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Best Famous Stun Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Stun poems. This is a select list of the best famous Stun poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Stun poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of stun poems.

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Written by Vladimir Mayakovsky | Create an image from this poem

To All and Everything

It can’t be.
No! You too, beloved? Why? What for? Darling, look - I came, I brought flowers, but, but.
I never took silver spoons from your drawer! Ashen-faced, I staggered down five flights of stairs.
The street eddied round me.
Tires screeched.
It was gusty.
The wind stung my cheeks.
Horn mounted horn lustfully.
Above the capital’s madness I raised my face, stern as the faces of ancient icons.
Sorrow-rent, on your body as on a death-bed, its days my heart ended.
You did not sully your hands with brute murder.
Instead, you let drop calmly: “He’s in bed.
There’s fruit and wine On the bedstand’s palm.
” Love! You only existed in my inflamed brain.
Enough! Stop this foolish comedy and take notice: I’m ripping off my toy armour, I, the greatest of all Don Quixotes! Remember? Weighed down by the cross, Christ stopped for a moment, weary.
Watching him, the mob yelled, jeering: “Get movin’, you clod!” That’s right! Be spiteful.
Spit upon him who begs for a rest on his day of days, harry and curse him.
To the army of zealots, doomed to do good, man shows no mercy! That does it! I swear by my pagan strength - gimme a girl, young, eye-filling, and I won’t waste my feelings on her.
I'll rape her and spear her heart with a gibe willingly.
An eye for an eye! A thousand times over reap of revenge the crops' Never stop! Petrify, stun, howl into every ear: “The earth is a convict, hear, his head half shaved by the sun!” An eye for an eye! Kill me, bury me - I’ll dig myself out, the knives of my teeth by stone — no wonder!- made sharper, A snarling dog, under the plank-beds of barracks I’ll crawl, sneaking out to bite feet that smell of sweat and of market stalls! You'll leap from bed in the night’s early hours.
“Moo!” I’ll roar.
Over my neck, a yoke-savaged sore, tornados of flies will rise.
I'm a white bull over the earth towering! Into an elk I’ll turn, my horns-branches entangled in wires, my eyes red with blood.
Above the world, a beast brought to bay, I'll stand tirelessly.
Man can’t escape! Filthy and humble, a prayer mumbling, on cold stone he lies.
What I’ll do is paint on the royal gates, over God’s own the face of Razin.
Dry up, rivers, stop him from quenching his thirst! Scorn him! Don’t waste your rays, sun! Glare! Let thousands of my disciples be born to trumpet anathemas on the squares! And when at last there comes, stepping onto the peaks of the ages, chillingly, the last of their days, in the black souls of anarchists and killers I, a gory vision, will blaze! It’s dawning, The sky’s mouth stretches out more and more, it drinks up the night sip by sip, thirstily.
The windows send off a glow.
Through the panes heat pours.
The sun, viscous, streams down onto the sleeping city.
O sacred vengeance! Lead me again above the dust without and up the steps of my poetic lines.
This heart of mine, full to the brim, in a confession I will pour out.
Men of the future! Who are you? I must know.
Please! Here am I, all bruises and aches, pain-scorched.
To you of my great soul I bequeath the orchard.

Written by Richard Wilbur | Create an image from this poem


 It is a cramped little state with no foreign policy,
Save to be thought inoffensive.
The grammar of the language Has never been fathomed, owing to the national habit Of allowing each sentence to trail off in confusion.
Those who have visited Scusi, the capital city, Report that the railway-route from Schuldig passes Through country best described as unrelieved.
Sheep are the national product.
The faint inscription Over the city gates may perhaps be rendered, "I'm afraid you won't find much of interest here.
" Census-reports which give the population As zero are, of course, not to be trusted, Save as reflecting the natives' flustered insistence That they do not count, as well as their modest horror Of letting one's sex be known in so many words.
The uniform grey of the nondescript buildings, the absence Of churches or comfort-stations, have given observers An odd impression of ostentatious meanness, And it must be said of the citizens (muttering by In their ratty sheepskins, shying at cracks in the sidewalk) That they lack the peace of mind of the truly humble.
The tenor of life is careful, even in the stiff Unsmiling carelessness of the border-guards And douaniers, who admit, whenever they can, Not merely the usual carloads of deodorant But gypsies, g-strings, hasheesh, and contraband pigments.
Their complete negligence is reserved, however, For the hoped-for invasion, at which time the happy people (Sniggering, ruddily naked, and shamelessly drunk) Will stun the foe by their overwhelming submission, Corrupt the generals, infiltrate the staff, Usurp the throne, proclaim themselves to be sun-gods, And bring about the collapse of the whole empire.
Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem

The March Of The Dead

 The cruel war was over -- oh, the triumph was so sweet!
 We watched the troops returning, through our tears;
There was triumph, triumph, triumph down the scarlet glittering street,
 And you scarce could hear the music for the cheers.
And you scarce could see the house-tops for the flags that flew between; The bells were pealing madly to the sky; And everyone was shouting for the Soldiers of the Queen, And the glory of an age was passing by.
And then there came a shadow, swift and sudden, dark and drear; The bells were silent, not an echo stirred.
The flags were drooping sullenly, the men forgot to cheer; We waited, and we never spoke a word.
The sky grew darker, darker, till from out the gloomy rack There came a voice that checked the heart with dread: "Tear down, tear down your bunting now, and hang up sable black; They are coming -- it's the Army of the Dead.
" They were coming, they were coming, gaunt and ghastly, sad and slow; They were coming, all the crimson wrecks of pride; With faces seared, and cheeks red smeared, and haunting eyes of woe, And clotted holes the khaki couldn't hide.
Oh, the clammy brow of anguish! the livid, foam-flecked lips! The reeling ranks of ruin swept along! The limb that trailed, the hand that failed, the bloody finger tips! And oh, the dreary rhythm of their song! "They left us on the veldt-side, but we felt we couldn't stop On this, our England's crowning festal day; We're the men of Magersfontein, we're the men of Spion Kop, Colenso -- we're the men who had to pay.
We're the men who paid the blood-price.
Shall the grave be all our gain? You owe us.
Long and heavy is the score.
Then cheer us for our glory now, and cheer us for our pain, And cheer us as ye never cheered before.
" The folks were white and stricken, and each tongue seemed weighted with lead; Each heart was clutched in hollow hand of ice; And every eye was staring at the horror of the dead, The pity of the men who paid the price.
They were come, were come to mock us, in the first flush of our peace; Through writhing lips their teeth were all agleam; They were coming in their thousands -- oh, would they never cease! I closed my eyes, and then -- it was a dream.
There was triumph, triumph, triumph down the scarlet gleaming street; The town was mad; a man was like a boy.
A thousand flags were flaming where the sky and city meet; A thousand bells were thundering the joy.
There was music, mirth and sunshine; but some eyes shone with regret; And while we stun with cheers our homing braves, O God, in Thy great mercy, let us nevermore forget The graves they left behind, the bitter graves.
Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem

The Ballad Of Touch-The-Button Nell

 Beyond the Rocking Bridge it lies, the burg of evil fame,
The huts where hive and swarm and thrive the sisterhood of shame.
Through all the night each cabin light goes out and then goes in, A blood-red heliograph of lust, a semaphore of sin.
From Dawson Town, soft skulking down, each lewdster seeks his mate; And glad and bad, kimono clad, the wanton women wait.
The Klondike gossips to the moon, and sinners o'er its bars; Each silent hill is dark and chill, and chill the patient stars.
Yet hark! upon the Rocking Bridge a bacchanalian step; A whispered: "Come," the skirl of some hell-raking demirep.
* * * * * * * * * * * They gave a dance in Lousetown, and the Tenderloin was there, The girls were fresh and frolicsome, and nearly all were fair.
They flaunted on their back the spoil of half-a-dozen towns; And some they blazed in gems of price, and some wore Paris gowns.
The voting was divided as to who might be the belle; But all opined, the winsomest was Touch-the-Button Nell.
Among the merry mob of men was one who did not dance, But watched the "light fantastic" with a sour sullen glance.
They saw his white teeth gleam, they saw his thick lips twitch; They knew him for the giant Slav, one Riley Dooleyvitch.
"Oh Riley Dooleyvitch, come forth," quoth Touch-the-Button Nell, "And dance a step or two with me - the music's simply swell," He crushed her in his mighty arms, a meek, beguiling witch, "With you, oh Nell, I'd dance to hell," said Riley Dooleyvitch.
He waltzed her up, he waltzed her down, he waltzed her round the hall; His heart was putty in her hands, his very soul was thrall.
As Antony of old succumbed to Cleopatra's spell, So Riley Dooleyvitch bowed down to Touch-the-Button Nell.
"And do you love me true?" she cried.
"I love you as my life.
" "How can you prove your love?" she sighed.
"I beg you be my wife.
I stake big pay up Hunker way; some day I be so rich; I make you shine in satins fine," said Riley Dooleyvitch.
"Some day you'll be so rich," she mocked; "that old pipe-dream don't go.
Who gets an option on this kid must have some coin to show.
You work your ground.
When Spring comes round, our wedding bells will ring.
I'm on the square, and I'll take care of all the gold you bring.
" So Riley Dooleyvitch went back and worked upon his claim; He ditched and drifted, sunk and stoped, with one unswerving aim; And when his poke of raw moose-hide with dust began to swell, He bought and laid it at the feet of Touch-the-Button Nell.
* * * * * * * * * * * Now like all others of her ilk, the lady had a friend, And what she made my way of trade, she gave to him to spend; To stake him in a poker game, or pay his bar-room score; He was a pimp from Paris.
and his name was Lew Lamore.
And so as Dooleyvitch went forth and worked as he was bid, And wrested from the frozen muck the yellow stuff it hid, And brought it to his Lady Nell, she gave him love galore - But handed over all her gains to festive Lew Lamore.
* * * * * * * * * * * A year had gone, a weary year of strain and bloody sweat; Of pain and hurt in dark and dirt, of fear that she forget.
He sought once more her cabin door: "I've laboured like a beast; But now, dear one, the time has come to go before the priest.
"I've brought you gold - a hundred fold I'll bring you bye and bye; But oh I want you, want you bad; I want you till I die.
Come, quit this life with evil rife - we'll joy while yet we can.
" "I may not wed with you," she said; "I love another man.
"I love him and I hate him so.
He holds me in a spell.
He beats me - see my bruisèd brest; he makes my life a hell.
He bleeds me, as by sin and shame I earn my daily bread: Oh cruel Fate, I cannot mate till Lew Lamore is dead!" * * * * * * * * * * * The long lean flume streaked down the hill, five hundred feet of fall; The waters in the dam above chafed at their prison wall; They surged and swept, they churned and leapt, with savage glee and strife; With spray and spume the dizzy flume thrilled like a thing of life.
"We must be free," the waters cried, and scurried down the slope; "No power can hold us back," they roared, and hurried in their hope.
Into a mighty pipe they plunged, like maddened steers they ran, And crashed out through a shard of steel - to serve the will of Man.
And there, by hydraulicking his ground beside a bedrock ditch, With eye aflame and savage aim was Riley Dooleyvitch.
In long hip-boots and overalls, and dingy denim shirt, Behind a giant monitor he pounded at the dirt.
A steely shaft of water shot, and smote the face of clay; It burrowed in the frozen muck, and scooped the dirt away; It gored the gravel from its bed, it bellowed like a bull; It hurled the heavy rock aloft like heaps of fleecy wool.
Strength of a hundred men was there, resistess might and skill, And only Riley Dooleyvitch to swing it at his will.
He played it up, he played it down, nigh deafened by its roar, 'Til suddenly he raised his eyes, and there stood Lew Lamore.
Pig-eyed and heavy jowled he stood and puffed a big cigar; As cool as though he ruled the roost in some Montmartre bar.
He seemed to say, "I've got a cinch, a double diamond hitch: I'll skin this Muscovitish oaf, this Riley Dooleyvitch.
He shouted: "Stop ze water gun; it stun me.
Sacré damn! I like to make one beezness deal; you know ze man I am.
Zat leetle girl, she loves me so - I tell you what I do: You geeve to me zees claim.
Jeecrize! I geeve zat girl to you.
" "I'll see you damned," says Dooleyvitch; but e'er he checked his tongue, (It may have been an accident) the little Giant swung; Swift as a lightning flash it swung, until it plumply bore And met with an obstruction in the shape of Lew lamore.
It caught him up, and spun him round, and tossed him like a ball; It played and pawed him in the air, before it let him fall.
Then just to show what it could do, with savage rend and thud, It ripped the entrails from his spine, and dropped him in the mud.
They gathered up the broken bones, and sadly in a sack, They bore to town the last remains of Lew Lamore, the macque.
And would you hear the full details of how it all befell, Ask Missis Riley Dooleyvitch (late Touch-the-Button Nell).
Written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning | Create an image from this poem

Bianca Among The Nightingales

 The cypress stood up like a church
That night we felt our love would hold,
And saintly moonlight seemed to search
And wash the whole world clean as gold;
The olives crystallized the vales'
Broad slopes until the hills grew strong:
The fireflies and the nightingales
Throbbed each to either, flame and song.
The nightingales, the nightingales.
Upon the angle of its shade The cypress stood, self-balanced high; Half up, half down, as double-made, Along the ground, against the sky.
And we, too! from such soul-height went Such leaps of blood, so blindly driven, We scarce knew if our nature meant Most passionate earth or intense heaven.
The nightingales, the nightingales.
We paled with love, we shook with love, We kissed so close we could not vow; Till Giulio whispered, 'Sweet, above God's Ever guarantees this Now.
' And through his words the nightingales Drove straight and full their long clear call, Like arrows through heroic mails, And love was awful in it all.
The nightingales, the nightingales.
O cold white moonlight of the north, Refresh these pulses, quench this hell! O coverture of death drawn forth Across this garden-chamber.
well! But what have nightingales to do In gloomy England, called the free.
(Yes, free to die in!.
) when we two Are sundered, singing still to me? And still they sing, the nightingales.
I think I hear him, how he cried 'My own soul's life' between their notes.
Each man has but one soul supplied, And that's immortal.
Though his throat's On fire with passion now, to her He can't say what to me he said! And yet he moves her, they aver.
The nightingales sing through my head.
The nightingales, the nightingales.
He says to her what moves her most.
He would not name his soul within Her hearing,—rather pays her cost With praises to her lips and chin.
Man has but one soul, 'tis ordained, And each soul but one love, I add; Yet souls are damned and love's profaned.
These nightingales will sing me mad! The nightingales, the nightingales.
I marvel how the birds can sing.
There's little difference, in their view, Betwixt our Tuscan trees that spring As vital flames into the blue, And dull round blots of foliage meant Like saturated sponges here To suck the fogs up.
As content Is he too in this land, 'tis clear.
And still they sing, the nightingales.
My native Florence! dear, forgone! I see across the Alpine ridge How the last feast-day of Saint John Shot rockets from Carraia bridge.
The luminous city, tall with fire, Trod deep down in that river of ours, While many a boat with lamp and choir Skimmed birdlike over glittering towers.
I will not hear these nightingales.
I seem to float, we seem to float Down Arno's stream in festive guise; A boat strikes flame into our boat, And up that lady seems to rise As then she rose.
The shock had flashed A vision on us! What a head, What leaping eyeballs!—beauty dashed To splendour by a sudden dread.
And still they sing, the nightingales.
Too bold to sin, too weak to die; Such women are so.
As for me, I would we had drowned there, he and I, That moment, loving perfectly.
He had not caught her with her loosed Gold ringlets.
rarer in the south.
Nor heard the 'Grazie tanto' bruised To sweetness by her English mouth.
And still they sing, the nightingales.
She had not reached him at my heart With her fine tongue, as snakes indeed Kill flies; nor had I, for my part, Yearned after, in my desperate need, And followed him as he did her To coasts left bitter by the tide, Whose very nightingales, elsewhere Delighting, torture and deride! For still they sing, the nightingales.
A worthless woman! mere cold clay As all false things are! but so fair, She takes the breath of men away Who gaze upon her unaware.
I would not play her larcenous tricks To have her looks! She lied and stole, And spat into my love's pure pyx The rank saliva of her soul.
And still they sing, the nightingales.
I would not for her white and pink, Though such he likes—her grace of limb, Though such he has praised—nor yet, I think, For life itself, though spent with him, Commit such sacrilege, affront God's nature which is love, intrude 'Twixt two affianced souls, and hunt Like spiders, in the altar's wood.
I cannot bear these nightingales.
If she chose sin, some gentler guise She might have sinned in, so it seems: She might have pricked out both my eyes, And I still seen him in my dreams! - Or drugged me in my soup or wine, Nor left me angry afterward: To die here with his hand in mine His breath upon me, were not hard.
(Our Lady hush these nightingales!) But set a springe for him, 'mio ben', My only good, my first last love!— Though Christ knows well what sin is, when He sees some things done they must move Himself to wonder.
Let her pass.
I think of her by night and day.
Must I too join her.
out, alas!.
With Giulio, in each word I say! And evermore the nightingales! Giulio, my Giulio!—sing they so, And you be silent? Do I speak, And you not hear? An arm you throw Round some one, and I feel so weak? - Oh, owl-like birds! They sing for spite, They sing for hate, they sing for doom! They'll sing through death who sing through night, They'll sing and stun me in the tomb— The nightingales, the nightingales!

Written by Anne Kingsmill Finch | Create an image from this poem

The Critick and the Writer of Fables

 Weary, at last, of the Pindarick way, 
Thro' which advent'rously the Muse wou'd stray; 
To Fable I descend with soft Delight, 
Pleas'd to Translate, or easily Endite: 
Whilst aery Fictions hastily repair 
To fill my Page, and rid my Thoughts of Care, 
As they to Birds and Beasts new Gifts impart, 
And Teach, as Poets shou'd, whilst they Divert.
But here, the Critick bids me check this Vein.
Fable, he crys, tho' grown th' affected Strain, But dies, as it was born, without Regard or Pain.
Whilst of his Aim the lazy Trifler fails, Who seeks to purchase Fame by childish Tales.
Then, let my Verse, once more attempt the Skies, The easily persuaded Poet cries, Since meaner Works you Men of Taste despise.
The Walls of Troy shall be our loftier Stage, Our mighty Theme the fierce Achilles Rage.
The Strength of Hector, and Ulysses Arts Shall boast such Language, to adorn their Parts, As neither Hobbes, nor Chapman cou'd bestow, Or did from Congreve, or from Dryden flow.
Amidst her Towers, the dedicated Horse Shall be receiv'd, big with destructive Force; Till Men shall say, when Flames have brought her down.
" Troy is no more, and Ilium was a Town.
Is this the way to please the Men of Taste, The Interrupter cries, this old Bombast? I'm sick of Troy, and in as great a Fright, When some dull Pedant wou'd her Wars recite, As was soft Paris, when compell'd to Fight.
To Shades and Springs shall we awhile repair, The Muse demands, and in that milder Air Describe some gentle Swain's unhappy Smart Whose folded Arms still press upon his Heart, And deeper drive the too far enter'd Dart? Whilst Phillis with a careless pleasure reigns The Joy, the Grief, the Envy of the Plains; Heightens the Beauty of the verdant Woods, And softens all the Murmurs of the Floods.
Oh! stun me not with these insipid Dreams, Th' Eternal Hush, the Lullaby of Streams.
Which still, he cries, their even Measures keep, Till both the Writers, and the Readers sleep.
But urge thy Pen, if thou wouldst move our Thoughts, To shew us private, or the publick Faults.
Display the Times, High-Church or Low provoke; We'll praise the Weapon, as we like the Stroke, And warmly sympathizing with the Spite Apply to Thousands, what of One you write.
Then, must that single Stream the Town supply, The harmless Fable-writer do's reply, And all the Rest of Helicon be dry ? And when so many choice Productions swarm, Must only Satire keep your Fancies warm? Whilst even there, you praise with such Reserve, As if you'd in the midst of Plenty starve, Tho' ne'er so liberally we Authors carve.
Happy the Men, whom we divert with Ease, Whom Opera's and Panegyricks please.
Written by Paul Laurence Dunbar | Create an image from this poem

The Made to Order Smile

 When a woman looks up at you with a twist about her eyes, 
And her brows are half uplifted in a nicely feigned surprise 
As you breathe some pretty sentence, though she hates you all the while, 
She is very apt to stun you with a made to order smile.
It's a sublte combination of a sneer and a caress, With a dash of warmth thrown in to relieve its iciness, And she greets you when she meets you with that look as if a file Had been used to fix and fashion out the made to order smile.
I confess that I'm eccentric and am not a woman's man, For they seem to be constructed on the bunko fakir plan, And it somehow sets me thinking that her heart is full of guile When a woman looks up at me with a made to order smile.
Now, all maidens, young and aged, hear the lesson I would teach: Ye who meet us in the ballroom, ye who meet us at the beach, Pray consent to try and charm us by some other sort of wile And relieve us from the burden of that made to order smile.
Written by Hart Crane | Create an image from this poem


 Forgetfulness is like a song 
That, freed from beat and measure, wanders.
Forgetfulness is like a bird whose wings are reconciled, Outspread and motionless, -- A bird that coasts the wind unwearyingly.
Forgetfulness is rain at night, Or an old house in a forest, -- or a child.
Forgetfulness is white, -- white as a blasted tree, And it may stun the sybil into prophecy, Or bury the Gods.
I can remember much forgetfulness.
Written by Stephen Vincent Benet | Create an image from this poem

Dinner in a Quick Lunch Room

 Soup should be heralded with a mellow horn, 
Blowing clear notes of gold against the stars; 
Strange entrees with a jangle of glass bars 
Fantastically alive with subtle scorn; 
Fish, by a plopping, gurgling rush of waters, 
Clear, vibrant waters, beautifully austere; 
Roast, with a thunder of drums to stun the ear, 
A screaming fife, a voice from ancient slaughters! 

Over the salad let the woodwinds moan; 
Then the green silence of many watercresses; 
Dessert, a balalaika, strummed alone; 
Coffee, a slow, low singing no passion stresses; 
Such are my thoughts as -- clang! crash! bang! -- I brood 
And gorge the sticky mess these fools call food!
Written by Amy Lowell | Create an image from this poem

In a Castle

Over the yawning chimney hangs the fog.
Drip -- hiss -- drip -- hiss -- fall the raindrops on the oaken log which burns, and steams, and smokes the ceiling beams.
Drip -- hiss -- the rain never stops.
The wide, state bed shivers beneath its velvet coverlet.
Above, dim, in the smoke, a tarnished coronet gleams dully.
Overhead hammers and chinks the rain.
Fearfully wails the wind down distant corridors, and there comes the swish and sigh of rushes lifted off the floors.
The arras blows sidewise out from the wall, and then falls back again.
It is my lady's key, confided with much nice cunning, whisperingly.
He enters on a sob of wind, which gutters the candles almost to swaling.
The fire flutters and drops.
Drip -- hiss -- the rain never stops.
He shuts the door.
The rushes fall again to stillness along the floor.
Outside, the wind goes wailing.
The velvet coverlet of the wide bed is smooth and cold.
Above, in the firelight, winks the coronet of tarnished gold.
The knight shivers in his coat of fur, and holds out his hands to the withering flame.
She is always the same, a sweet coquette.
He will wait for her.
How the log hisses and drips! How warm and satisfying will be her lips! It is wide and cold, the state bed; but when her head lies under the coronet, and her eyes are full and wet with love, and when she holds out her arms, and the velvet counterpane half slips from her, and alarms her trembling modesty, how eagerly he will leap to cover her, and blot himself beneath the quilt, making her laugh and tremble.
Is it guilt to free a lady from her palsied lord, absent and fighting, terribly abhorred? He stirs a booted heel and kicks a rolling coal.
His spur clinks on the hearth.
Overhead, the rain hammers and chinks.
She is so pure and whole.
Only because he has her soul will she resign herself to him, for where the soul has gone, the body must be given as a sign.
He takes her by the divine right of the only lover.
He has sworn to fight her lord, and wed her after.
Should he be overborne, she will die adoring him, forlorn, shriven by her great love.
Above, the coronet winks in the darkness.
Drip -- hiss -- fall the raindrops.
The arras blows out from the wall, and a door bangs in a far-off hall.
The candles swale.
In the gale the moat below plunges and spatters.
Will the lady lose courage and not come? The rain claps on a loosened rafter.
Is that laughter? The room is filled with lisps and whispers.
Something mutters.
One candle drowns and the other gutters.
Is that the rain which pads and patters, is it the wind through the winding entries which chatters? The state bed is very cold and he is alone.
How far from the wall the arras is blown! Christ's Death! It is no storm which makes these little chuckling sounds.
By the Great Wounds of Holy Jesus, it is his dear lady, kissing and clasping someone! Through the sobbing storm he hears her love take form and flutter out in words.
They prick into his ears and stun his desire, which lies within him, hard and dead, like frozen fire.
And the little noise never stops.
Drip -- hiss -- the rain drops.
He tears down the arras from before an inner chamber's bolted door.
II The state bed shivers in the watery dawn.
Drip -- hiss -- fall the raindrops.
For the storm never stops.
On the velvet coverlet lie two bodies, stripped and fair in the cold, grey air.
Drip -- hiss -- fall the blood-drops, for the bleeding never stops.
The bodies lie quietly.
At each side of the bed, on the floor, is a head.
A man's on this side, a woman's on that, and the red blood oozes along the rush mat.
A wisp of paper is twisted carefully into the strands of the dead man's hair.
It says, "My Lord: Your wife's paramour has paid with his life for the high favour.
" Through the lady's silver fillet is wound another paper.
It reads, "Most noble Lord: Your wife's misdeeds are as a double-stranded necklace of beads.
But I have engaged that, on your return, she shall welcome you here.
She will not spurn your love as before, you have still the best part of her.
Her blood was red, her body white, they will both be here for your delight.
The soul inside was a lump of dirt, I have rid you of that with a spurt of my sword point.
Good luck to your pleasure.
She will be quite complaisant, my friend, I wager.
" The end was a splashed flourish of ink.
Hark! In the passage is heard the clink of armour, the tread of a heavy man.
The door bursts open and standing there, his thin hair wavering in the glare of steely daylight, is my Lord of Clair.
Over the yawning chimney hangs the fog.
Drip -- hiss -- drip -- hiss -- fall the raindrops.
Overhead hammers and chinks the rain which never stops.
The velvet coverlet is sodden and wet, yet the roof beams are tight.
Overhead, the coronet gleams with its blackened gold, winking and blinking.
Among the rushes three corpses are growing cold.
III In the castle church you may see them stand, Two sumptuous tombs on either hand Of the choir, my Lord's and my Lady's, grand In sculptured filigrees.
And where the transepts of the church expand, A crusader, come from the Holy Land, Lies with crossed legs and embroidered band.
The page's name became a brand For shame.
He was buried in crawling sand, After having been burnt by royal command.

Book: Shattered Sighs