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Best Famous Prong Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Prong poems. This is a select list of the best famous Prong poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Prong poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of prong poems.

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Written by Robinson Jeffers | Create an image from this poem

Birthday (Autobiography)

 Seventy years ago my mother labored to bear me,
A twelve-pound baby with a big head,
Her first, it was plain torture.
Finally they used the forceps And dragged me out, with one prong In my right eye, and slapped and banged me until I breathed.
I am not particularly grateful for it.
As to the eye: it remained invalid and now has a cataract.
It can see gods and spirits in its cloud, And the weird end of the world: the left one's for common daylight.
As to my mother: A rather beautiful young woman married to a grim clergyman Twenty-two years older than she: She had her little innocent diversions, her little travels in Europe— And once for scandal kissed the Pope's ring— Perhaps her life was no emptier than other lives.
Both parents Swim in my blood and distort my thought but the old man's welcome.

Written by Robert Frost | Create an image from this poem

The Death of the Hired Man

 Mary sat musing on the lamp-flame at the table
Waiting for Warren.
When she heard his step, She ran on tip-toe down the darkened passage To meet him in the doorway with the news And put him on his guard.
'Silas is back.
' She pushed him outward with her through the door And shut it after her.
"Be kind,' she said.
She took the market things from Warren's arms And set them on the porch, then drew him down To sit beside her on the wooden steps.
'When was I ever anything but kind to him? But I'll not have the fellow back,' he said.
'I told him so last haying, didn't I? "If he left then," I said, "that ended it.
" What good is he? Who else will harbour him At his age for the little he can do? What help he is there's no depending on.
Off he goes always when I need him most.
'He thinks he ought to earn a little pay, Enough at least to buy tobacco with, won't have to beg and be beholden.
" "All right," I say "I can't afford to pay Any fixed wages, though I wish I could.
" "Someone else can.
" "Then someone else will have to.
I shouldn't mind his bettering himself If that was what it was.
You can be certain, When he begins like that, there's someone at him Trying to coax him off with pocket-money, -- In haying time, when any help is scarce.
In winter he comes back to us.
I'm done.
' 'Shh I not so loud: he'll hear you,' Mary said.
'I want him to: he'll have to soon or late.
' 'He's worn out.
He's asleep beside the stove.
When I came up from Rowe's I found him here, Huddled against the barn-door fast asleep, A miserable sight, and frightening, too- You needn't smile -- I didn't recognize him- I wasn't looking for him- and he's changed.
Wait till you see.
' 'Where did you say he'd been? 'He didn't say.
I dragged him to the house, And gave him tea and tried to make him smoke.
I tried to make him talk about his travels.
Nothing would do: he just kept nodding off.
' 'What did he say? Did he say anything?' 'But little.
' 'Anything? Mary, confess He said he'd come to ditch the meadow for me.
' 'Warren!' 'But did he? I just want to know.
' 'Of course he did.
What would you have him say? Surely you wouldn't grudge the poor old man Some humble way to save his self-respect.
He added, if you really care to know, He meant to dear the upper pasture, too.
That sounds like something you have heard before? Warren, I wish you could have heard the way He jumbled everything.
I stopped to look Two or three times -- he made me feel so *****-- To see if he was talking in his sleep.
He ran on Harold Wilson -- you remember - The boy you had in haying four years since.
He's finished school, and teaching in his college.
Silas declares you'll have to get him back.
He says they two will make a team for work: Between them they will lay this farm as smooth! The way he mixed that in with other things.
He thinks young Wilson a likely lad, though daft On education -- you know how they fought All through July under the blazing sun, Silas up on the cart to build the load, Harold along beside to pitch it on.
' 'Yes, I took care to keep well out of earshot.
' 'Well, those days trouble Silas like a dream.
You wouldn't think they would.
How some things linger! Harold's young college boy's assurance piqued him.
After so many years he still keeps finding Good arguments he sees he might have used.
I sympathize.
I know just how it feels To think of the right thing to say too late.
Harold's associated in his mind with Latin.
He asked me what I thought of Harold's saying He studied Latin like the violin Because he liked it -- that an argument! He said he couldn't make the boy believe He could find water with a hazel prong-- Which showed how much good school had ever done him.
He wanted to go over that.
'But most of all He thinks if he could have another chance To teach him how to build a load of hay --' 'I know, that's Silas' one accomplishment.
He bundles every forkful in its place, And tags and numbers it for future reference, So he can find and easily dislodge it In the unloading.
Silas does that well.
He takes it out in bunches like big birds' nests.
You never see him standing on the hay He's trying to lift, straining to lift himself.
' 'He thinks if he could teach him that, he'd be Some good perhaps to someone in the world.
He hates to see a boy the fool of books.
Poor Silas, so concerned for other folk, And nothing to look backward to with pride, And nothing to look forward to with hope, So now and never any different.
' Part of a moon was filling down the west, Dragging the whole sky with it to the hills.
Its light poured softly in her lap.
She saw And spread her apron to it.
She put out her hand Among the harp-like morning-glory strings, Taut with the dew from garden bed to eaves, As if she played unheard the tenderness That wrought on him beside her in the night.
'Warren,' she said, 'he has come home to die: You needn't be afraid he'll leave you this time.
' 'Home,' he mocked gently.
'Yes, what else but home? It all depends on what you mean by home.
Of course he's nothing to us, any more then was the hound that came a stranger to us Out of the woods, worn out upon the trail.
' 'Home is the place where, when you have to go there, They have to take you in.
' 'I should have called it Something you somehow haven't to deserve.
' Warren leaned out and took a step or two, Picked up a little stick, and brought it back And broke it in his hand and tossed it by.
'Silas has better claim on' us, you think, Than on his brother? Thirteen little miles As the road winds would bring him to his door.
Silas has walked that far no doubt to-day.
Why didn't he go there? His brother's rich, A somebody- director in the bank.
' 'He never told us that.
' 'We know it though.
' 'I think his brother ought to help, of course.
I'll see to that if there is need.
He ought of right To take him in, and might be willing to- He may be better than appearances.
But have some pity on Silas.
Do you think If he'd had any pride in claiming kin Or anything he looked for from his brother, He'd keep so still about him all this time?' 'I wonder what's between them.
' 'I can tell you.
Silas is what he is -- we wouldn't mind him-- But just the kind that kinsfolk can't abide.
He never did a thing so very bad.
He don't know why he isn't quite as good As anyone.
He won't be made ashamed To please his brother, worthless though he is.
' 'I can't think Si ever hurt anyone.
' 'No, but he hurt my heart the way he lay And rolled his old head on that sharp-edged chair-back.
He wouldn't let me put him on the lounge.
You must go in and see what you can do.
I made the bed up for him there to-night.
You'll be surprised at him -- how much he's broken.
His working days are done; I'm sure of it.
' 'I'd not be in a hurry to say that.
' 'I haven't been.
Go, look, see for yourself.
But, Warren, please remember how it is: He' come to help you ditch the meadow.
He has a plan, You mustn't laugh at him.
He may not speak of it, and then he may.
I'll sit and see if that small sailing cloud Will hit or miss the moon.
' It hit the moon.
Then there were three there, making a dim row, The moon, the little silver cloud, and she.
Warren returned-- too soon, it seemed to her, Slipped to her side, caught up her hand and waited.
'Warren?' she questioned.
'Dead,' was all he answered.
Written by Walt Whitman | Create an image from this poem

Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking

OUT of the cradle endlessly rocking, 
Out of the mocking-bird’s throat, the musical shuttle, 
Out of the Ninth-month midnight, 
Over the sterile sands, and the fields beyond, where the child, leaving his bed, wander’d
 alone, bare-headed, barefoot, 
Down from the shower’d halo,
Up from the mystic play of shadows, twining and twisting as if they were alive, 
Out from the patches of briers and blackberries, 
From the memories of the bird that chanted to me, 
From your memories, sad brother—from the fitful risings and fallings I heard, 
From under that yellow half-moon, late-risen, and swollen as if with tears,
From those beginning notes of sickness and love, there in the transparent mist, 
From the thousand responses of my heart, never to cease, 
From the myriad thence-arous’d words, 
From the word stronger and more delicious than any, 
From such, as now they start, the scene revisiting,
As a flock, twittering, rising, or overhead passing, 
Borne hither—ere all eludes me, hurriedly, 
A man—yet by these tears a little boy again, 
Throwing myself on the sand, confronting the waves, 
I, chanter of pains and joys, uniter of here and hereafter,
Taking all hints to use them—but swiftly leaping beyond them, 
A reminiscence sing.
2 Once, Paumanok, When the snows had melted—when the lilac-scent was in the air, and the Fifth-month grass was growing, Up this sea-shore, in some briers, Two guests from Alabama—two together, And their nest, and four light-green eggs, spotted with brown, And every day the he-bird, to and fro, near at hand, And every day the she-bird, crouch’d on her nest, silent, with bright eyes, And every day I, a curious boy, never too close, never disturbing them, Cautiously peering, absorbing, translating.
3 Shine! shine! shine! Pour down your warmth, great Sun! While we bask—we two together.
Two together! Winds blow South, or winds blow North, Day come white, or night come black, Home, or rivers and mountains from home, Singing all time, minding no time, While we two keep together.
4 Till of a sudden, May-be kill’d, unknown to her mate, One forenoon the she-bird crouch’d not on the nest, Nor return’d that afternoon, nor the next, Nor ever appear’d again.
And thenceforward, all summer, in the sound of the sea, And at night, under the full of the moon, in calmer weather, Over the hoarse surging of the sea, Or flitting from brier to brier by day, I saw, I heard at intervals, the remaining one, the he-bird, The solitary guest from Alabama.
5 Blow! blow! blow! Blow up, sea-winds, along Paumanok’s shore! I wait and I wait, till you blow my mate to me.
6 Yes, when the stars glisten’d, All night long, on the prong of a moss-scallop’d stake, Down, almost amid the slapping waves, Sat the lone singer, wonderful, causing tears.
He call’d on his mate; He pour’d forth the meanings which I, of all men, know.
Yes, my brother, I know; The rest might not—but I have treasur’d every note; For once, and more than once, dimly, down to the beach gliding, Silent, avoiding the moonbeams, blending myself with the shadows, Recalling now the obscure shapes, the echoes, the sounds and sights after their sorts, The white arms out in the breakers tirelessly tossing, I, with bare feet, a child, the wind wafting my hair, Listen’d long and long.
Listen’d, to keep, to sing—now translating the notes, Following you, my brother.
7 Soothe! soothe! soothe! Close on its wave soothes the wave behind, And again another behind, embracing and lapping, every one close, But my love soothes not me, not me.
Low hangs the moon—it rose late; O it is lagging—O I think it is heavy with love, with love.
O madly the sea pushes, pushes upon the land, With love—with love.
O night! do I not see my love fluttering out there among the breakers? What is that little black thing I see there in the white? Loud! loud! loud! Loud I call to you, my love! High and clear I shoot my voice over the waves; Surely you must know who is here, is here; You must know who I am, my love.
Low-hanging moon! What is that dusky spot in your brown yellow? O it is the shape, the shape of my mate! O moon, do not keep her from me any longer.
Land! land! O land! Whichever way I turn, O I think you could give me my mate back again, if you only would; For I am almost sure I see her dimly whichever way I look.
O rising stars! Perhaps the one I want so much will rise, will rise with some of you.
O throat! O trembling throat! Sound clearer through the atmosphere! Pierce the woods, the earth; Somewhere listening to catch you, must be the one I want.
Shake out, carols! Solitary here—the night’s carols! Carols of lonesome love! Death’s carols! Carols under that lagging, yellow, waning moon! O, under that moon, where she droops almost down into the sea! O reckless, despairing carols.
But soft! sink low; Soft! let me just murmur; And do you wait a moment, you husky-noised sea; For somewhere I believe I heard my mate responding to me, So faint—I must be still, be still to listen; But not altogether still, for then she might not come immediately to me.
Hither, my love! Here I am! Here! With this just-sustain’d note I announce myself to you; This gentle call is for you, my love, for you.
Do not be decoy’d elsewhere! That is the whistle of the wind—it is not my voice; That is the fluttering, the fluttering of the spray; Those are the shadows of leaves.
O darkness! O in vain! O I am very sick and sorrowful.
O brown halo in the sky, near the moon, drooping upon the sea! O troubled reflection in the sea! O throat! O throbbing heart! O all—and I singing uselessly, uselessly all the night.
Yet I murmur, murmur on! O murmurs—you yourselves make me continue to sing, I know not why.
O past! O life! O songs of joy! In the air—in the woods—over fields; Loved! loved! loved! loved! loved! But my love no more, no more with me! We two together no more.
8 The aria sinking; All else continuing—the stars shining, The winds blowing—the notes of the bird continuous echoing, With angry moans the fierce old mother incessantly moaning, On the sands of Paumanok’s shore, gray and rustling; The yellow half-moon enlarged, sagging down, drooping, the face of the sea almost touching; The boy extatic—with his bare feet the waves, with his hair the atmosphere dallying, The love in the heart long pent, now loose, now at last tumultuously bursting, The aria’s meaning, the ears, the Soul, swiftly depositing, The strange tears down the cheeks coursing, The colloquy there—the trio—each uttering, The undertone—the savage old mother, incessantly crying, To the boy’s Soul’s questions sullenly timing—some drown’d secret hissing, To the outsetting bard of love.
9 Demon or bird! (said the boy’s soul,) Is it indeed toward your mate you sing? or is it mostly to me? For I, that was a child, my tongue’s use sleeping, Now I have heard you, Now in a moment I know what I am for—I awake, And already a thousand singers—a thousand songs, clearer, louder and more sorrowful than yours, A thousand warbling echoes have started to life within me, Never to die.
O you singer, solitary, singing by yourself—projecting me; O solitary me, listening—nevermore shall I cease perpetuating you; Never more shall I escape, never more the reverberations, Never more the cries of unsatisfied love be absent from me, Never again leave me to be the peaceful child I was before what there, in the night, By the sea, under the yellow and sagging moon, The messenger there arous’d—the fire, the sweet hell within, The unknown want, the destiny of me.
O give me the clew! (it lurks in the night here somewhere;) O if I am to have so much, let me have more! O a word! O what is my destination? (I fear it is henceforth chaos;) O how joys, dreads, convolutions, human shapes, and all shapes, spring as from graves around me! O phantoms! you cover all the land and all the sea! O I cannot see in the dimness whether you smile or frown upon me; O vapor, a look, a word! O well-beloved! O you dear women’s and men’s phantoms! A word then, (for I will conquer it,) The word final, superior to all, Subtle, sent up—what is it?—I listen; Are you whispering it, and have been all the time, you sea-waves? Is that it from your liquid rims and wet sands? 10 Whereto answering, the sea, Delaying not, hurrying not, Whisper’d me through the night, and very plainly before day-break, Lisp’d to me the low and delicious word DEATH; And again Death—ever Death, Death, Death, Hissing melodious, neither like the bird, nor like my arous’d child’s heart, But edging near, as privately for me, rustling at my feet, Creeping thence steadily up to my ears, and laving me softly all over, Death, Death, Death, Death, Death.
Which I do not forget, But fuse the song of my dusky demon and brother, That he sang to me in the moonlight on Paumanok’s gray beach, With the thousand responsive songs, at random, My own songs, awaked from that hour; And with them the key, the word up from the waves, The word of the sweetest song, and all songs, That strong and delicious word which, creeping to my feet, The sea whisper’d me.
Written by James Henry Leigh Hunt | Create an image from this poem

A Fish Answers

 Amazing monster! that, for aught I know, 
With the first sight of thee didst make our race 
For ever stare! O flat and shocking face, 
Grimly divided from the breast below! 
Thou that on dry land horribly dost go 
With a split body and most ridiculous pace, 
Prong after prong, disgracer of all grace, 
Long-useless-finned, haired, upright, unwet, slow! 

O breather of unbreathable, sword-sharp air, 
How canst exist? How bear thyself, thou dry 
And dreary sloth? WHat particle canst share 
Of the only blessed life, the watery? 
I sometimes see of ye an actual pair 
Go by! linked fin by fin! most odiously.
Written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Create an image from this poem


SWEET smiles the May! The forest gay From frost and ice is freed; No snow is found, Glad songs resound Across the verdant mead.
Upon the height The snow lies light, Yet thither now we go, There to extol our Father's name, Whom we for ages know.
Amid the smoke shall gleam the flame; Thus pure the heart will grow.
Amid the smoke shall gleam the flame; Extol we now our Father's name, Whom we for ages know! Up, up, then, let us go! ONE OF THE PEOPLE.
Would ye, then, so rashly act? Would ye instant death attract? Know ye not the cruel threats Of the victors we obey? Round about are placed their nets In the sinful heathen's way.
Ah! upon the lofty wall Wife and children slaughter they; And we all Hasten to a certain fall.
Ay, upon the camp's high wall All our children loved they slay.
Ah, what cruel victors they! And we all Hasten to a certain fall.
Who fears to-day His rites to pay, Deserves his chains to wear.
The forest's free! This wood take we, And straight a pile prepare! Yet in the wood To stay 'tis good By day, till all is still, With watchers all around us plac'd Protecting you from ill.
With courage fresh, then let us haste Our duties to fulfil.
Ye valiant watchers, now divide Your numbers through the forest wide, And see that all is still, While they their rites fulfil.
Let us in a cunning wise, Yon dull Christian priests surprise With the devil of their talk We'll those very priests confound.
Come with prong, and come with fork.
Raise a wild and rattling sound Through the livelong night, and prowl All the rocky passes round.
Screechowl, owl, Join in chorus with our howl! CHORUS OF WATCHERS.
Come with prong, and come with fork, Like the devil of their talk, And with wildly rattling sound, Prowl the desert rocks around! Screechowl, owl, Join in chorus with our howl! A DRUID.
Thus far 'tis right.
That we by night Our Father's praises sing; Yet when 'tis day, To Thee we may A heart unsullied bring.
'Tis true that now, And often, Thou Fav'rest the foe in fight.
As from the smoke is freed the blaze, So let our faith burn bright! And if they crush our golden ways, Who e'er can crush Thy light? A CHRISTIAN WATCHER.
Comrades, quick! your aid afford! All the brood of hell's abroad; See how their enchanted forms Through and through with flames are glowing! Dragon-women, men-wolf swarms, On in quick succession going! Let us, let us haste to fly! Wilder yet the sounds are growing, And the archfiend roars on high; From the ground Hellish vapours rise around.
Terrible enchanted forms, Dragon-women, men-wolf swarms! Wilder yet the sounds are growing! See, the archfiend comes, all-glowing! From the ground Hellish vapours rise around! CHORUS OF DRUIDS.
As from the smoke is freed the blaze, So let our faith burn bright! And if they crush our golden ways, Who e'er can crush Thy light? 1799.

Book: Shattered Sighs