet Huse was a cribber and bad gnawed The crib he slept in-and as sure's you're born They found he'd gnawed the four posts of his bed, All four of them to splinters.
What did that prove? Not that he hadn't gnawed the hitching posts He said he had, besides.
Because a horse Gnaws in the stable ain't no proof to me He don't gnaw trees and posts and fences too.
But everybody took it for a proof.
I was a strapping girl of twenty then.
The smarty someone who spoiled everything Was Arthur Amy.
You know who he was.
That was the way he started courting me.
He never said much after we were married, But I mistrusted be was none too proud Of having interfered in the Huse business.
I guess be found he got more out of me By having me a witch.
Or something happened To turn him round.
He got to saying things To undo what he'd done and make it right, Like, "No, she ain't come back from kiting yet.
Last night was one of her nights out.
She's kiting.
She thinks when the wind makes a night of it She might as well herself.
" But he liked best To let on he was plagued to death with me: If anyone had seen me coming home Over the ridgepole, ' stride of a broomstick, As often as he had in the tail of the night, He guessed they'd know what he had to put up with.
Well, I showed Arthur Amy signs enough Off from the house as far as we could keep And from barn smells you can't wash out of plowed ground With all the rain and snow of seven years; And I don't mean just skulls of Rogers' Rangers On Moosilauke, but woman signs to man, Only bewitched so I would last him longer.
Up where the trees grow short, the mosses tall, I made him gather me wet snowberries On slippery rocks beside a waterfall.
I made him do it for me in the dark.
And he liked everything I made him do.
I hope if he is where he sees me now He's so far off be can't see what I've come to.
You can come down from everything to nothing.
All is, if I'd a-known when I was young And full of it, that this would be the end, It doesn't seem as if I'd had the courage To make so free and kick up in folks' faces.
I might have, but it doesn't seem as if.
Written by Adela Florence Cory Nicolson | Create an image from this poem

The Teak Forest

   Whether I loved you who shall say?
   Whether I drifted down your way
   In the endless River of Chance and Change,
   And you woke the strange
   Unknown longings that have no names,
   But burn us all in their hidden flames,
             Who shall say?

   Life is a strange and a wayward thing:
   We heard the bells of the Temples ring,
   The married children, in passing, sing.
   The month of marriage, the month of spring,
   Was full of the breath of sunburnt flowers
   That bloom in a fiercer light than ours,
   And, under a sky more fiercely blue,
             I came to you!

   You told me tales of your vivid life
   Where death was cruel and danger rife—
   Of deep dark forests, of poisoned trees,
   Of pains and passions that scorch and freeze,
   Of southern noontides and eastern nights,
   Where love grew frantic with strange delights,
   While men were slaying and maidens danced,
   Till I, who listened, lay still, entranced.
   Then, swift as a swallow heading south,
             I kissed your mouth!

   One night when the plains were bathed in blood
   From sunset light in a crimson flood,
   We wandered under the young teak trees
   Whose branches whined in the light night breeze;
   You led me down to the water's brink,
   "The Spring where the Panthers come to drink
   At night; there is always water here
   Be the season never so parched and sere."
   Have we souls of beasts in the forms of men?
   I fain would have tasted your life-blood then.

   The night fell swiftly; this sudden land
   Can never lend us a twilight strand
   'Twixt the daylight shore and the ocean night,
   But takes—as it gives—at once, the light.
   We laid us down on the steep hillside,
   While far below us wild peacocks cried,
   And we sometimes heard, in the sunburnt grass,
   The stealthy steps of the Jungle pass.
   We listened; knew not whether they went
   On love or hunger the more intent.
   And under your kisses I hardly knew
   Whether I loved or hated you.

   But your words were flame and your kisses fire,
   And who shall resist a strong desire?
   Not I, whose life is a broken boat
   On a sea of passions, adrift, afloat.
   And, whether I came in love or hate,
   That I came to you was written by Fate
   In every hue of the blood-red sky,
   In every tone of the peacocks' cry.

   While every gust of the Jungle night
   Was fanning the flame you had set alight.
   For these things have power to stir the blood
   And compel us all to their own chance mood.
   And to love or not we are no more free
   Than a ripple to rise and leave the sea.

   We are ever and always slaves of these,
   Of the suns that scorch and the winds that freeze,
   Of the faint sweet scents of the sultry air,
   Of the half heard howl from the far off lair.
   These chance things master us ever.  Compel
   To the heights of Heaven, the depths of Hell.

   Whether I love you?  You do not ask,
   Nor waste yourself on the thankless task.
   I give your kisses at least return,
   What matter whether they freeze or burn.
   I feel the strength of your fervent arms,
   What matter whether it heals or harms.

   You are wise; you take what the Gods have sent.
   You ask no question, but rest content
   So I am with you to take your kiss,
   And perhaps I value you more for this.
   For this is Wisdom; to love, to live,
   To take what Fate, or the Gods, may give,
   To ask no question, to make no prayer,
   To kiss the lips and caress the hair,
   Speed passion's ebb as you greet its flow,—
   To have,—to hold,—and,—in time,—let go!

   And this is our Wisdom: we rest together
   On the great lone hills in the storm-filled weather,
   And watch the skies as they pale and burn,
   The golden stars in their orbits turn,
   While Love is with us, and Time and Peace,
   And life has nothing to give but these.
   But, whether you love me, who shall say,
   Or whether you, drifting down my way
   In the great sad River of Chance and Change,
   With your looks so weary and words so strange,
   Lit my soul from some hidden flame
   To a passionate longing without a name,
             Who shall say?
   Not I, who am but a broken boat,
   Content for a while to drift afloat
   In the little noontide of love's delights
             Between two Nights.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things