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Best Famous Shotgun Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Shotgun poems. This is a select list of the best famous Shotgun poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Shotgun poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of shotgun poems.

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Written by Roger McGough | Create an image from this poem

The Lesson

 Chaos ruled OK in the classroom
as bravely the teacher walked in
the nooligans ignored him
hid voice was lost in the din

"The theme for today is violence
and homework will be set
I'm going to teach you a lesson
one that you'll never forget"

He picked on a boy who was shouting
and throttled him then and there
then garrotted the girl behind him
(the one with grotty hair)

Then sword in hand he hacked his way
between the chattering rows
"First come, first severed" he declared
"fingers, feet or toes"

He threw the sword at a latecomer
it struck with deadly aim
then pulling out a shotgun
he continued with his game

The first blast cleared the backrow
(where those who skive hang out)
they collapsed like rubber dinghies
when the plug's pulled out

"Please may I leave the room sir?"
a trembling vandal enquired
"Of course you may" said teacher
put the gun to his temple and fired

The Head popped a head round the doorway
to see why a din was being made
nodded understandingly
then tossed in a grenade

And when the ammo was well spent
with blood on every chair
Silence shuffled forward
with its hands up in the air

The teacher surveyed the carnage
the dying and the dead
He waggled a finger severely
"Now let that be a lesson" he said

Written by Gary Fincke | Create an image from this poem

The Magpie Evening: A Prayer

           When magpies die, each of the living swoops down 
           and pecks, one by one, in an accepted order.
He coaxed my car to start, the boy who’s killed himself.
He twisted a cable, performed CPR on The carburetor while my three children shivered Through the unanswerable questions about stalled.
He chose shotgun, full in the face, so no one stepped Into the cold, blowing on his hands, to fix him.
Let him rest now, the minister says.
Let this be, Repeating himself to four brothers, five sisters, All of them my neighbors until they grew and left.
Let us pray.
Let us manage what we need to say.
Let this house with its three hand-made additions be Large enough for the one day of necessity.
Let evening empty each room to ceremony Chosen by the remaining nine.
Let the awful, Forecasted weather hold off in east Ohio Until each of them, oldest to youngest, has passed.
Let their thirty-seven children scatter into The squabbling of the everyday, and let them break This creeping chain of cars into the fanning out Toward anger and selfishness and the need to eat At any of the thousand tables they will pass.
Let them wait.
Let them correctly choose the right turn Or the left, this entrance ramp, that exit, the last Confusing fork before the familiar driveway Three hundred miles and more from these bleak thunderheads.
Let them regather into the chairs exactly Matched to their numbers, blessing the bountiful or The meager with voices that soar toward renewal.
Let them have mercy on themselves.
Let my children, Grown now, be repairing my faults with forgiveness.
© Gary Fincke
Written by Joy Harjo | Create an image from this poem

Deer Dancer

 Nearly everyone had left that bar in the middle of winter except the
It was the coldest night of the year, every place shut down, but not us.
Of course we noticed when she came in.
We were Indian ruins.
She was the end of beauty.
No one knew her, the stranger whose tribe we recognized, her family related to deer, if that's who she was, a people accustomed to hearing songs in pine trees, and making them hearts.
The woman inside the woman who was to dance naked in the bar of misfits blew deer magic.
Henry jack, who could not survive a sober day, thought she was Buffalo Calf Woman come back, passed out, his head by the toilet.
All night he dreamed a dream he could not say.
The next day he borrowed money, went home, and sent back the money I lent.
Now that's a miracle.
Some people see vision in a burned tortilla, some in the face of a woman.
This is the bar of broken survivors, the club of the shotgun, knife wound, of poison by culture.
We who were taught not to stare drank our beer.
The players gossiped down their cues.
Someone put a quarter in the jukebox to relive despair.
Richard's wife dove to kill her.
We had to keep her still, while Richard secretly bought the beauty a drink.
How do I say it?In this language there are no words for how the real world collapses.
I could say it in my own and the sacred mounds would come into focus, but I couldn't take it in this dingy envelope.
So I look at the stars in this strange city, frozen to the back of the sky, the only promises that ever make sense.
My brother-in-law hung out with white people, went to law school with a perfect record, quit.
Says you can keep your laws, your words.
And practiced law on the street with his hands.
He jimmied to the proverbial dream girl, the face of the moon, while the players racked a new game.
He bragged to us, he told her magic words and that when she broke, became human.
But we all heard his voice crack: What's a girl like you doing in a place like this? That's what I'd like to know, what are we all doing in a place like this? You would know she could hear only what she wanted to; don't we all?Left the drink of betrayal Richard bought her, at the bar.
What was she on?We all wanted some.
Put a quarter in the juke.
We all take risks stepping into thin air.
Our ceremonies didn't predict this.
or we expected more.
I had to tell you this, for the baby inside the girl sealed up with a lick of hope and swimming into the praise of nations.
This is not a rooming house, but a dream of winter falls and the deer who portrayed the relatives of strangers.
The way back is deer breath on icy windows.
The next dance none of us predicted.
She borrowed a chair for the stairway to heaven and stood on a table of names.
And danced in the room of children without shoes.
You picked a fine time to leave me, Lucille With four hungry children and a crop in the field.
And then she took off her clothes.
She shook loose memory, waltzed with the empty lover we'd all become.
She was the myth slipped down through dreamtime.
The promise of feast we all knew was coming.
The deer who crossed through knots of a curse to find us.
She was no slouch, and neither were we, watching.
The music ended.
And so does the story.
I wasn't there.
But I imagined her like this, not a stained red dress with tape on her heels but the deer who entered our dream in white dawn, breathed mist into pine trees, her fawn a blessing of meat, the ancestors who never left.
Written by Robert Frost | Create an image from this poem

The Mountain

 The mountain held the town as in a shadow 
I saw so much before I slept there once: 
I noticed that I missed stars in the west, 
Where its black body cut into the sky.
Near me it seemed: I felt it like a wall Behind which I was sheltered from a wind.
And yet between the town and it I found, When I walked forth at dawn to see new things, Were fields, a river, and beyond, more fields.
The river at the time was fallen away, And made a widespread brawl on cobble-stones; But the signs showed what it had done in spring; Good grass-land gullied out, and in the grass Ridges of sand, and driftwood stripped of bark.
I crossed the river and swung round the mountain.
And there I met a man who moved so slow With white-faced oxen in a heavy cart, It seemed no hand to stop him altogether.
"What town is this?" I asked.
"This? Lunenburg.
" Then I was wrong: the town of my sojourn, Beyond the bridge, was not that of the mountain, But only felt at night its shadowy presence.
"Where is your village? Very far from here?" "There is no village--only scattered farms.
We were but sixty voters last election.
We can't in nature grow to many more: That thing takes all the room!" He moved his goad.
The mountain stood there to be pointed at.
Pasture ran up the side a little way, And then there was a wall of trees with trunks: After that only tops of trees, and cliffs Imperfectly concealed among the leaves.
A dry ravine emerged from under boughs Into the pasture.
"That looks like a path.
Is that the way to reach the top from here?-- Not for this morning, but some other time: I must be getting back to breakfast now.
" "I don't advise your trying from this side.
There is no proper path, but those that have Been up, I understand, have climbed from Ladd's.
That's five miles back.
You can't mistake the place: They logged it there last winter some way up.
I'd take you, but I'm bound the other way.
" "You've never climbed it?" "I've been on the sides Deer-hunting and trout-fishing.
There's a brook That starts up on it somewhere--I've heard say Right on the top, tip-top--a curious thing.
But what would interest you about the brook, It's always cold in summer, warm in winter.
One of the great sights going is to see It steam in winter like an ox's breath, Until the bushes all along its banks Are inch-deep with the frosty spines and bristles-- You know the kind.
Then let the sun shine on it!" "There ought to be a view around the world From such a mountain--if it isn't wooded Clear to the top.
" I saw through leafy screens Great granite terraces in sun and shadow, Shelves one could rest a knee on getting up-- With depths behind him sheer a hundred feet; Or turn and sit on and look out and down, With little ferns in crevices at his elbow.
"As to that I can't say.
But there's the spring, Right on the summit, almost like a fountain.
That ought to be worth seeing.
" "If it's there.
You never saw it?" "I guess there's no doubt About its being there.
I never saw it.
It may not be right on the very top: It wouldn't have to be a long way down To have some head of water from above, And a good distance down might not be noticed By anyone who'd come a long way up.
One time I asked a fellow climbing it To look and tell me later how it was.
" "What did he say?" "He said there was a lake Somewhere in Ireland on a mountain top.
" "But a lake's different.
What about the spring?" "He never got up high enough to see.
That's why I don't advise your trying this side.
He tried this side.
I've always meant to go And look myself, but you know how it is: It doesn't seem so much to climb a mountain You've worked around the foot of all your life.
What would I do? Go in my overalls, With a big stick, the same as when the cows Haven't come down to the bars at milking time? Or with a shotgun for a stray black bear? 'Twouldn't seem real to climb for climbing it.
" "I shouldn't climb it if I didn't want to-- Not for the sake of climbing.
What's its name?" "We call it Hor: I don't know if that's right.
" "Can one walk around it? Would it be too far?" "You can drive round and keep in Lunenburg, But it's as much as ever you can do, The boundary lines keep in so close to it.
Hor is the township, and the township's Hor-- And a few houses sprinkled round the foot, Like boulders broken off the upper cliff, Rolled out a little farther than the rest.
" "Warm in December, cold in June, you say?" "I don't suppose the water's changed at all.
You and I know enough to know it's warm Compared with cold, and cold compared with warm.
But all the fun's in how you say a thing.
" "You've lived here all your life?" "Ever since Hor Was no bigger than a----" What, I did not hear.
He drew the oxen toward him with light touches Of his slim goad on nose and offside flank, Gave them their marching orders and was moving.
Written by Marge Piercy | Create an image from this poem

Toad Dreams

 That afternoon the dream of the toads 
rang through the elms by Little River
and affected the thoughts of men, 
though they were not conscious that 
they heard it.
--Henry Thoreau The dream of toads: we rarely credit what we consider lesser life with emotions big as ours, but we are easily distracted, abstracted.
People sit nibbling before television's flicker watching ghosts chase balls and each other while the skunk is out risking grisly death to cross the highway to mate; while the fox scales the wire fence where it knows the shotgun lurks to taste the sweet blood of a hen.
Birds are greedy little bombs bursting to give voice to appetite.
I had a cat who died of love.
Dogs trail their masters across con- tinents.
We are far too busy to be starkly simple in passion.
We will never dream the intense wet spring lust of the toads.

Written by Bob Hicok | Create an image from this poem

Spirit Dity Of No Fax Line Dial Tone

 The telephone company calls and asks what the fuss is.
Betty from the telephone company, who's not concerned with the particulars of my life.
For instance if I believe in the transubstantiation of Christ or am gladdened at 7:02 in the morning to repeat an eighth time why a man wearing a hula skirt of tools slung low on his hips must a fifth time track mud across my white kitchen tile to look down at a phone jack.
Up to a work order.
Down at a phone jack.
Up to a work order.
Over at me.
Down at a phone jack.
Up to a work order before announcing the problem I have is not the problem I have because the problem I have cannot occur in this universe though possibly in an alternate universe which is not the responsibility or in any way the product, child or subsidiary of AT&T.
With practice I've come to respect this moment.
One man in jeans, t-shirt and socks looking across space at a man with probes and pliers of various inclinations, nothing being said for five or ten seconds, perhaps I'm still in pajamas and he has a cleft pallet or is so tall that gigantism comes to mind but I can't remember what causes flesh to pile that high, five or ten seconds of taking in and being taken in by eyes and a brain, during which I don't build a shotgun from what's at hand, oatmeal and National Geographics or a taser from hair caught in the drain and the million volts of frustration popping through my body.
Even though.
Even though his face is an abstract painting called Void.
Even though I'm wondering if my pajama flap is open, placing me at a postural disadvantage.
Breathe I say inside my head, which is where I store thoughts for the winter.
All is an illusion I say by disassembling my fists, letting each finger loose to graze.
Thank you I say to kill the silence with my mouth, meaning **** you, meaning die you shoulder-shrugging fusion of chipped chromosomes and puss, meaning enough.
That a portal exists in my wall that even its makers can't govern seems an accurate mirror of life.
Here's the truce I offer: I'll pay whatever's asked to be left alone.
To receive a fax from me stand beside your mailbox for a week.
It will come in what appears to be an envelope.
While waiting for the fax reintroduce yourself to the sky.
It's often blue and will transmit without fail everything clouds have been trying to say to you.
Written by John Berryman | Create an image from this poem

Dream Song 34: My mother has your shotgun. One man wide

 My mother has your shotgun.
One man, wide in the mind, and tendoned like a grizzly, pried to his trigger-digit, pal.
He should not have done that, but, I guess, he didn't feel the best, Sister,—felt less and more about less than us .
? Now—tell me, my love, if you recall the dove light after dawn at the island and all— here is the story, Jack: he verbed for forty years, very enough, & shot & buckt—and, baby, there was of schist but small there (some).
Why should I tell a truth? when in the crack of the dooming & emptying news I did hold back— in the taxi too, sick— silent—it's so I broke down here, in his mind whose sire as mine one same way—I refuse, hoping the guy go home.

Book: Shattered Sighs